It’s heating up in New Orleans

Sal’s ears are burning that I guarantee: | The Times-Picayune seeks documents in Danziger Bridge case ~ Slabbed was visited by Team Horn investigators in January 2013. I hope the Times Picayune gets those redactions lifted.  I’ll be keeping a very close eye on this. Meantime Nowdy sends this must read from Radley … Continue reading “It’s heating up in New Orleans”

A couple of thoughts on yesterday’s River Birch bombshell

I’ve been pretty speechless since I heard about this because I have NEVER seen anything like this in 17 years with the federal government. NEVER saw the government let someone off the hook by publicly announcing that they are NOT going to indict him OR publicly stating that they were ending an investigation. Of course, … Continue reading “A couple of thoughts on yesterday’s River Birch bombshell”

Slabbed examines the harassment of internet commenters and Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for private citizen’s expressing their opinion: Part 1

Gordon Russell updated the saga of the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General’s investigation into Sal Perricone and Jan Mann playing on the internet as the deadline for the delivery of the report to Judge Kurt Engelhardt has quietly passed without a peep on PACER or the peeps running the investigation. The deadline for a special … Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of internet commenters and Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for private citizen’s expressing their opinion: Part 1”

Chilling Effects: “In case you were thinking of leaking to the press, think again”

In another stroke of irony, an article relating the events resulting in the dismissal of charges in the Ruehle matter was circulated by email to the attorneys in the United States Attorney’s Office on December 15, 2009, by First AUSA Mann with the notation: “In case you were thinking of leaking to the press, think … Continue reading “Chilling Effects: “In case you were thinking of leaking to the press, think again””

The cancer in Jim Letten’s office diagnosed as metastatic and the patient is terminal. A playing on the internet update. (Updated)

Well folks all the prosecutions Sal Perricone commented upon are all getting a second looksie including the post Katrina Danziger Bridge murders. It goes without saying that Jan Mann should have resigned weeks ago but yesterday the noose around her career’s neck was tightened considerably by Judge Engelhardt, who ordered the Department of Justice to reopen an … Continue reading “The cancer in Jim Letten’s office diagnosed as metastatic and the patient is terminal. A playing on the internet update. (Updated)”

The Times Picayune rolls out more coverage of the Waste Management suit against River Birch

And the story written by Paul Rioux and Frank Donze advanced yesterday’s reporting by including quotes from team Willard-Lewis, who deny being whores for Team River Birch. But it was the comments to the story that really jogged my memory folks. Jason Berry over American Zombie and I don’t personally visit nearly enough, but we’re taking leads from … Continue reading “The Times Picayune rolls out more coverage of the Waste Management suit against River Birch”

Dominick “Big D” Fazzio goes on the offensive, tries to have Team Letten disqualified. A Legal Jackassery Update (Updated 3X)

Folks Team Fazzio is pulling out all the stops to keep Dominick “Big D” Fazzio free and available for the defense at team River Birch.  In my last post on this topic I described this case as a branch of a branch of the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal while Paul Rioux at the T-P described the … Continue reading “Dominick “Big D” Fazzio goes on the offensive, tries to have Team Letten disqualified. A Legal Jackassery Update (Updated 3X)”

Slabbed News Miscellany: Catching up edition

I’ve been sent several links by readers asking for a highlight and time has been scarce so here are some links with the ledes had I been charged with writing them: Jackasses in DC continue to act like children playing blame game on credit downgrade. Ed Blakely well knows his fungus as he continues to drink … Continue reading “Slabbed News Miscellany: Catching up edition”

Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.

My desktop is cluttered with links and that does not count the ones I present today for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation.  If the spirit moves me I’ll try to string some of the saved links together around the Saints game today and put a couple of posts in the can for next week. We … Continue reading “Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.”

James Gill strikes again plus Geoff Pender sets the record straight.

Around a week ago I spoke with a new reader who paid me the ultimate compliment IMHO when telling me I distilled the subject matter and made things understandable.  I tell you folks no one in these parts can hold a candle to T-P OpEd columnist James Gill along those lines and today’s column illustrates … Continue reading “James Gill strikes again plus Geoff Pender sets the record straight.”