The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

You want public records you paid tax dollars to have produced ? Well the above picture pretty much sums up the attitude of the Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso…that’s right…FUCK YOUZ… WHAT YOUZ GONNA DUES ABOUT IT !

“…It was Deja Vu …and live on Cox TV too. Our backdrop is during one of the Council meetings around the time the public records debate was heating up as a result of a sudden and dramatic shift in policy resulting from Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s reassignment. She was removed from the Public Records Department only to be replaced by Greg Giangrosso, a Wilkinson lackey. Under Vandenweghe’s direction, public documents were just that, Public Records readily available in most instances to those qualified to request the same. Giangrosso’s assignment was and is to stonewall the release of Public Information which he and his superiors, Peggy Barton and Louis Gruntz, have decided taxpayers are to have limited access to in almost all instances. The response that one receives from Giangrosso is a pasted legalese form letter citing erroneous legal precedent for not honoring the Public Records Request. Margie Seemann (CFGG) was pressing the Council to explain why documents regarding information of a similar topic which she had previously received under Vandenweghe’s tenure, was now routinely denied under some broad and vague “governmental” exception. It was at that moment when Peggy Barton opened her mouth to defend the indefensible, everyone in that Council Chamber and watching TV, could foretell the response as though it would have been uttered by her mentor Tom Wilkinson, himself. She looked down at Ms. Seemann, a facial expression of pure contempt and as sarcastic a tone as one could muster, stated that she would review “OUR” records and “SHE” would determine what would be made available to the public at some later date. And there you have it, Wilkinson in drag…without the proverbial…FUCK YOU, SUE ME!”

And more of the same tone of arrogance, as we read, “…yada, yada…blah, blah, blah of some pasted authority that gives support to her expected response in defending the indefensible. As though this pointed insult by Barton isn’t enough, she further states, “…If the documents you request are not afforded an exception in the public records law, then they will be provided to you in due course. ” Right! In essence, FUCK YOU Margie and Margaret, go away, don’t bother me…” Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

And what is ‘quid pro quo’ corruption ?

A regular commenter on Slabbed, ‘lockemuptight’ recently shared this rather pointed insight:

“…Despite the fact that the parish is still on the hook for a $55 million loan from FEMA the Council will spend the very last penny of public taxpayers money to protect their political thief-doms and to continue the solidarity of the council conspiracy. A conspiracy dedicated to the monopolization of certain parish contracts by certain campaign rich, parish contractors . Why not, it seems to be the newly, voter accepted Mafioso style of politically privileged capitalism.”

There are many avenues that campaign contributions to the Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso take. These contributions almost always guarantee business with the Parish, whether engineering and/or architectural services; contractors of buildings, streets and other infrastructure; consultants for any number issues such as garbage or IT are almost universally heavy contributors to campaigns. However it is the millions and millions of dollars in legal fees paid to lawyers and law firms outside of the Parish Attorney’s Office that remains under the radar, and consequently mostly unknown to the public. In this matter there is no transparency! Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

Criminal Malfeasance, as defined by the Legislature and understood here in Jefferson Parish, has a dual definition:

FIRST THE LAW… apparently enacted to stay in a book and not be applied:


§134. Malfeasance in office

NOTE: §134 eff. until Aug. 15, 2011. See Acts 2010, No. 811, §1.

Malfeasance in office is committed when any public officer or public employee shall:

(1) Intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, as such officer or employee; or

(2) Intentionally perform any such duty in an unlawful manner; or

(3) Knowingly permit any other public officer or public employee, under his authority, to intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, or to perform any such duty in an unlawful manner.

Any duty lawfully required of a public officer or public employee when delegated by him to a public officer or public employee shall be deemed to be a lawful duty of such public officer or employee. The delegation of such lawful duty shall not relieve the public officer or employee of his lawful duty. Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past.

And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge to Parish President, from Council member to Clerk of Court, from a Chief of Police to School Board member, from Mayor to State legislator? Jefferson Parish’s Political establishment’s shocking and disturbing characterization of themselves, both in public projection and by emulating the “Thug Mentality” associated with a mafia family does in fact identify these individuals with what the adopted analogy implies, ORGANIZED CRIME!

Simply stated another way, we have a entrenched, incestuous, arrogant, self-entitlement, retirement junkie Politico Class that do what they ‘wanna do…whatz youz going to do about it?’

Here are some examples of such abominable public exhibition: Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

DICTATOR KERNER…Pirating The Town of Lafitte’s political process. A special election update by Whitmergate

Mayor Tim Kerner, the de facto Dictator of Lafitte, along with his miscreants on the Town Council, were all “re-anointed” as a result of the total lack of CITIZEN/VOTER participation and the resignation of defeat by a populace whose apathy can best be described as an insult to all members of our military that have died in the past and are serving presently to instill the goals of a republican democratic process around the world, buttressed on the freedom to vote !

