From the perverted skeeting old geezer files: Out with one and in with another

Welp folks, the Dantin criminal prosecution appears at an end as Jerry “Captain Jay” Dantin skates facing justice on the sexual molestation allegations that have dogged him for the past few years.  As Paul Purpura points out in his piece on this topic from a few days back and as Slabbed pointed out very early on, Captain Jay is romantically linked to Grand Isle Mayor David Carmadelle’s mother and is the long time friend of Grand Isle Police Chief Euris Dubois.

There are still outstanding allegations Dubois intentionally botched the police investigation into his friend precisely to keep him out of the pokey thus the civil suit Doe v Dantin et al has muckraking potential so stay tuned.

Jack Mozer Mug Shot / St Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office via The Sun Herald
Jack Mozer Mug Shot / St Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office via The Sun Herald

However, one thing I’ve learned in my 5 plus years doing Slabbed is there is not a shortage of perverted old “skeeters” so today’s Donna Harris story on a 79 year old from Biloxi that traveled to Slidell to masturbate in the women’s clothing section at one of the stores in the Slidell Mall is thus full of potential.

At this point there are a few ways I could take the balance of this post. For instance, I noted the Sun Herald has closed their story to reader comments which I view as a terribly misinformed action so this could be an examination of the media piece.  For instance I maintain the “noisemakers” can say what they want about the Newhouse House, Continue reading “From the perverted skeeting old geezer files: Out with one and in with another”

Clear as mud: JPAC gets line of credit, an affidavit and a PR push. Cap’n Jay gets a reprieve while Chief Euris DuBois’ neighbor gets shot and burned out (Updated)

I’d happily report that my absence meant I’ve been up to something but such is not the case over the last few days as I took a break.  This does not mean I don’t have some dynamite things in store for the Slabbed Nation this week but today we do a bit of catching up.

First up is the taxpayer funded money pit also known as the Performing Arts Center.  Yesterday the T-P editorial board opined the project should be completed ASAP now that the state’s taxpayers are on the hook for another $9.9MM as the project’s costs has almost doubled since ground broke on the project years ago. Adding to the confusion is yesterday afternoon Bob Ross filed a post titled Affidavit clears up confusion on change order for Performing Arts Center in Metairie that frankly added to my confusion about change order #5 to the point where I gotta call bullshit.  A close read of said Legislative auditor’s report on the change order clearly indicates there was a management override involved in that particular change order, management being for CAO Tim Whitmer and current councilman at large Elton LaGasse.

To the extent Whitmer has copped a plea in the wide ranging JP Corruption investigation and reportedly knows where all the “bones are buried”, one would naturally assume he has been questioned closely about his knowledge about whether Councilman LaGasse took a kickback to ram rod that particular change order through, reportedly with no documentation, that included a massive delay claim.  I want to make clear this is only an allegation but given what has surfaced about Jiff Hingle and the new Plaquemines Parish Jail such is a fair question, especially as the taxpaying public tries to figure out how a $28MM project has morphed into a $52MM boondoggle.  I’ll have more on change order 5 ASAP because it is clear Mr Ross has lots of catching up to do.

Next up is the child molestation case and alleged official cover up involving Jerry “Cap’n Jay” Dantin as Paul Purpura filed a comprehensive update yesterday as justice for the little boy Dantin victimized has again been delayed, this time by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Dantin’s long time friend, Grand Isle Police Chief Euris Dubois is alleged to have intentionally botched the investigation which only adds to the cesspool that is this saga as Mayor David Carmadelle is also heavily involved. Continue reading “Clear as mud: JPAC gets line of credit, an affidavit and a PR push. Cap’n Jay gets a reprieve while Chief Euris DuBois’ neighbor gets shot and burned out (Updated)”

Paul Purpura updates the Dantin Molestation case

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — A blistering report that claims Joe Paterno and other top Penn State officials concealed what they knew about Jerry Sandusky’s sexual abuse of children may prove to be an indelible stain on the beloved coach’s 61-year tenure at the school where he preached “success with honor.”

Paterno’s supporters are legion, though, and some insist the late coach got a raw deal from former FBI Director Louis Freeh, whose 267-page report on the Sandusky scandal Thursday asserted that Paterno and senior Penn State officials made a decision to protect Sandusky to avoid damaging the image of the school and its powerful football program.

Ooops wrong coverup folks, sorry. Let me try again:

A Jefferson Parish judge ruled Wednesday that a politically connected Grand Isle man is mentally competent to stand trial on charges of inappropriately touching a young boy. The judge dismissed doctors’ findings that the elderly defendant’s memory lapses will adversely affect his ability to assist his defense attorney.

“I walk out of this courtroom every day,” 24th Judicial District Court Judge Steve Windhorst said. “I forget things on the bench every day.”

That means Jerry Dantin, 77, will stand trial a third time next month for sexual battery. Authorities allege he had a 6-year-old boy apply lotion to his genital area while in a shrimp boat berthed at Grand Isle in early 2010. Two Jefferson Parish juries have been unable to reach verdicts in the case during the past year, leading to two mistrials.

