Drew Broach takes a nostalgic trip down wrinkled robe lane as the Times Picayune profiles recently released internal FBI records.

The Times Picayune went above and beyond in their FOIA based 4 year investigation into Team FBI and Operation Wrinkled Robe, a 9 year saga that concluded with the impeachment last year of Federal District Court Judge Tom pOrteous. We’ve written extensively on both the investigation and last year’s impeachment proceedings with my Bell Cow post on … Continue reading “Drew Broach takes a nostalgic trip down wrinkled robe lane as the Times Picayune profiles recently released internal FBI records.”

Coastal Shoring: Raising the Blood Pressure of Jefferson to New Levels. A Lockemuptight guest post.

Maybe there is a valid reason or reasons why Aaron Broussard has not yet been indicted, his law license revoked and is not currently serving time in jail. Especially considering he is alleged to have conspired to reward himself with unethical/illegal insurance premiums and his wife with a fraudulent salary of a paralegal ($40,000 per … Continue reading “Coastal Shoring: Raising the Blood Pressure of Jefferson to New Levels. A Lockemuptight guest post.”

We have new subpoenas out in the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption investigation

Sources are telling Slabbed that Team Fed recently showed up at the Yenni Building bearing new subpoenas.  While I will not go into detail at this point IMHO this signals a widening of the current investigation. In another development that is possibly related federal courthouse observers have told Slabbed that Aaron Broussard’s driver Mike Miller … Continue reading “We have new subpoenas out in the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption investigation”

Congratulations you found Slabbed. What’s next?

WordPress stats gives a blog moderator some insights into how people are finding the blog via search engines and I’ve noticed people are using google to site search our Jefferson Parish corruption coverage.  Off the top of my head I’ll guess we have at least 500 posts on that general topic and the best way … Continue reading “Congratulations you found Slabbed. What’s next?”

The Times Picayune rolls out more coverage of the Waste Management suit against River Birch

And the story written by Paul Rioux and Frank Donze advanced yesterday’s reporting by including quotes from team Willard-Lewis, who deny being whores for Team River Birch. But it was the comments to the story that really jogged my memory folks. Jason Berry over American Zombie and I don’t personally visit nearly enough, but we’re taking leads from … Continue reading “The Times Picayune rolls out more coverage of the Waste Management suit against River Birch”

The Green Green Gra$$ of Jefferson Parish. A Jefferson Parish Council Pay-to-Play update (Updated)

Folks, grass is all over the news these days and not the smoking variety.  Here in Bay St Louis grass was recently topical as the City actually terminated its outside contract for cutting grass on city rights of way etc citing the resulting savings as one of the major items that helped it make ends meet … Continue reading “The Green Green Gra$$ of Jefferson Parish. A Jefferson Parish Council Pay-to-Play update (Updated)”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

And what is ‘quid pro quo’ corruption ? A regular commenter on Slabbed, ‘lockemuptight’ recently shared this rather pointed insight: “…Despite the fact that the parish is still on the hook for a $55 million loan from FEMA the Council will spend the very last penny of public taxpayers money to protect their political thief-doms … Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

Charles Leary of Trout Point comes out of hiding: Comments to blog in Nova Scotia over the widening scandal at Trout Point Lodge

Well folks, what can I say except that Charles Leary evidently has no clue that his career filing frivolous lawsuits was all public record. Regarding the Goat lawsuit he was involved with in Louisiana that we recently profiled he told the folks at Shelburne County Today “I was mentioned in the claim without my knowledge.” Yeah Charlie … Continue reading “Charles Leary of Trout Point comes out of hiding: Comments to blog in Nova Scotia over the widening scandal at Trout Point Lodge”

Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal

I’ve done more than a few posts on the topic of Trout Point Lodge since it first appeared on the pages of the Times Picayune back in January 2010.  I’ll be honest and say I still have no clue why the powers that be at the Times Picayune sold out their own reporter and retracted … Continue reading “Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal”

We have a winner and he is still a loser after all these years…..

What can I say folks, he was a grifter in the exotic cheese biz down here and evidently remains the same in Nova Scotia as Slabbed literally trips on all the skeletons in the pasts of the girls at Trout Point Lodge. He remains a loser because he still doesn’t know how to properly serve his frivolous lawsuits: … Continue reading “We have a winner and he is still a loser after all these years…..”