Slabbed joins | The Times Picayune in remembering the fall of Aaron Broussard plus five

I have so many nuggets that never went down into the memory hole like the following and boy howdy does the gang get themselves in trouble telling all sorts of whoppers! Threatened with a foreign defamation lawsuit in a noted area for libel tourism before the passage of the SPEECH Act the Times Picayune ran away from the libel terrorists at Trout Point Lodge like scared school girls. Five years ago plus one day an interview of Aaron Broussard was run on Fox 8 where he was challenged over what we now know to be criminal activity with certain Parish venders using his property at the Trout Point Lodge in Canada to conceal it. Five years ago today Broussard resigned in disgrace. Today he is in the Federal Pen with his buddies in Canada known as “ememies of the free press” and noted libel terrorists.

One media outlet stood tall in the face of this litigation terrorism and that would be Slabbed New Media. Enjoy.

Trout Point Lodge Times Pic

Slabbed updates the Trout Point Lodge / Randall Cajun lawsuit against Jones Walker

But first some lovely music from our friends in Spain:

The allegations of fraud are priceless folks. Business must be bad for the gang at the Lodge because the Civil District Cost Docket indicates the court fees were short paid. Of course, in Randall Cajun’s fantasy world Slabbed’s precedent setting SPEECH Act victory over these SLAPP Happy nuts occurred in New Orleans instead of Gulfport. They also conveniently ignore the fact their Nova Scotia lawsuits were so poorly plead the court concluded they could never win a default here in the US with such deficient, infantile pleadings. The judicial beatdown frankly could not have been worse for them but that is their own fault. As for Slabbed, we remain the champs. Click the pic to score 33 pages of typical Goatherder Jackassery: Continue reading “Slabbed updates the Trout Point Lodge / Randall Cajun lawsuit against Jones Walker”

Now enter the next lawyer that is almost certain to get stiffed and then sued…..

After all, Team Goatherder has now sued 6 lawyers by my count in their SLAPP happy quest to silence Slabbed and cover up their involvement in Aaron Broussard’s criminal activity. So Alex, who is the next the next contestant? Mary Judith of Jacktown come on down!

Handshoe v Broussard Barnett Appearance

It will be interesting to see if she can take the $100,000 ding Jones Walker just took.

Exhibits D & E: “Prohibited Collateral Use”

Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rules:

Collateral use

14.03 (1) Nothing in Part 5 diminishes the application of the implied undertaking not to use information disclosed or discovered in a proceeding for a purpose outside the proceeding, without the permission of a judge.

Exhibit D ~ Affidavit of Charles Leary dated June 13, 2011


Exhibit E from the action styled Abel v Handshoe & Vandenweghe

Abel v Handshoe et al Doc 12-7

It was during this exact time period in 2011 that Mr. Abel and Aaron Broussard were practicing law together out of suite 106 at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway.

Stay tuned.

Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.

Comment from V, an US citizen whose privacy was invaded by Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge in their SLAPP suit against Fox 8.  This comment certainly earned the ire of Team Goatherder and it is apparent from V’s tone he was well aware of the threats that were being passed about regarding Slabbed on the mean streets of Jefferson Parish:

Please note all of the below is PUBLIC information.

There are no statements asserted as “fact” here; this is information recited from public sources and under no circumstances is this to be construed as anything but opinion and maybe occasionally satire. Thank you.

Ok, some thoughts:

2/22/11 report from the Pic (Rioux):

“The following individuals and firms made $1,000 contributions to Broussard after his resignation:

Amy M. Arthur of Madisonville, Bruce D. Burglass Jr. of Metairie, David R. Sherman of Metairie, Greg Cantrell Inc. of St. Rose, J. Caldarera & Co. of LaPlace, Bryan Krantz of Kenner, Jennifer Lanasa of New Orleans, John E. Lapworth of Metairie, Francis E. Lauricella of Harahan, Paul D. Monsour of Kenner, Leonard B. Newton of Pass Christian, Miss., Quest Realty of Metairie, Wayne E. Thomas of Metairie and John H. Wales of Mandeville.”

You will see there: Bryan Krantz, apparently the son of Marie Krantz.

Sherman – you know who that is, Chehardy & Co.

Caldarera – that as everyone knows by now means WARD

Wales – his name’s been mentioned before?

Monsour – well, it just so happens…

… there is a company called Mississippi 214, L.L.C. in Greenville. Its purpose? Who knows but Peter Butler Jr. is apparently the owner of it, because while MS does not show officers in their listings (why not again?) it does show agents (a Philip Mansour, with an *a*, typo? Close, but no, maybe not.) and an address, 7216 Stoneleigh Drive, Harahan LA 70123.

Also at that address…






All basically showing the same info:

“Officer: PETER J. BUTLER, JR.
Title: Manager
Address 1: 7216 STONELEIGH DRIVE
City, State, Zip: HARAHAN, LA 70123″

As for the word “Praka”, who knows what that means. Continue reading “Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.”

Other Voices| Disgraced New Orleans politician begins prison term

Corrupt New Orleans politician Aaron Broussard enters federal prison in North Carolina Monday after being convicted of a rash of charges of fraud and bribery, some with connections to businesses and property he owned or managed in the Kempt Wilderness in Nova Scotia. He was sentenced to three years, ten months in a minimum security facility.

In a TV interview over the weekend, Broussard described how he entered politics forty years ago fighting the political machine and “good old boy” system, only to become the poster child for political corruption in a notably corrupt town. Broussard was president of Jefferson Parish, the largest in the state. “I’m leaving politics as a good old boy in disgrace,” Broussard told reporter Travers Mackel.

Broussard’s criminal case involved several charges, of which he insisted he was innocent and would fight to the end.