And I quote from the delusional Dictator himself:

“Kerner said he feels honored to be re-elected without opposition. “It’s really a wonderful thing. It makes me want to work even harder to do a good job for the people of Lafitte,” he said.

What election fool ? What tripe ! You and others hold office only as a result of the public’s default of their moral obligation and responsibility to honor and maintain the constitutional electoral system guaranteed by our Republican Democracy. God forbid that this should be the norm in Jefferson Parish and/or any of its parochial cities/towns within its political boundaries.

So of course the most arrogant High Porkness Roberts is deserving of the same…Kerner is only a Dictator of a small province within ‘my’ principality…I am entitled to my princely rule…why else would I have spent $190,000 thousand dollars in 2009 from my campaign fund to buy my new Mardi Gras Float, a tractor to pull the float, maintain an antique Fire Engine to put out the fire on the float caused from an electrical overload of the $40,000 Thousand PLUS Dollars of sound and video equipment bought to entertain my subjects along the parade route while I throw them the $10’s of Thousands of Dollars of Chinese beads and favors. Not to mention the $10’s of Thousands of Dollars spent on golf carts in Las Vegas for those special campaign contributors, and the Thousands of Dollars for ‘transportation’ for my private party during the Jefferson Parish Politico Whore Extravaganza known as the Tarpon Rodeo. Oh yea, the snowball stand…around $7,000 Thousand Dollars… Continue reading “DICTATOR KERNER…Pirating The Town of Lafitte’s political process. A special election update by Whitmergate”

Subpoenas Keep On Churning, River Birch Keeps On Turning. Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin

There are no simple answers when it comes to River Birch but I’ll lend some insight as it pertains to Waste Management’s contract, in a humble attempt to give the Slabb Nation’s musings on matters of Jefferson Parish garbage some illumination as I take a stab at answering FifthCircuitJoke’s question:

“I’m still trying to figure out why the biggest Waste Haulers in the Country have all left the New Orleans Metro Area…”

I am going to tell you a story….my honest opinion that I think answers the most simple and obvious question: Why is Waste Management abandoning contractual territory it previously coveted and fought political battles over? Your query is in fact a clue to the volatile origins of ‘River Birch II’; a criminal conspiracy originated by Heebe/Ward to establish a landfill monopoly with the compliance of corrupt Elected and Appointed Jefferson Parish Officials. Continue reading “Subpoenas Keep On Churning, River Birch Keeps On Turning. Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin”

Peggy Barton: Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part II: Council Votes in Violation of Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinance 23-132.1. A Guest post by Whitmergate.

Having Capella vouch for Barton was not exactly what I was expecting or hoping for. And I would venture to guess that his trite comment did not assure anyone that the Parish Attorney’s Office had been purged of the decadent influence of Tom Wilkinson. This snippet from the Times-Picayune story Jefferson Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson resigns by Paul Rioux illustrates:

Despite the upheaval, parish officials said the law department remains in capable hands.

“I have full confidence in Peggy Barton,” Councilman Tom Capella said. “We’ll continue moving forward doing the people’s business.”

Of course Capella in referencing the “people’s” business, most likely means his people: his family, cronies and contractor, consultant, lawyer campaign contributors. That would account for his “confidence” in Peggy Barton to carry on Wilkinson’s legacy of facilitating the corruptive conduct of those she depends on to keep her job.

My question to Mr. Rioux: What “upheaval” are you imagining? Barton is Wilkinson…where have you been! Haven’t you been covering the “Gretna Mentality” circus over on the west bank for several years now? Sorry, but your thinly veiled attempt at comforting the citizens of Jefferson Parish announcing that the appointment of Peggy Barton as Parish Attorney would somehow suddenly invest that office with professional competence and ethical standards failed miserably. Continue reading “Peggy Barton: Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part II: Council Votes in Violation of Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinance 23-132.1. A Guest post by Whitmergate.”

Peggy Barton: Tom Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part I. A guest post by Whitmergate

When Steve Theriot was unlawfully appointed by the Jefferson Parish Council to be Parish President as a result of Broussard’s resignation, he chose, in concert with the six Council members who ushered him upon us, to appoint Peggy Barton acting interim Parish Attorney. And what an act it’s been…

