Next stop for the ‘Travelocity Travel Gnome’: Federal Prison in North Carolina (Updated)

I do believe this is where they kept former Biloxi Mayor turned Sherry murder conspirator Pete Halet.

Aaron Broussard assigned to Butner Federal Correctional Complex ~ Travers Mackel via Robert Jenkins

Hey Russell, the former Goatherder in Chief is coming to you brudda!


Drew Broach snagged some commentary from BrousStar himself on this turn of events as he believes a transfer will be in order once he beats his medical issues.  Aaron, booubie I am familiar with the concept of BOP prison transfers and we can only hope you get to experience at least one.  😉

3 thoughts on “Next stop for the ‘Travelocity Travel Gnome’: Federal Prison in North Carolina (Updated)”

  1. Holy of Holies Batman,

    Merlin’s Crystal Ball shows Butner, N.C. to be a religious destination as its only 65 miles to “Samaria”, 60 miles to Zebulon( Tribe of Zebulon),40 miles to “Justice”,30 miles from “Chapel” Hill,20 miles to Oak Gr.”Bethesda” and 5 miles to “Creed”moor.

    Yo’ tink a visitor could get him OnASteed’s infamous “Goathead Soup” in Bull Durham and done brought it to him.

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