OK folks I’ll let you in on a little secret. Cap’n Jay can’t take a shit without someone in the greater Slabbed Nation knowing thus my remarks back in May about the old geezer drinking the days away in a local bar as we continue: Continue reading “Paul Purpura updates the Dantin Molestation case”

Justice delayed is justice denied: Politically connected Grand Isle perv Jerry Dantin gets another delay in his sexual battery trial

We’ve covered this story since the early days folks but for you newbies and those catching up Paul Purpura at the Times Picayune checked in with a case update yesterday afternoon that also has a good synopsis of the events to date. The bottom line is a 6-year-old boy claims he was molested by Dantin, who dates Mayor Carmadelle’s momma on the side and has not yet received justice, in part because police chief Euris Dubois, a long time friend of Dantin appears to have botched the investigation.

File this one under too inbred.


The Jerry “Captain Jay” Dantin child molestation retrial is today….

I feel relatively certain Paul Purpura is there for the Times Picayune. We’ll be having more on this when news comes regarding a verdict.


Even a pedophile doesn’t enjoy this kind of ball squeeze: A molestin’ Jerry “Captain Jay” Dantin update.

Grand Isle’s favorite perverted geezer has problems beyond his upcoming criminal retrial for molesting a 5-year-old boy because the problems associated with the inside fix Euris Dubois at the Grand Isle PD tried to put in on Dantin’s behalf is coming into much sharper focus. You see folks Dantin confessed to his crimes in front of Dubois and step son David Carmadelle last year but Dubois’ story that the department’s tape recorder did not work and that his secretary is functionally illiterate thus unable to take notes keeps getting curiousier and curiousier. I personally can’t wait to hear why Mayor Carmadelle fell out that day requiring an ambulance but that factoid will come another day while we visit with Paul Purpura’s Times Picayune story on Judge Zainey allowing the suit to continue as Team Dantin’s lost a big round of procedural motions in the related civil suit against Dantin, Dubois, Carmadelle and the Town of Grand Isle.

Our own Patricia has been questioning the wisdom of parents taking children to Grand Isle in light of the events that have thus far unfolded in the Dantin saga and the one involving Dantin’s buddy Patrick Walsh who also appears to like his sex very young.  If it was me I’d keep my kids close on Grand Isle because it is also clear you can’t trust law enforcement on Grand Isle to do anything other than botch the investigation, as it strongly appears they purposely did in the case of Mayor Caramdelle’s step dad.

Caveat Emptor.


Hung Jury: Molestin’ Jerry “Captain Jay” Dantin gets a mistrial.

Folks the bottom line here is all Jerry Dantin’s lawyer Robert Toale  had to defend his client was to attack the victim and his Momma because despite Grand Isle Police Chief Euris Dubois’ best efforts to fuck this case up from the start, the jury still came within one vote of sending the perv up to Angola for the rest of his life.  Even the prosecution acknowledged the obvious per Paul Purpura’s story on the topic straight from the Gretna courthouse:

Assistant District Attorney Jerry Smith did not sugarcoat what appeared to happen in Dubois’ office, saying in closing argument that Dubois and Camardelle believed Dantin over the boy’s mother, and that by gathering in the chief’s office, “they knew they could smooth this over.”

“What happens on the island stays on the island,” Smith said.

In previous posts on this topic I wrote that Slabbed was keeping its editorial mind open to the fact that DA Paul Connick’s office was half-assing the prosecution of Dantin, who is politically connected through Grand Isle Mayor David Carmadelle and his long standing friendship with police chief Euris Dubois.  I think Paul’s report makes it clear ADA Jerry Smith pursued this case, purposely flawed at the investigative stage IMHO, as aggressively as he could given what he had to work with. Paul Connick and his office gets lots of well deserved criticism here on Slabbed but in this instance they get props for prosecuting this case despite the political heat applied to Connick by a certain west bank crooked politico whose initials are John Alario.

I have a fair amount of material accumulated that is tangentially related to the Dantin case that will be rollled out while we await a new trial date.


Jerry Dantin molestation trial update. Paul Purpura @ the T-P is on the case

I’ve not mentioned this yet but the child molestation trial of Jerry “Captain Jay” Dantin commenced yesterday and was scheduled to conclude today.  I tweeted to Paul Purpura at the T-P to let him know Slabbed was paying attention and this is the latest of 3 tweets from Paul today.

So while we wait how about some appropriate music.


Houston we have a problem on Grand Isle…..

Folks I have some stuff in the pipeline on the subject of Grand Isle Government but there is one problem on the island that reminded me of a famous South Park episode from season 2, Chicken Lover. Now that particular episode had a little something for everyone in the Slabbed Nation from Ayn Rand to certain unspeakable sex crimes. So while I develop the material here is a teaser in a video post of certain of the problems in State v Dantin. First is the simulated crime:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.998797&w=425&h=350&fv=]

and now one of the problems Continue reading “Houston we have a problem on Grand Isle…..”