Slabbed sends an open letter to Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Leon “Pierre” Muise

Via facsimile (902) 742-0678

February 6, 2013

Justice Leon Muise
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia
164 Main Street
Yarmouth, NS B5A 1C2

RE: Yarmouth Action #328248
Trout Point Lodge et al v Louisiana Media Company LLC

Dear Justice Muise:

On Friday January 18, 2013 I was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding a security breach and/or hacking of my widely read legal affairs blog at by persons connected to or acting on behalf of targets of an ongoing Federal Investigation in post Hurricane Katrina political corruption on the Gulf Coast, specifically metro New Orleans. The above action is one of several defamation suits filed by Aaron Broussard’s American expatriate business managers in Canada1, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret over minute details of their self-admitted business relationships and management of an entity that United States prosecutors would later describe as an elaborate bribery scheme.2  The United States District Court for Southern District of Mississippi would later describe these Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation lawsuits filed by Broussard’s Canadian based business agents as the practice of “libel tourism”.3

The purpose of this letter is to address the use of perjured affidavits by Charles Leary in the above captioned defamation suit filed before your court to invade the privacy of US Internet commenters commenting on a US political corruption scandal. Attached to this letter is a motion made by Charles Leary under your local rule 14 filed on April 26, 2011 seeking a court order to obtain the IP address of 4 commenters on my blog including myself. Mr. Leary claimed in the court filing and at a later hearing before your court in May, 2011 that I was an anonymous blogger, that he did not know my identity and needed a court order to determine such in order to file suit against me and 3 other Americans for defamation in Canada.

Also attached to this letter is an affidavit sworn in United States District Court by Mr. Leary in Yarmouth Nova Scotia dated July 25, 2012 submitted to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi in which Mr Leary swore:4

“On May 6, 2011, a process server named Chris Yount served a Notice of Intended Action directed to Doug Handshoe on Doug Handshoe’s wife at his residence in Bay St Louis, Mississippi.”

Less than two weeks later he was in your courtroom testifying he did not know the identity of the publisher of Slabbed. The effect of this was that I and 3 others were denied due process to contest Mr Leary’s wild accusations. Continue reading “Slabbed sends an open letter to Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Leon “Pierre” Muise”

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2

The post was insanely good except for one part but before we get to the post and part to which I refer, let’s visit with this New York Times story from 5 days ago:

The question is no longer who has been hacked. It’s who hasn’t?

The Washington Post can be added to the growing list of American news organizations whose computers have been penetrated by Chinese hackers.

After The New York Times reported on Wednesday that its computers as well as those of Bloomberg News had been attacked by Chinese hackers, The Wall Street Journal said on Thursday that it too had been a victim of Chinese cyberattacks.

The above illustrates the vulnerability of sophisticated corporate networks to hacking but we also learned that from News Corp in the UK in 2012.  I mention this because last month the Times Picayune’s Gordon Russell wrote a story on Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for a private citizen that used the guest computer at the International House Hotel to comment on about the scandal in Jefferson Parish, specifically Dutchie Connick’s role in the alleged conspiracy between the River Birch Landfill and the Broussard Administration to put in the fix in favor of River Birch and close the Parish’s own landfill.

And that brings me to that insanely good post I mentioned at the beginning as I have previously linked it twice on Slabbed, Jason Berry’s A corner piece of the commenter puzzle.  I featured that post in part 1 of this series and I need to feature it again to set up the balance of this post, which will be both long and thorough. Jason set up 4 possibilities which would explain how Fred Heebe ended up knowing the mystery commenters opined on Dutchie Connick from the International House computer along with the email address that he used to register with and I summarize:

1.  The IP information of this commenter was obtained from a second party marketer or vendor?……..
2.  Someone within the NOLA Media Group or Advanced Publications shared the IP and identifying information with Heebe’s defense team that allowed them to track the commenter back to the hotel………
3.  Advanced Publications/ servers were hacked………
4.  Heebe’s team somehow knew that the commenter was using the hotel’s computer already and they put a keystroke recorder on it in order to track down the exact time and date the commenter was using it……….

He then opines that the application of Occam’s Razor results in bullet point #2 being the most likely scenario. I disagree and will add a 5th possibility. None of the above. Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2”

Repugnant is their middle name……

Folks, like I said last month I’ve maybe shown 10% of the accumulated jackassery inflicted upon the journalism profession by Eco Libel Terrorists Vaughn Perret, Charles Leary and Danny Abel of Trout Point Lodge near East Kempt Nova Scotia. In today’s installment of paranoia will destroy ya, Leary again threatens Timothy Gillespie of the South Coast Today, one day after issuing a fake press release as Leary and Perret search for Slabbed’s “co-conspirators”.

