Links, links and more links……

Who knew Todd Slack did bankruptcy work? I occasionally refer business to that specialty so this is useful knowledge.

Brennan’s Inc., former owner of the landmark restaurant, is bankrupt ~ Doug MacCash

The Political Award Season is upon us:

Kenner Mayor Mike Yenni wins JEDCO ‘Chairman’s Champion’ award ~ Adriane Quinlan

Lafreniere Park Advisory Board names Councilman Ben Zahn ‘person of the year’ ~ Adriane Quinlan

In other stories Slabbed’s been following:

Kenner finds no criminal wrongdoing after investigating missing cash in code enforcement department ~ Yo Adriane…

Yes Mark Spears still has mucho explaining to do.

Jefferson Parish ethics committee discusses damning audit in private ~ Ben Myers

Finally, with his diaper wearing days firmly in the past, David Vitter is thinking of running for Louisiana Gov.

Vitter’s trial balloon causing a stir ~ Stephanie Grace

The long fabled Thompson/Thibodeaux Community Development Corporation Investigative Audit Released….

Last week the Louisiana Legislative Auditor released its report related to the reasons Anatola Thompson resigned from her Parish of Jefferson job, a story Slabbed broke back in September. Tom literally let the cat outta the bag last month at the Parish Council meeting, after being prevented from doing same by being forcibly removed from the prior Parish council meeting.  The streets of Good Government are indeed mean streets at times.

If I could sit down with former US Attorney Jim Letten in a completely candid conversation one of the first questions I would ask would be somthing like “Jim, Byron Lee was served up to you on a silver platter about nine different ways, why in the wide wide world of sports didn’t you take him?” One of those ways Lee was served up was right here on these pages in fact. To line things up we begin with today’s NOLA.Com feature story by Andrea Shaw on the Investigative Audit’s release:

Legislative Auditor Daryl Purpera said his staff launched the special investigation of Thompson Thibodeaux after turning up clues to its activities during financial reviews of West Jefferson Medical Center, the Parish Council, the public Jefferson Community Health Care Centers organization and the non-profit Jefferson Sports and Scholastic Foundation. The health clinics and sports foundation, run by Lee’s political allies, received parish money under his direction while he was on the council.

Most of that was already out in the open when I published the results of a Slabbed New Media investigation on Lee and his connections to several conprofits way back in late 2010. The one rumored Mississippi connection that I could never source was that is blood relationship existed between Eric Thompson and Mississippi’s own Congressman Bennie Thompson. On its own that does not mean anything but there is an undeniable Jackson to New Orleans cesspool connection and occasionally it manifests itself in places like Mark St Pierre’s trial so being a relative of Congressman Bennie Thompson would be of interest to me, especially to debunk the rumored connection since that is the way we roll here at Slabbed.

Lest I digress as the legislative audit report on Thompson/Thibodeaux Community Development Corporation is a 472 page whopper that will take some time to fully digest.  I can tell you based upon professional experience that when language like the following appears in an audit report within the first 10 pages the whole thing is well worth reading cover to cover: Continue reading “The long fabled Thompson/Thibodeaux Community Development Corporation Investigative Audit Released….”

Monday Miscellany: Thompson crash and burn continues, Juvie Court race, TeeVee lawyers gone wild plus a field politician

I hope everyone enjoyed the wonderful stretch of weather since late last week. I managed to spend copious amounts of time outdoors plus there was a visit with my peeps in Lamar/Marion County. First up was the game Friday night and that attracted field politicians. Check it out below. – The News for South Mississippi

No football game is complete without a post game meal and this is what I served the teenage assemblage over at my place after the game.

But Friday was also “bad news Friday” for TeeVee lawyer Joe Raspanti over at Tom Benson’s Fox 8 as a reader pointed out: Continue reading “Monday Miscellany: Thompson crash and burn continues, Juvie Court race, TeeVee lawyers gone wild plus a field politician”

Thompson/Thibodeaux Community Development Corporation on Legislative Auditor’s Non-Compliance List

I think it is called the conprofit shuffle folks. Tom nailed it here while Slabbed broke the story here. The Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s Non-Compliance list can be found here. (H/T JEDCO Deepthroat)

Tom lets the cat outta the bag

Folks, Tom nails it with Anatola Thompson, a story Slabbed broke. Set your video to 5:45 and learn about related party transactions. Thanks Tom. 🙂

Additional vital background here. Meantime the rumor is new US Attorney Kenneth Polite is focusing on street crime these days.

Jefferson Parish Community Development Director Anatola Thompson resigns (UPDATED)

And folks my sources are telling me she is not leaving the Parish under blue sky conditions. In fact the betting money is on….

All eyes on officialdom next week.  I know more but that is all I can say about this topic for now. (h/t Anonymous)

Here are a few recent and not so recent links:

Free mortgage aid attracts hundreds to Jefferson Parish government office ~ Drew Broach

Jefferson Parish finalizes plan for $16.5 million federal disaster grant ~ Ben Myers

Jefferson Parish Community Development ~ Official Jefferson Parish website (Note the news on Ms Thompson’s departure is so fresh Ms Thompson is still listed as employed by the Parish.)

Update – September 28, 2013

The crickets are chirping folks as news has leaked out from the deepest recesses of Jefferson Parish Government so this morning I share more information that came to me via anonymous bat signal.

First thing all eyes need to be on the Legislative Auditor’s website because there is a report rumored to be released that is evidently damning towards Ms Thompson. In looking for clues as to what may be coming we need to check in with Hammerman: Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Community Development Director Anatola Thompson resigns (UPDATED)”


I am a man who likes to kill multiple birds with one stone so after Slabbed’s researcher and I left Muni court last month we headed over to Lafayette Square to see what was shaking on skid row. As per usual we were not disappointed as we immediately saw the Wino.

“Hey kid, my lady friend wants to have a few words with you.” said the Wino.  “I think you’ll like her.” She looked like she hadn’t eaten in days so we went to a local restaurant  known for having good turtle soup. Her name was Betty.

“No offense bubba but your work on Byron Lee bites.” she began.  “You always talk about following the money but I’ve been waiting for you to do that for months with Byron Lee.”  I protested that my work load was amazingly heavy but to no avail as she was having none of it.

“Lee is part of a crime family son, one that is pretty easy to find.” Knowing time was scarce that evening she handed me a dossier on Lee. “Don’t fuck it up!”, she exclaimed, ” I traded a case of mad dog for this.” With that she disappeared into the chilly evening. Continue reading “It”