BREAKING: Jefferson Parish Personnel Board Investigates Broussard’s former squeeze and Judicial Candidate Debbie Villio

Folks we have dirt on Miss Villio we have not rolled out but her reported problem using her parish office as a campaign platform is the least of the sleaze we have on her. Our sources tell us the judge makers at Gautheir Houghtaling dusted off Debbie for a run at former Judge Benge’s office. The mock courtroom at the firm makes a nice setting to film commercials and we’re hearing that is exactly what Ms Villio was doing there this past weekend. Consider this a sneak preview of our coming post on so called super lawyer John Houghtaling and the firm he now runs. I’ll add our sources are very close to the hive and are second to none.

Val Bracy has the breaking story on the personnel board investigations for Fox 8:

The Jefferson Parish Personnel Board is investigating two former employees.

One of them is Aaron Broussard’s ex-wife.

Karen Parker-Broussard was being paid more than what civil service rules allowed for the job she was performing.

She was fired from the parish last month.

The other former employee under investigation is Debbie Villio. Villio used to be the Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement.She resigned on February 3rd to run for the judgeship left vacant by Joan Benge. Continue reading “BREAKING: Jefferson Parish Personnel Board Investigates Broussard’s former squeeze and Judicial Candidate Debbie Villio”

BREAKING: Theriot curbs one Parish Attorney and is giving two others a looksie

Problem is folks, double-dealing Tom Wilkinson is not one of them. Richard Rainey has the scoop for the Times Picayune:

Six weeks into his job as interim president of Jefferson Parish government, Steve Theriot suspended one assistant parish attorney Tuesday and said he is examining the roles of two others who are former politicians.

Theriot said he placed Anne Marie Vandenweghe, who was in charge of public records requests, on paid administrative leave. He didn’t give a reason, calling it a personnel matter, and Vandenweghe would not comment. Continue reading “BREAKING: Theriot curbs one Parish Attorney and is giving two others a looksie”

getting a few words edgewise – cats, claims standards, levees, mitigation, perils, profits, providence, termites, and others that come to mind

As one might guess, the title of this post was inspired by my bulging drafts file and the incredible interest in Sop’s coverage of what first appeared a simple case of insurance lagniappe in Jefferson Parish.

First up, a collection of news stories that remind us risk is not limited to the states on the Gulf Coast.

Feb. Snow Storms Designated CATS, Insured Loss Exceeds $2 B

Two snow storms that hit the United States this month will cause insured damages in excess of $2 billion, according to a catastrophe risk modeling firm…Meanwhile, Gary Kerney, assistant vice president of  Property Claim Services, a unit of Insurance Services Office in Jersey City, N.J., said he expects PCS to have loss estimates for the storms sometime next week. He said PCS is classifying both storms as catastrophes, meaning each storm should have insured losses in excess of $25 million.

"Insurer Zurich noted that snow has been present in 49 of 50 states in the past week, and some states not used to facing this risk could be exposed to losses."

AIR Worldwide issued a statement on Feb. 10…noting that business interruption is likely to be another major driver of insured losses. Regarding roof collapse claims, Tim Doggett, principal scientist, AIR, said the combined storms could cause havoc for roofs, particularly light metal, long span, low slope and flat roofs.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, winter storms are the third-largest cause of catastrophe losses, behind hurricanes and tornadoes, and result in about $1 billion in insured losses each year. I.I.I. said winter storms resulted in more than $7 billion in insured losses from 1999-2008.

Well, &#*% happens, snow melts, and levees may fail to provide protection from flooding.

New data released by Levees.Org shows that the majority of U.S. population lives in counties protected by levees, and that those counties are wealthier.

While the hurricane barrier protecting Providence, Rhode Island isn’t what we traditionally think of a levee, the folks there came up with a plan to save millions without giving up their protection – Feds take over hurricane barrier; Title handed to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:

Providence officials estimate the transfer will save the city $500,000 annually and millions more in upkeep over the course of the coming years…In addition [to the legislation authorizing the transfer], [U.S. Senator Jack] Reed helped secure $4 million in federal funding for the Corps to make repairs to the barrier’s pumping system and has arranged nearly $1 million to operate the barrier over the last two years.

Mississippi may not be the only place termites cause problems for homeowner attempting to meet higher elevation requirements and Continue reading “getting a few words edgewise – cats, claims standards, levees, mitigation, perils, profits, providence, termites, and others that come to mind”

Jefferson Parish Corruption the way Daddy still does it. Dumpster dived Jimmy Lawson and the ‘Heebe’-Jeebies. A look back at Steimle & Associates v Camp Dresser McKee.

Anyone keeping up with the recent commentary on the unfolding Jeferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal understands exactly how far reaching the systemic corruption extends. We’re holding lots of information for publication including some very early information we received from a concerned citizen on the way things were done in Jefferson Parish circa the late 1980’s and it is there we begin with the case of Steimle & Associates v Camp Dresser, a racketeering suit so old it does not appear on PACER. The case involved allegations of corruption involving then Jefferson Parish council member Jimmy Lawson. This bit of background comes courtesy of West Law which does have the related cases in their database. This is from US District Court Judge Patrick Carr’s opinion dated October 6, 1996 as the case was dismissed on a technicality:

Because the issue is when plaintiff knew certain facts, the background of this matter is set out in some detail. Plaintiff and defendant are both environmental engineering concerns involved in local government construction contracts regarding waste disposal. Prior to the late 1980s, plaintiff was a subcontractor for defendant on several jobs. The relationship between the parties deteriorated and they became rivals. Plaintiff hired an investigatory firm which went through the trash of defendant, gleaning defendant’s internal documents. A local newspaper published stories about defendant and its methods of obtaining contracts, apparently based on those documents.

It seems as though Steve Steimle had a PI digging dirt on the competition and he hit gold rummaging via ye old dumpster dive. Implicated for receiving gifts was Jimmy Lawson. As Judge Carr pointed out all this hit the media as we continue:  Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption the way Daddy still does it. Dumpster dived Jimmy Lawson and the ‘Heebe’-Jeebies. A look back at Steimle & Associates v Camp Dresser McKee.”

Slabbed updates the Jefferson Parish front: Redflex reveals more under the table payments. Wilkinson “Broke the Parish’s law”

I’m reworking the post that was scheduled for publication yesterday in response to some new information so while the Slabbed nation waits we have a pair of stories from Fox 8 that directly touch on topics we’ve blogged on: The red light contract and Parish Attorney Tom Wilkerson’s double-dealing. Let’s start with Redflex:

Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot says he’s started getting answers about the red light camera program.

In particular, he’s focused on the names of all subcontractors who will make money off the deal.

Theriot asked Redflex Traffic Systems two weeks ago for information on who would get money from the contract.

He finally got that information today.

Already mentioned was local insurance agent Bryan Wagner and Julie Murphy, who is the wife of Jefferson Parish judge Bob Murphy. Continue reading “Slabbed updates the Jefferson Parish front: Redflex reveals more under the table payments. Wilkinson “Broke the Parish’s law””