He finally admitted in court to scheming in 2003 to give his then-girlfriend — later his wife — a public job for which she was not qualified and at which she rarely appeared. He also confessed that he took bribe payments totaling $66,000 to help steer public contracts to a Kenner businessman. His ex-wife, his chief administrative officer, his parish attorney and the businessman also pleaded guilty to federal charges.

“If you’re involved in a scandal, then you wear the scarlet letter for the rest of your life, and beyond the grave,” Broussard told another reporter. “I regret every single act and thing that I did that leads me to walk into the prison gates on Monday.” Continue reading “Other Voices| Disgraced New Orleans politician begins prison term”

Let’s recap a thing or two and tie a few loose ends together on the criminal demise of Aaron Broussard

And the discussion has to start here with this post and more specifically this reader comment. It took a few months plus a year’s worth of gumshoe journalism to snag an unredacted example of the document I posted way back in April 2011 that unequivocally demonstrated Broussard’s intimate involvement with business ventures partially owned and managed by Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel.  All three of those guys are currently involved in litigation with me over my documenting their close connection Broussard and what federal prosecutors would later term evidence of other crimes in the Broussard prosecution. Back to that reader comment I linked above, it is the first of several made by V on that post that are topical to this day. I personally hope Broussard gets his prison reprieve so he too can share the joy of the recap along with the rest of us.

I mention this because V’s first comment on that post also hits on a story out of Plaquemines Parish before it was a story.   Here is the salient part:

Now there is an a lot of Nova Scotia reference on the LA SOS and NS Province corporate database, there is:


NOVA SCOTIA ENTERPRISES, L.L.C. – Broussard’s work address

NOVA SCOTIA, L.L.C. – oddly enough this involves a guy who sold a ton of land to LIFT the movie company that got busted for the LA film credit scandal, but none of the folks mentioned here

TRIDENT HOLDINGS INC. OF NOVA SCOTIA – who knows what this is, again none of the folks mentioned here




Trident Holdings of Nova Scotia? I can report it is owned by politically connected Canadians but where else does it show up?

Plaquemines contractor benefits from deal he helped negotiate ~ Mike Perlstein

A company from a foreign country with very limited inland port experience all cuddled up with Nunny? I wonder what has happened with Trident and Plaquemines Parish since Perlstein filed that story back in late September 2011?

V aka Telemachus was one of the Slabbed commenters deprived of due process by Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge in Canada when he swore false affidavits before Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Leon “Pierre” Muise in late April 2011 in their SLAPP suit against Louisiana Media Company aka Fox 8.

“A day in the life of Trout Point Lodgers Chuck and Vaughn”

Page 2, current edition of Frank Magazine after being copyright trolled by Trout Point Lodge’s Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret

Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Daniel G. “Danny” Abel doing promo for the Trout Point Lodge Cookbook in Canada

Turns out folks William Shakespeare was a true prophet calling the crash and burn of the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway hundreds of years in advance as MacBeth posited an accurate description of the type of plaintiff’s work being done by the inhabitants of said Legal Department in the now disgraced/disbarred Aaron Broussard and Daniel G. “Danny” Abel. Let’s drill down a bit on the lawyer who’s cases Belo’s WWL TV Channel 4 relentlessly promotes:

Suffice it so say there are more such instances but in the interest of time I will not list them but we must update two cases, Magee et al v Abel et al which I introduced yesterday and Webb v Morella plus introduce a new one in Manton et al v Strain et al as Abel has a particular fetish for suing the NOPD and St Tammany Parish Sheriff Jack Strain. Manton v Strain is instructive so let’s begin there as it follows the Goatherder formula:

  1. File suit against absolutely everyone every tangentially connected to the wild conspiracy theory being posited that particular day. Of particular interest was the lead council in the 2009 rendition of this suit ended up intervening as a defendant later when Abel and company took over the point.
  2. Spectacularly lose the case, appeal the loss and lose that case as well since “Mantons had failed to raise an issue of material fact.”
  3. File another suit recycling the allegation from the first suit.
  4. Attempt a smear campaign using media outlets such as Belo’s Channel 4 TeeVee except in this case Abel used a conservative website called Human Events for PR dupes to publicize his baseless allegations. That’s OK though because the Human Events people are in good company.
  5. Less than one month after Abel’s promo of this suit appeared in Human Events he lost the suit.
  6. Defendants file to recover their attorney fees for having to defend against Abel’s frivolous lawsuits.

Wash, rinse, repeat for this is the way of a Goatherder. I hope it is lost on no one that once upon a time Abel was trying to put the gun manufacturers outta business in between collaborating on the literary flops which chronicled his misadventures. Only one words fits folks and that is jackassery and this brings me to latest developments in Webb v Morella (click the pic to nab the full pdf document).

Webb v Morella 5th Circuit Doc 00512011946 Capture 1

It’s textbook Goatherder abuse of process IMHO: Continue reading “Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3″

Must Read: 4 years in prison for New Orleans corruption figure with Nova Scotia ties

Racketeering claims reach into wilds of Kemptville

Aaron Broussard arrived in a New Orleans court Monday morning, where his 35-year political career ended with a 46-month prison sentence for fraud committed while he was president of Jefferson Parish, the most populous New Orleans suburb.

Broussard, who must also repay $280,000, apologized “for bringing dishonor to my position. I will pay for that dishonor for the rest of my life.” He requested he be sent to Pensacola Prison when his term starts on April 8.

Before the massive political corruption scandal that rocked all of New Orleans, Broussard was most well-known for his shameful and histrionic display of “crocodile tears” on national television in the USA following the Katrina disaster in New Orleans. It was charged by some that Broussard’s actions in the wake of Katrina caused tens of millions of dollars in damages to hundreds of New Orleans properties due to avoidable flooding. Continue Reading at………