5 thoughts on “Yup (Part 11)”

  1. Damn, Aaron, not one of your pals would do you a favor by cut and pasting some halfass pleading? Must suck to know your “associates” don’t bother helping you now you’re down.

  2. Doug, I was referring to answering and such. Just as an annoyance since BrousStar is simply a narcissist klepto. There’s upcoming deopos where BrousStar can gild his political legacy.

  3. What I don’t understand is the purpose of finding one in default if it doesn’t negate the need for future filings. Are there different levels of default? When looking at Wells Fargo vs Planetta, the first filing for default was denied, and then filed again by the Clerk in mid-May which put the brakes on the whole deal except for a two-months late Answer on May 23rd. And why didn’t Provino Mosca continue as their lawyer?

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