Jefferson Parish DA, Sheriff covering for a former elected official alleged to have assisted auto theft ring

The lesson here folks is that is if you are young and black do not expect any mercy from the authorities for the slightest of crimes let alone participating in a major auto theft ring. If you’re one of the boys however, you need not worry about being named let alone charged. Here are a few links straight from one of the most crooked courthouses in all the land:

Prosecutors: Jefferson Parish car theft ring, aided by ex-politician, responsible for $2.5M in damages ~ Matt Sledge

Former politician conspired with major auto theft ring to target Jefferson Parish ~ Michelle Hunter

And of course when the media starts asking too many questions you send out the muscle:

Jefferson Parish sheriff offers new details on car theft ring, won’t name ex-politician allegedly involved ~ The New Orleans Advocate

Something tells me we’ll figure this mystery out. Let the speculation begin. Stay tuned.

Jefferson Parish’s 53 million dollar problem with conprofits laid bare by IG David McClintock

Yesterday Ben Myers broke the news of Jefferson Parish Inspector General David McClintock’s first report since he founded the Jefferson Parish Inspector General’s Office and man is that report a doozie. I chucked at George Amato’s comment to Ben’s story, which I completely concur.

The bottom line is the report is so bad my suggestion is that the taxpaying public would be better served if the Parish Council simply eliminated the various Parish departments and employees that hand out these taxpayer funded grants that are subsequently looted, take the $53.5MM of tax money they are determined to squander and simply put it on a silver platter at the intersection of Veterans and Causeway so the general public can at least get a shot at taking some of the bounty. Not only is such a more democratic method of squandering tax money the squandering can be done without the accompanying overhead. In any event here are the low lights from IG McClintock’s first report:

OIG Audit Finding Louisiana Community & Family Services, Inc.
OIG Audit Finding Louisiana Community & Family Services, Inc.

But it gets better because the gang Louisiana Community & Family Services took the money from the Parish, converted it to cash and then supposedly paid their expenses with that cash without any further documentation. For those of you that actually believe that, Chermaine Kelly has some waterfront in the Gobi desert for sale: Continue reading “Jefferson Parish’s 53 million dollar problem with conprofits laid bare by IG David McClintock”

When I suggested resignation, I did not mean the hospital board…..

File this one under too little, too late:

DA Walter Reed resigns as outside legal counsel for St. Tammany Parish Hospital ~ Heather Nolan

Like I said earlier, I expect a Peter Galvan type outcome here. The only question in my mind is whether or not I excoriate resident talking head / lickspittle Rafael Goyeneche for drawing distinctions between Paul Connick’s outside gig that profits off Parish contracts and Reed’s. I’ve been leaning towards not but I’ll add Rafael has not burnished his rep by carrying DA Connick’s water. Just sayin’.

Byron Lee and Mark Spears say they’re not a bunch of thieving crooks……

Everyone is getting lots of mileage outta that Legislative Auditor’s report on Jefferson Parish West Bank Conprofits. Here is the latest:

Byron Lee, Mark Spears bristle at audit report that public money helped their relatives, associates ~ Andrea Shaw

Former Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee says audit implicating patronage politically motivated ~ Andrea Shaw

Mark Spears Jr. contends he didn’t benefit from public money, argues audit findings misleading ~ Andrea Shaw

Like I said, lots of mileage.

Statement from Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears on audit ~ WDSU

Byron Lee issues statement on audit ~ WDSU

Paul Connick?  Someone in the media actually dropped the MIA DA’s name. (With a straight face no less).  Mark Spears and Byron Lee must’ve had a good belly laugh at that. How about some lovely music: Continue reading “Byron Lee and Mark Spears say they’re not a bunch of thieving crooks……”

Slabbed puts the cherry on top: Broussard, Senator John Alario and his stake in the River Birch Landfill

The landfill fix was in from way far back folks, and in going through the last massive PDF file I snagged last Fall on the terrible reign of corruption and filth that was the administration of former Parish President Aaron Broussard, I forgot the true extent of the historical goodies that I nabbed.

To catch everyone up back in February, 2010 I was like a kid in a candy store finding River Birch Inc. v Robin & Associates, Inc et al and this post provides vital background into how the River Birch Landfill gained the clout it carries today with the state and local political establishments.  It was not a cheap or voluntary endeavor by any means.

Senator Alario was then a democrat and the state GOP took advantage of the Robin lawsuit and ran campaign ads against him. What I found in Aaron Broussard’s Parish Prez files is thus highly enlightening.  Let’s start at the end:

Broussard Alario mailer Cap 1

This is considered official business in the Broussard administration and there was no separation between Aaron Broussard the politician, Aaron Broussard Inc and Aaron Broussard Parish Prez. Notice who signed DA Paul Connick’s check? I sure did:

Broussard Alario mailer Cap 2

Gegenheimer signs his own checks anyway. Continue reading “Slabbed puts the cherry on top: Broussard, Senator John Alario and his stake in the River Birch Landfill”

Monday tease: Slabbed finally locates the MIA Jefferson Parish DA Paul Connick. Simple junior, the Buddy System in action (Updated)

Slabbed has obtained documents related to certain contracts let by State Attorney General Buddy Caldwell in various state litigation against big pharma. It strongly appears Caldwell is using Allan Kanner as a “buffer” to give state contracts to local luminaries such as DA Paul Connick and Dale Atkins in these suits. Documents at 10 below the jump. Continue reading “Monday tease: Slabbed finally locates the MIA Jefferson Parish DA Paul Connick. Simple junior, the Buddy System in action (Updated)”

HUGE!!!!!! Paul Rioux completes the toxic River Birch campaign cash gumbo. Fred Heebe spreads the cash just before the JP River Birch Landfill vote

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Telemachus and ‘Gate, take a bow.  Paul Rioux has the must read story on the topic Slabbed broke earlier today. We got a hat tip in fact. 🙂 The list of River Birch’s lawn politicians is indeed impressive.

So the campaign cash conduit to the politicians is laid bare as expertly as the money train to Heebe’s local media shills. In other related media news we continue to get google search referrals under the search string “why was Val Bracy fired?” Damn good question IMHO.
