Slabbed legal update: Pfffft you were gone…..

But first some lovely music:

Canadian court orders? Here at Slabbed New Media we wipe our asses with ’em. Down here where the courts are meaningful however I do believe every lawyer with a Mississippi license has now exited the building:

Handshoe v. Randall Cajun Motion to Withdraw

Continue reading “Slabbed legal update: Pfffft you were gone…..”

Welp, prison life is evidently not agreeing with the former Goatherder in Chief

After reading the 53 pages of motion, memorandum and exhibits I wondered if I wasn’t caught in some sort of bizarre spaghetti western movie time warp.  Guilty pleas are extraordinarily hard to undo, even in cases where clear miscarriages of justice have occurred.  Even Perry Mason can’t help things that require divine intervention.

USA v Broussard Doc 250 USA v Broussard Doc 250

That said if there is someone I’d love to see inside a courtroom having to answer to what he’s done it would be the former Goatherder in Chief, who I thought I heard in person taking responsibility for the crimes to which he plead before Judge Head almost one year ago to the day.

Finally I’d be remiss if I did not point out that every time his dealings with the gang at Trout Point Lodge came up, Mr. Broussard would run away like a scared grade schoolgirl, first the day after Val Bracy interviewed him in January 2010 where she nailed him on the subject and he immediately resigned his post as Parish President.

Later in September 2012, after the Government filed a motion to Introduce Intrinsic Evidence of Other crimes involving Nova Scotia EnterprisesContinue reading “Welp, prison life is evidently not agreeing with the former Goatherder in Chief”

Now folks, this greatly warms the cockles of my heart

I think we need a name for Mississippi House Bill 44 such as Leary’s law or the SLAPP Happy Nut job Foreign Judgment Non Enforcement Act of 2014. I imagine the folks in officialdom in Nova Scotia, now known for being a defamation haven from which felonious politicians and their close business associates can sue their US based critics will be paying close attention to the bill sponsored by State Representative Jeffrey Smith from District 39, which has now been referred to the House Judiciary A Committee. Editorially Slabbed New Media is 100% behind House Bill 44. The preamble from Section 1 well explains:

The Legislature finds that it is the public policy of this state to protect its citizens from the application of foreign laws when the application of a foreign law will result in the violation of a right guaranteed by the Constitution of this state or of the United States, including, but not limited to, due process, freedom of religion, speech, or press, and any right of privacy or marriage as specifically defined by the Constitution of this state.

How about some lovely music from the incomparable Babs:

The Heart of the Matter: Exhibits F & G

Last February I wrote to Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Pierre Muise regarding the submission of false and misleading aka perjured affidavits by Charles Leary in the Louisiana Media LLC case in Nova Scotia, a lawsuit to which Slabbed was not a party but which Leary, on behalf of Aaron Broussard used as a vehicle to conduct a witch hunt for his New Orleans metro area based detractors. Despite knowing who I was neither the courts nor Leary gave me notice of any of a multitude of proceedings held in Yarmouth Nova Scotia fishing for IP addresses on commenters to this website. Left out of the letter to Justice Muise but a document which he should surely be aware is the following affidavit sworn by Charles Leary on May 12, 2011, 8 days after they sent their in-house troll Chris Yount to serve undated papers on my wife at our residence in Bay St Louis. Leary on behalf of Broussard and Trout Point Lodge Ltd. clearly misleads the court as to my identity. We’ll call it Exhibit F.


From late May until October 2011, Charles Leary on behalf of Broussard and company, abused legal processes in their lawsuit against Louisiana Media Company multiple times in their paranoid witch hunt for Broussard’s detractors including time periods after they had formally filed suit against me in Nova Scotia. But that is not all that was happening in the Louisiana Media case no siree.  You see folks in that suit Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret were telling a different story about how the Fox 8 reports on Aaron Broussard’s Nova Scotia bribery and money laundering scheme had damaged the Lodge.  In fact here is their exact damages pleading:

89. As a direct result of defamatory broadcasts made by the defendant, third parties with whom the plaintiffs enjoyed longstanding business relationships have decided to depart from any and all contacts with Trout Point and Nova Scotia, withdrawing investment and selling property to plaintiff’s detriment.

That’s right folks, Leary, Perret and Trout Point Lodge, on behalf of Aaron Broussard and others actually plead that their damages were caused by the disruption of their business relationship with Nova Scotia Enterprises, the entity that was identified by prosecutors as a Broussard bribery scheme.  Never mind NSE never owned anything in Nova Scotia and was never registered to do business in Nova Scotia because when you make it up as you go and are willing to swear false affidavits to back up the lies, the Nova Scotia defamation scene was truly the Broussard and Company’s oyster. Continue reading “The Heart of the Matter: Exhibits F & G”

Exhibits D & E: “Prohibited Collateral Use”

Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rules:

Collateral use

14.03 (1) Nothing in Part 5 diminishes the application of the implied undertaking not to use information disclosed or discovered in a proceeding for a purpose outside the proceeding, without the permission of a judge.