It was Deja Vu …and live on Cox TV too. Our backdrop is during one of the Council meetings around the time the public records debate was heating up as a result of a sudden and dramatic shift in policy resulting from Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s reassignment. She was removed from the Public Records Department only to be replaced by Greg Giangrosso, a Wilkinson lackey. Under Vandenweghe’s direction, public documents were just that, Public Records readily available in most instances to those qualified to request the same. Giangrosso’s assignment was and is to stonewall the release of Public Information which he and his superiors, Peggy Barton and Louis Gruntz, have decided taxpayers are to have limited access to in almost all instances. The response that one receives from Giangrosso is a pasted legalese form letter citing erroneous legal precedent for not honoring the Public Records Request. Margie Seemann (CFGG) was pressing the Council to explain why documents regarding information of a similar topic which she had previously received under Vandenweghe’s tenure, was now routinely denied under some broad and vague “governmental” exception. It was at that moment when Peggy Barton opened her mouth to defend the indefensible, everyone in that Council Chamber and watching TV, could foretell the response as though it would have been uttered by her mentor Tom Wilkinson, himself. She looked down at Ms. Seemann, a facial expression of pure contempt and as sarcastic a tone as one could muster, stated that she would review “OUR” records and “SHE” would determine what would be made available to the public at some later date. And there you have it, Wilkinson in drag…without the proverbial…FUCK YOU, SUE ME! Continue reading “Peggy Barton: Tom Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part I. A guest post by Whitmergate”

MOLE’S THEORY OF RATIONALIZATION: An Outcome Determinative Fee – a Whitmergate guest post

Yes, I afraid so craplapalooza...and yes, oy vey is right !

Unlike Enstein’s Theory of Relativity which enriched the sciences of physics and astronomy, Mole’s theory of Rationalization decays the social tenets of ethics and morals.

This is yet another installment in the seemingly ‘neverending story’ of the impeachment proceedings against Tom Porteous, Federal Judge, LAED.  Mr. Joseph Mole became an active participant in this debacle when he enrolled as counsel for Landmark in the infamous Liljeberg case heard by Porteous while he was an sitting judge.

The facts and the legal issues concerning this case are irrelevant to the labyrinth of depravity I intend to critique; that being the presence of the ‘White Elephants’ in the courtroom and how they got there; the cameo appearances of attorneys who were close personal friends of Porteous ; Mr. Lenny Levenson and Mr. Jake Amato at bar for Liljeberg, and Mr. Joseph Mole and Mr. Don Gardner representing Lifemark.  One would only have to read the numerous postings registered on Slabbed for a more detailed synopsis of the circumstances surrounding this fertile ground of judicial corruption and unethical, and possibly illegal conduct by all attorneys associated with this trial.  Truly an unmitigated assault by all concerned directed toward the very core beliefs we were instilled with growing up; the ideals of fairness, honesty and decency.  These very same intrinsic civilized values that we had hoped would sustain our society’s sense of law and order. Instead, an institutional collapse of the legal profession is unfolding before our very eyes, and proof positive is the reading of both Mr. Mole’s testimony at the Congressional Impeachment proceedings and his fee proposal to retain Mr. Gardner.

This personality contest of which lawyer would have more influence with Judge Porteous to shape the outcome of the trial was exacerbated by Mr. Mole’s negotiating to hire Mr. Don C. Gardner in an attempt to’ balance the scales’ of favoritism, not justice. In fact it is Mr. Mole’s letter of February 18, 1997, addressed to Mr. Don C. Gardner c/o Thomas G Wilkinson , 320 Huey P. Long Ave., Gretna, Louisiana, referencing the Lifemark Hospitals of Louisiana, Inc. v. Liljeberg Enterprises, Inc. that gives the best evidence that our legal system is spiraling into the abyss of total chaos; a resigned state of amoral bankruptcy.

What was Mr. Mole thinking ?  Continue reading “MOLE’S THEORY OF RATIONALIZATION: An Outcome Determinative Fee – a Whitmergate guest post”

River Birch Landfill: Anatomy of Corruption. A Guest post by Whitmergate

River Birch: Wilkinson’s Wanton Watershed

This is a story of corruption, where vampiric forces of a political elite’s unbridled greed nurtures blatant abuse of power by their minions in public office that would be analogous to rape. In this instance, it is the rape of the Jefferson Parish taxpayers’ public treasury.

Just look at that picture. What do you see? You just know they’re either congratulating each other for the last scam they pulled off to screw the taxpayers of JP; or, the next scheme they are hatching to be rubber stamped by the Council of Clowns in front of them. If this corruption drama were a TV series and chosen to be singled out for an award, then TP photographer, Rusty Costanza, would wins hands down. It is a picture that mirrors the expression of the boundless arrogance and contempt of these two conspirators in corruption, Tom Wilkinson (resigned as Parish Attorney) and Tim Whitmer (resigned as CAO) had and still have for the citizen/taxpayer of Jefferson Parish. We have yet to hear an apology addressed to us, the citizen/taxpayer, from either one of these political thugs for their abuses of power while in their respective positions. And please, don’t hold your breath expecting one. Continue reading “River Birch Landfill: Anatomy of Corruption. A Guest post by Whitmergate”