From: foodvacation Canada
To: Timothy Gillespie
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 9:43 AM
Subject: Notice
Timothy Gillespie:

You have failed to retract false statements of facts in your Shelburne County Today publications. Taking them down did not equal retraction and/or apology. We have the original publications saved. We are putting you on notice not to destroy any documents or electronic information relevant to your publications about Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret, and/or Charles Leary as well as your communications with Doug Handshoe, any persons you know to be publishing on the blog, anything you have sent to “slabbed,” and/or communications to and from Joyce Case-Harlow. Continue reading “Repugnant is their middle name……”

Reality check time for Trout Point Lodge. A Eco-Libel Tourism Update

There is a country saying about poseurs that is a personal favorite folks and it is time I shared it with everyone.

Big hat, no cattle

Why do I mention this? First allow me to quote that phony news story dated December 21, 2012 by the Halifax Chronicle Herald’s Bill Powers on Slabbed’s historic SPEECH Act victory over the SLAPP Happy libel tourists at Trout Point Lodge:

Perret said he and his business partner will consult with their lawyer on the ruling and are tired of commenting on the case.

“We do not have high expectations of ever collecting any part of that $425,000. This was never about the money,” he said.

Unfortunately this is pure fantasy as Perret and his hubby Charles Leary tried enrolling the money portion of the specious Nova Scotia judgment against me in Hancock County Circuit Court earlier this year. Later they would ask for relief they did not plead in enforcement of the very broad injunction Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Suzanne Hood also issued.  Judge Guirola found both the money judgment and Hood’s injunction repugnant to the constitution of the United States under the SPEECH Act but Perret and Leary are in full tilt damage control mode after Guirola’s decision.  I’d submit Perret, a self proclaimed Park Avenue lawyer is fooling only himself, beclowning himself in the process.  Why do I mention this?

TPL v DKH Doc 37

Alas this is not some small time local yokel courthouse in BF Egypt of the type preferred by Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret. Federal Court is no place for boys to play a man’s game as put up or shut up time has arrived. Continue reading “Reality check time for Trout Point Lodge. A Eco-Libel Tourism Update”

Civil District Court lawsuit filed by Concrete Busters against River Birch terms Trout Point Lodge Ltd. of Nova Scotia a “shell company”

Trout Point Lodge Owners Vaughn Perret, Danny Abel and Charles Leary

They did folks. In fact Concrete Busters amended complaint filed Wednesday against The River Birch Landfill et al unifies several themes we’ve covered here on Slabbed through time. But alas those nasty Goatherders and I have an outstanding  matter in United States Federal District Court in Gulfport before Judge Louis Guirola that my lawyer, Bobby Truitt has me barred from commenting upon. But that does not mean that we can’t let Concrete Busters tell part of that story as I invite everyone to consider the implications for quarter 4 sales for the good folks over at Carmex. Let’s start with this snippet from the beginning of the suit:

Cerro Coyote SA

Of course the good folks at Concrete Busters listed a few more too: Continue reading “Civil District Court lawsuit filed by Concrete Busters against River Birch terms Trout Point Lodge Ltd. of Nova Scotia a “shell company””

Aaron Broussard’s connection to the resort at Trout Point, Nova Scotia Canada revealed by Federal Prosecutors

And yes folks there is more to come because I won’t stop until every bit of the evidence behind the allegations involving Broussard’s business interests in Nova Scotia sees the light of day.  Meantime back on August 31 Team Letten laid down this bombshell in a filing in USA v Broussard:

I seem to remember the late Roy D’Aquilla, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret yammering about those lot assessments at Trout Point on May 24, 2010 in a document I obtained from Leary and Perret’s SLAPP suit against Fox 8 in Nova Scotia Canada. These SLAPP happy nut jobs were so brazen they laid themselves bare in that case in Canada, never thinking anyone would make the connection to what they were doing in Louisiana. Clearly they have underestimated the new media as there has been one media outlet in New Orleans with the cojones to tell this part of the Jefferson Parish corruption saga, Slabbed New Media. Continue reading “Aaron Broussard’s connection to the resort at Trout Point, Nova Scotia Canada revealed by Federal Prosecutors”

Life would be no fun without a daily document. There must be no shield law for journalists in that libel tourism haven Nova Scotia.

Maybe this is why Jacqueline Patterson Edwards took to the courthouse instead of the local media to air her complaints about systemic corruption in this region.  She is in fact a very smart woman IMHO.

Yo Karen, welcome to the Slabb.

Folks I can only shine that light with your help. Donations as low as $10 can make a difference though we’ll happily accept larger amounts too.
