BrousStar sings his swan song for his old buddy Eric “Toolman” Paulsen

Gee Aaron I know a few months ago you put your hand on the bible and swore you committed multiple felonies but in your heart of hearts are you really guilty? I do not begrudge WWL TeeVee airing BrousStar’s last performance (sans silly ear bandage) before he hits the Federal penitentiary, rather it was the … Continue reading “BrousStar sings his swan song for his old buddy Eric “Toolman” Paulsen”

From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex

Question: What is going on in Nova Scotia? Answer: Much of nothing good as business fell off drastically at chez girlz in 2010 when Aaron Br0ussard was forced from office in disgrace. In fact our friends over at The Jefferson Report recently profiled Aaron Broussard’s last financial disclosure and it appears he is selling out of the Canadian … Continue reading “From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex”

And to think Eric Paulsen had an insurance case against State Farm we somehow missed….

This pleading came to me captioned Gates – Best Pleading Ever and in a strange slabbed sort of way it is as we find an example of a plaintiffs lawyer doing some of the sleazy things we’ve come to expect from State Farm lawyers like our old friend Scot Spragins of Kuehn infamy. Best of all it allows … Continue reading “And to think Eric Paulsen had an insurance case against State Farm we somehow missed….”

Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department

Last week I received a heads up that Slabbed’s mortal enemy Daniel “Danny” Abel had died after being struck by a car in a hit and run just before Christmas last year. One would have to imagine the range of emotions that one experiences under such circumstances. I was on someone else’s dime however and … Continue reading “Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department”

Is TeeVee News responsible for the dumbing down of America? Slabbed calls BS on Channel 4 and their bogus SNAP performance audit reporting

I watched this morning’s Toolman Interview segment on the WWL morning news with Chick Foret and Sally Ann and openly wondered if TeeVee News is the media format that is most responsible for the dumbing down of America. Yes, Channel 4 is famous for putting spectacularly hot women on the air in a tasteful, non-Faux News like … Continue reading “Is TeeVee News responsible for the dumbing down of America? Slabbed calls BS on Channel 4 and their bogus SNAP performance audit reporting”

If there is one piece of advice I’d give to Bill “Quitclaim” Magee ;-)

Two words Bill: Video Depositions, preferably posted to Youtube.  My money is on Magee putting Eric “The Toolman” Paulsen himself to the question in order to examine his state of mind when Channel 4 was pumping Danny Abel’s crash and burn racketeering lawsuit against Magee on behalf of the Martin family. Meantime in other news … Continue reading “If there is one piece of advice I’d give to Bill “Quitclaim” Magee ;-)”

Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. Turns out folks William Shakespeare was a true prophet calling the crash and burn of the Legal Department at the Super … Continue reading “Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3″

Gee, this sounds vaguely familiar. Here’s a teaser on part 3 of Continued bad times at the Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview

One thing these Goatherders are good at folks is cashing in on their media connections as Slabbed has well chronicled the dishonest promotion of Danny Abel’s crash and burn lawsuits by Belo’s Channel 4 WWL Tee Vee. In that case it is a long association with morning anchor Eric Paulsen that provides the in at … Continue reading “Gee, this sounds vaguely familiar. Here’s a teaser on part 3 of Continued bad times at the Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview”

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3

Part 2 of this series ended with the allegations contained in the Concrete Busters lawsuit that Fred Heebe, along with several co-conspirators has been waging a coordinated campaign to unmask and otherwise harass internet commenters sharing information on the political scandal in Jefferson Parish.  I’ve always pointed to the first post I did on Aaron … Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3”