A real a$$ buster of a Petition for Damages – Concrete Busters v Heebe, Ward, River Birch, Hwy 90 LLC

A little tea-time reading!

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Former Governor Murphy “Mike” Foster would like a word with the Slabbed Nation.

“I’ve known him for many years,” Foster said of Mouton. “I know him to be a completely honest guy.” ~ Former Gov Mike Foster as quoted by Rich Rainey at the Times Picayune as featured on the Slabbed post “The Mouton Indictment ripples across the media. Team FBI tightens its grip on Fred Heebe’s balls.

This is what Mike really meant to say:

“I’ve known him for many years,” Foster said of Fred Heebe. “I know him to be a completely honest guy.”

I reckon ol’ Murph never spoke to Fred’s ex who claims Fred liked to slap her around, especially when he had too much fire water. Then again ol’ Murph likes them Coulon boys a bunch too so I suspect his judgement on such matters is best described as poor.

I think the truth here is Murph’s administration was openly for sale to the highest bidder.


Gone fishing – River Birch Plaintiffs’ opposition to Court’s ex parte, in camera review of search warrant affidavit

Catch of the day from yesterday’s docket entries in Heebe-Ward-River Birch  v USA  was the Plaintiffs’ opposition brief filed after the evidentiary hearing.  As noted in the Minute Entry for the hearing, the Government asked the Court to conduct an ex parte, in camera review of the sealed affidavit to the search warrant.

In their opposition, the Plaintiffs contend:

…the Government has not offered any legal support for its request that the search warrant application affidavit be considered by the Court while simultaneously withheld from Plaintiffs. The Government’s only justification is that disclosing it could compromise its ongoing investigation. The Government cannot have it both ways. If the Government wants to use this search warrant application affidavit as evidence in this civil case, then the affidavit must be disclosed absent some exception to the main rule that ex parte determinations on the merits are not permitted in civil cases. Eisenberg, 654 F.2d at 1112. Here, however, the Government has failed to provide any authority in support of its ex parte submission or even argue that there is an applicable exception.

A plain English reading of the Opposition suggests the Plaintiffs’ argument makes the Government’s case – particularly when the judge has the civil rights focus of Federal District Judge Ginger Berrigan. My not-a-lawyer guess is the sealed affidavit names the informant who tippped the Government to the “spoilage” of evidence taking place on the third floor of the River Birch office building – making the Plaintiffs’ Opposition a fishing expedition. Continue reading “Gone fishing – River Birch Plaintiffs’ opposition to Court’s ex parte, in camera review of search warrant affidavit”

Trash – the menage a trois version

Paul Rioux reports “Concrete Busters of Louisiana, whose disposal bid was rejected in favor of River Birch’s, filed the suit against River Birch late Friday in New Orleans Civil District Court” .

The River Birch landfill allegedly engaged in unfair trade practices by colluding with former Jefferson Parish officials to obtain a controversial $160 million garbage-disposal contract, according to a lawsuit filed by a River Birch rival…

The firm is seeking reimbursement for more than $7.5 million in lost profits as well as attorney fees and expenses to prepare its rejected proposal.

The 28-page suit accuses former Parish President Aaron Broussard’s administration of rigging the selection process that resulted in the 25-year River Birch contract, which is under federal investigation and has yet to be enacted.

River Birch spokesman Glenn Smith declined to comment. He has previously denied any suggestion of collusion, saying River Birch “had nothing to do with the pace or timing of the process.”

Although a copy of the complaint was not available, Rioux provides a summary: Continue reading “Trash – the menage a trois version”