Oh the weather outside is frightful but at the Ethics Board its so delightful…

I seem to remember a certain Goatherder swore a certain affidavit in a certain court case on this matter. Lying in sworn affidavits in Federal Court sounds serious to me but what do I know? I know I saw a subpoena duces tecum from the Ethics Board which indicates ol’ AB was in a world of shit not counting using his property in Nova Scotia as a conduit to accept bribes. Click the pic to get the 46 pages on Aaron Broussard’s corrupt monetization of the Christmas holidays amongst other jackassery.

6 thoughts on “Oh the weather outside is frightful but at the Ethics Board its so delightful…”

  1. Funny the older I get the worse my eye sight is but did I see public credit cards used for gifts and purchasing a whole lota bottle bags for alcohol?

  2. I like how they tell everyone to make the checks out to cash. Pretty funny.
    Then you look and see how many department people were contributing to
    the Broussard travel fund. Wow. Seems they were getting a nickle here
    and a nickle etc.

    How did they find time to run the Parish?

    t seems they had so many streams of income ranging from the public to private sector
    it would be a full time job just managing the graft. These
    guys were just full time scam artist using their job as an elected offical to
    come up with scam after scam all the time.

    I worked in a juvenile jail once upon a time and these guys remind me of
    some of the sociopaths who ended up in my care. They viewed crime as
    a normal everyday response to their environment.

    I once asked a kid locked up for auto theft at the juvenile jail how you steal a car.
    He told me First you and your friends goto the store and steal a screwdriver…
    Of course the screw driver was used to start the car. But the point is he was
    a real crook. Similar story for how to make crack. First you steal a microwave over.
    These gusy in JP are just like these hard core kids. Scam all along the way.

  3. I believe this series from the files of Arron Broussard is actually turning out to be the yet on slabbed. It really gives a color to the true operations of the Parrish leadership and related parties. I believe there really is no JP political leadership after reading these reports straight from the files of Broussard. Nope. Instead the government has been turned into a front organization for simple con artist. Much like one of my favorite movies The Sting. We see the small every day hustles in the files. One can only imagine what the larger hustles are.

    Keep in mind all hustlers are addicted to the game. It is their drug so to say. More than the money and power a true player gets off on pulling off the hustle. Every hustler looks for bigger and bigger hustles just like a thrill seeker is always trying to out do their past adventures. David W. Maurer wrote The Big Con base


    This is the guy who wrote the book on the sting. His work is a classic in the field and should be read by all who seek to catch the con artist. The CIA used him for training their agents and The Sting movie was stolen ffrom his book. Kind of funny a movie about con artist stolen from a college professor by a con artist. Life
    imitating art or something like that. Slabbed works is along the lines of Mauer.

    Here is Wiki brief on Maurer—

    The Big Con[3] is Maurer’s most popular and perhaps most important book. It was originally published in 1940 by Bobbs-Merrill Company. The source material for it came from Maurer corresponding, interviewing, and informally chatting with hundreds of underworld denizens during the 1930s. Among the interviewed criminals were such figures as Joseph “The Yellow Kid” Weil, Charles Gondorff and Limehouse Chappie. Maurer won the trust of hundreds of grifters, who let him in on their language and their methods. The book served as a source for the film The Sting.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this JP file search as much as I have. It really is historic and nothing is better than being a part of historic efforts to make the world better.

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