Baa, Baa, Black Sheep…….

Broussard parody after guilty plea deal was struck| New Orleans Levee | October 2012
Broussard parody after guilty plea deal was struck| New Orleans Levee | October 2012

Oh the horrors!

Aaron Broussard wants sentence cut citing bathroom cleaning, other prison hardships ~ Paul Purpura

And the time spent in the Hotlanta Pen was evidently hell. But….

I was there when Aaron Broussard was sentenced and had to deal with the aftermath. By aftermath I mean the disappointment felt by the public on the relatively short sentence Broussard received. As for his sentencing, I heard the man take responsibility for the crimes to which he pleaded in unequivocal terms first hand. 46 months was not a bad outcome given the life of crime Broussard led. And now he wants outs early, before he gets the full Bureau of Prison experience.

Fact of the matter is time flies by and Broussard only has 14 months left to serve. That said once he hits the ol’ half-way house he’ll be scrubbing terlits like mad and maybe that’s what he trying to avoid. Who knows? In any event he’s not getting much love in reader comments to Paul’s story. Here is a sampling:

Wait! Aaron had to clean floors??? By himself? Well at least they weren’t flooded lke mine were after Katrina. Darn pumping stations.

Now I have to ask, just what kind of work is he qualified to do on the outside that does not require a professional license that lists moral turpitude as a disqualifier? Maybe if more of the politicos did time in the same conditions there would be less incentive to steal from the public

If he’s really in so much debt, how’s he able to afford a high priced lawyer like Buddy Leman?
Makes you wonder where all that money is coming from.

This guy is a piece of work! Cry, Cry, Cry is all he knows how to do. Aaron, you are pathetic.. You are getting exactly what you deserve. Try for once in your life to take it like a man.

Sounds like his day is easier than mine!

Louisiana legal four pack: It is good to feel loved

Let’s start next door in St Slammany Parish:

Former St. Tammany DA Walter Reed indicted on multiple counts of wire, mail fraud, money laundering, filing false statements to IRS ~ Sara Pagones

Considering Reed’s history as ST Slammany DA the following is rich!

Steven Reed’s lawyer: Feds abusing discretion by including son in indictment of former DA ~ Gordon Russell

Slabbed has done nothing on the above except highlight the show. Gordon Russell and Lee Zurik get the props for bring the story home. Next up for Reed and his son is the hangin’.

Moving right along is a two pack Slabbed New Media was right in the thick of in the prosecution of former Parish Prez Aaron Broussard of the Goatherder Crime Family and the mental meltdown of former Assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone:

Writers’ block would be a mercy for former federal prosecutor Sal Perricone ~ James Gill

James’ column represents sweet serendipity because just yesterday, somewhere around 12:30, I had a fantasy concerning Continue reading “Louisiana legal four pack: It is good to feel loved”

US DOJ OPR Report released to the public, former AUSA Jan Mann harshly criticized

Meantime the Horn report remains sealed up, stored deep in the crypt located in the basement of HQ in Washington DC. As for Slabbed our lips are forever sealed :mrgreen:

Justice Department report scathing in its findings of former federal prosecutors Sal Perricone, Jan Mann ~ Jim Mustian

DOJ report found that Perricone, Mann acted alone, in secret ~ Gordon Russell

Judge refuses to overturn Broussard’s conviction ~ Jeff Adelson

Gotta given Gordon Russell and his gang over at the Advocate props for nabbing the OPR report.

In other news, to update a story first reported on by Slabbed New Media:

New subpoena issued in probe of former St. Charles DA Harry Morel ~ Littice Bacon-Blood

Thursday Nooner (Extra Quick)

Aaron Broussard’s appeal rejected by 5th U.S. Circuit Court ~ Andy Grimm

Some people get their kicks reading the society pages during their spare time. Me? I read audit reports from the OSA and Louisiana Legislative Auditor:

Now some shameless self promotion:

In other news a serial killer is on the loose:

Baby goat beheaded; litter mate missing ~ Natasha Robin

North shore family’s pet goat is slaughtered, skinned ~`Sabrina Wilson

All this Aaron Broussard nostalgia brings me the warm fuzzies

First Bill Hubbard returns to society and now Tim Whitmer is a completely free man per Andrea Shaw last night over at as we remember the Aaron Broussard implosion plus five.