Exhibit D ~ Affidavit of Charles Leary dated June 13, 2011


Exhibit E from the action styled Abel v Handshoe & Vandenweghe

Abel v Handshoe et al Doc 12-7

It was during this exact time period in 2011 that Mr. Abel and Aaron Broussard were practicing law together out of suite 106 at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway.

Stay tuned.

Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C

The following has very profound implications:

Exhibit A ~ The official word on a few of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s many other criminal acts:

  • Broussard’s receipt of a major ownership interest in a company holding Canadian resort property for little or no capital contribution, which was instead supplied by various Parish vendors

Beginning in or around 2002, a company named Nova Scotia Enterprises, LLC (“NSE”), was formed. See Exhibit A at 1-5 (Articles of Organization and Initial Report of NSE). NSE was a holding company for several pieces of vacation rental property located in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. See Ex. A at 11 (Operating Agreement of NSE at Section 2.3, noting purpose of company is to acquire and own real property). At various times from 2002 through 2010, there were up to twelve partners in NSE – many of which were Jefferson Parish contractors or prospective contractors. See id. at 32-34 (attachments to NSE Operating Agreement). Broussard was also a partner in NSE. See id. at 34. However, unlike almost every other partner in NSE, Broussard was given a large, 42% interest in NSE for a small capital contribution to the company. See id, at 34 (reflecting Broussard’s ownership interest) & 56 (NSE spreadsheet reflecting contributions made by NSE partners and noting that Broussard’s contribution as approximately $782.60). By contrast, nearly $50,000 was contributed by several other NSE partners for the upkeep and maintenance of properties. See id. at 56. Significantly, many of the NSE investors who supplied the vast majority of the funds obtained a much smaller ownership interest than Broussard in NSE. See id, at 32-34 (reflecting 3% or 6% interest obtained by other partners in NSE). Most importantly and not coincidentally, during Broussard’s tenure, many of the NSE partners, through their various corporations, received contracts with, and work in, Jefferson Parish, worth millions of dollars, at the same time they were funding NSE and Broussard’s corporate interest in it. Finally, Broussard sought, at the conclusion of his tenure as Parish President, to sell his ownership share in NSE – which was purchased for very little – for nearly $200,000, an extraordinary return on the minimal investment supplied by Broussard. See id. at 57-60 (correspondence and promissory note regarding Broussard sale). Thus, in sum, the Government will present evidence reflecting that various Jefferson Parish vendors (who sought and received work when Broussard was Parish President) supplied investments (a thing of value) for a company owned, in large part, and managed by, Broussard. See Exhibit A at 1-60.

Exhibit B ~ Real Estate Abstracts obtained by Slabbed New Media in 2011 and 2012 on the property in question Continue reading “Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C”

SPEECH Act in the news as word spreads of my historic victory over Broussard’s boys (Updated)

For those of you not following Slabbed on twitter I have a couple of links. First up is the story from LexisNexis’ (subscription required) that I think told it best. Here is a snippet:

“The Nova Scotia Court’s oral decision does not contain specific findings of fact with respect to the falsity of Handshoe’s statements,” the opinion said. “Trout Point could not identify a single specific allegation in the statement of claim that the Nova Scotia Court found was actually false.”

Jack E. Truitt, who represented Handshoe, told Law360 Friday that the appeals court decision makes it “almost impossible to get a defamation lawsuit judgment in Canada and come here and enforce it.”

“[The SPEECH Act] has been on the books since 2010, but this is the first widely reported decision on it,” Truitt said. “From the perspective of journalists, it should help you guys sleep a little easier.”

An attorney for Trout Point did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

I know I’ve slept better ever since Bobby signed up to defend Slabbed. Quality lawyers get quality decisions and I can’t say enough good things about the job he did. I was surprised to see the otherwise loquacious Henry Laird declining comment as he frequently comments on his cases locally.

This brings me to the second link as the case was also featured on UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh’s blog. Continue reading “SPEECH Act in the news as word spreads of my historic victory over Broussard’s boys (Updated)”

Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary remain repugnant to the US Constitution

I invite all of my media brothers and sisters to sleep well tonight under the blanket of freedom provided by Slabbed New Media, Bobby Truitt and yours truly. Click the pic to score the 25 page opinion.  I’ll have more a bit later.

Opinion Opinion