Shane Gates sues Judge Richard Swartz and others for Treason as the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway sinks to new lows

Brown said a new federal lawsuit would be filed, containing “new accusations.” She refused to say what they were.

“Families are destroyed because of this kind of injustice,” she said during the news conference, held at the offices of Terry King, who with his wife has waged a campaign to expose questionable spending practices at the St. Tammany Parish Coroner’s Office.

No Ms. Brown, our justice system is destroyed when people file frivolous lawsuits to recuse out a Judge on the eve of trial. How these yahoos get in the paper is anyone’s guess but the Advocate was suckered mightily just days ago. And new treason lawsuit Belinda Parker Brown was pumping last weekend claims Judge Swartz and a bevy of St Tammany Parish law enforcement along with Attorney General Buddy Caldwell have evidently joined in some massive conspiracy against Shane Gates. Is suing the Judge set to provide over his criminal trial in less than a week the actions of an innocent man? Maybe on Channel 4 and in John George’s world but few other places.

This one has rule 11 sanctions written all over it but don’t take my word for it. Click the pic to score the latest bit of Goatherdian spleen venting, 40 pages of legal jackassery in total. And Buddy, I feel your pain man. 😉

Gates v Schwartz Doc 1

It’s heating up in New Orleans

Sal’s ears are burning that I guarantee: | The Times-Picayune seeks documents in Danziger Bridge case ~

Slabbed was visited by Team Horn investigators in January 2013. I hope the Times Picayune gets those redactions lifted.  I’ll be keeping a very close eye on this.

Meantime Nowdy sends this must read from Radley Balko on the topic of Prosecutorial Misconduct which includes several of the misconduct cases from the Harry Connick days as Orleans Parish District Attorney. Left unsaid but well understood here in the Slabbed Nation is the role of David Vitter’s wife Wendy at Team Connick back in the day.

Small and Mighty: Ocean Springs Beach Protest raises awareness of problems at the State Auditor’s Office

Pictures are indeed worth 1,000 words. Here is Bill Walker enjoying the company of his grandson while keeping an eye on the Beach Protest held outside the Stacey Pickering Fundraiser:

Slabbed New Media File Photo / Oceans Springs Beach Protest 8/6/13
Slabbed New Media File Photo / Ocean Springs Beach Protest 8/6/13

Small Group of Protesters Picket Pickering in Ocean Springs ~ Warren Kulo

As RFP pointed out in comments Warren was kind enough to link Slabbed’s coverage of the fundraiser and I thought that was nice.

Next up is the mystery lady that emerged from Joe Cloyd’s house to photograph the Beach Protest and the media contingent that was covering the event. Continue reading “Small and Mighty: Ocean Springs Beach Protest raises awareness of problems at the State Auditor’s Office”