A quick pointer for everyone that is new here, the calendar on the top of the left sidebar is an excellent tool for searching the Slabbed New Media archives.  Mousing over a particular date on the calendar will pop up of list of that days posts. Click on a particular date and every post on that day will be displayed.  As I moused over this day while waxing nostalgic, chills literally ran up my spine.  Slabbed has done some great things since but from looking back at 2010/2011 we’ve set a high bar for ourselves as an online community. As a result of those old posts Slabbed New Media has developed sourcing into Jefferson Parish Politics that rivals the very best of the NOLA media community to this day.

In any event over the next few months I’m likely to feature some of those old posts circa 2010, especially the ones that have aged well. Today I feature one that has nothing to do with Jefferson Parish at all but is a classic for obvious reasons. Enjoy.

Yup (Part 22): An abbreviated history of Trout Point Lodge’s litigation/libel terrorism

Win or lose it won’t be because I didn’t fight for my constitutional rights. Click to obtain the 154 page pdf:

Perret v Handshoe Doc 20

Additional vital background can be found here.

The man who launched a thousand investigations is out of the pokey

Folks, you know you’ve been blogging a long time when you covered someone from arrest through conviction all the way to their subsequent release from jail. Former St. John the Baptist Parish Prez Bill Hubbard is out of jail and is now productively delivering things to the very court house where he once had an office. This is a Slabbed exclusive.

Those catching up should click here for the bell cow post that sent the Goatherders on an international fishing expedition when the now disgraced Aaron Broussard was on the fast track to jail. Click here for the entire post archives related to the Hubbard prosecution and how it tied to the Jefferson Parish scandal.

Twenty-Five more months bad luck for the former Goatherder in Chief

Actually he has more problems coming than finishing out his prison sentence in Florida but who am I to spoil the surprise. What I can say is Broussard’s claim that his lawyer Robert Jenkins was ineffective fell flat with Judge Head:

Judge refuses to overturn Broussard’s conviction ~ Jeff Adelson

Judge rejects Aaron Broussard’s arguments to overturn prison sentence because of prosecutorial misconduct, ineffective counsel ~ Andrea Shaw

Broussard has spent time at a Federal Pen in North Carolina before being transferred, via Atlanta and the woman’s prison at Tallahassee Florida to Club Fed in Pensacola. Not too many male convicts can say they did time at a woman’s penal institution. Freddy strike up the band!

Leading the way in vanquishing Libel Terrorism

There has been much happening behind the scenes and it is apparent people are paying attention:

Defeating “Libel Tourism” under Mississippi law and the SPEECH Act ~ John Henegan

Henegan’s effort is rare in that he correctly quotes the things I actually wrote about Trout Point Lodge and the trio of Vaughn Perret, Charles Leary and Daniel Abel instead of the stuff they made up from whole cloth.  Using Nova Scotia Enterprises as the centerpiece of their damages claim against Louisiana Media Company in their Nova Scotia defamation suit against Fox 8 was certainly not the brightest idea the gang ever had…..

As for the behind the scenes most of you folks don’t know the half of it so for those without the benefit of PACER. Continue reading “Leading the way in vanquishing Libel Terrorism”

Welp, prison life is evidently not agreeing with the former Goatherder in Chief

After reading the 53 pages of motion, memorandum and exhibits I wondered if I wasn’t caught in some sort of bizarre spaghetti western movie time warp.  Guilty pleas are extraordinarily hard to undo, even in cases where clear miscarriages of justice have occurred.  Even Perry Mason can’t help things that require divine intervention.

USA v Broussard Doc 250 USA v Broussard Doc 250

That said if there is someone I’d love to see inside a courtroom having to answer to what he’s done it would be the former Goatherder in Chief, who I thought I heard in person taking responsibility for the crimes to which he plead before Judge Head almost one year ago to the day.

Finally I’d be remiss if I did not point out that every time his dealings with the gang at Trout Point Lodge came up, Mr. Broussard would run away like a scared grade schoolgirl, first the day after Val Bracy interviewed him in January 2010 where she nailed him on the subject and he immediately resigned his post as Parish President.

Later in September 2012, after the Government filed a motion to Introduce Intrinsic Evidence of Other crimes involving Nova Scotia EnterprisesContinue reading “Welp, prison life is evidently not agreeing with the former Goatherder in Chief”