Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department

Last week I received a heads up that Slabbed’s mortal enemy Daniel “Danny” Abel had died after being struck by a car in a hit and run just before Christmas last year. One would have to imagine the range of emotions that one experiences under such circumstances. I was on someone else’s dime however and unable to indulge anything in the moment.

I knew Slabbed would certainly be publishing on this topic and the pause for reflection was a good thing. Whatever baser emotions we experienced inside Slabbed were gotten out of the way in fairly short order and that is good overall. We would never wish getting hit by a car and then lingering for two months inside a long term care facility during a pandemic on our worst enemy, which Abel would certainly make the short list. That said after news traveled another person Abel had terrorized with shithouse legal tactics described what happened as ‘karma’ to me. Such determinations are above my paygrade.

Ramon Vargas wrote the Obit for the Picayune and it was sourced by all the usual suspects in Abel’s adopted son Shane Gates and his long time friend Eric Paulsen. This much is true about him, he was gold to his friends and had excellent people skills. He was at his best as a lawyer teamed up with the late Wendell Gauthier during the class action bonanza of the 1990s, the worst abuses of which resulted in tort reform. Abel was the political component of that team as he had judges in his pocket and political connections including and especially with former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard.

Continue reading “Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department”

Contempt of Court at the Super 8 Motel Legal Department……

As the contempt citations and Rule 11 sanctions mount on the author of the Trout Point Lodge Cookbook Daniel G. “Danny” Abel……

Finally, as demonstrated in the procedural history of this case and the court records, plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ counsel have demonstrated a clear pattern of frivolous and vexatious claims. Mr. Abel has also repeatedly failed to adhere to the requirements of this court and has shown a disturbing pattern of asserting potentially damaging allegations with no evidentiary basis whatsoever and of being inauthentic with the court, to put it mildly. For these reasons, the plaintiffs, Belva and Faith Webb, and their counsel, Mr. Daniel Abel, are hereby prohibited from filing any future claims before this court until the sanctions ordered under Rule 11 are paid in full.

Click to obtain pdf
Click to obtain pdf

Webb v Morella Doc 68
Click to obtain three page pdf

But hey folks, you think this is bad? It appears Aaron Broussard’s former law partner has been tagged with contempt of court: Continue reading “Contempt of Court at the Super 8 Motel Legal Department……”

Trout Point Lodge loses big again in the US Courts, lawsuit against former attorney dismissed with prejudice

By my tally the litigious trio owners of Trout Point Lodge still owe their former lawyer Henry Laird at Jones Walker $97,000 or so.  Since the gang voluntarily availed themselves of the New Orleans CDC to sue Jones Walker, I would posit the firm has its choice of legal venue should they institute legal action to collect their unpaid fees.

I attended the hearing back on July 29th and saw the spectacle first hand.  Danny Abel for Trout Point Lodge, as is his habit and custom, was distributing legal briefs that were due 7 days before. He also, as is his history, habit and custom accused Jones Walker’s lawyer Dan Lund of perpetrating “a fraud upon the court”.  Lund is a seasoned litigator and he expertly dismantled Trout Point Lodge’s attempt to scapegoat their former lawyer for Slabbed’s historic precedent setting victory for the First Amendment and Journalism in the Public Interest over the SLAPP happy Aaron Broussard stooges from Nova Scotia Canada.

The Leary, Perret and the Lodge’s petitions are so infantile and self contradictory only hayseeds 2000 miles away in Nova Scotia take them seriously.

Click the pic to nab the judicial beatdown:

Trout Point Lodge v Laird Judgment Trout Point Lodge v Laird Judgment

Super 8 Motel Legal Update: Shane Gates v The Louisiana Criminal Justice System stayed

It looks like vexatious litigant Shane Gates must surrender himself for trial in St Tammany before any of his myriad of civil suits filed by his lawyer / adopted father Danny Abel which named judges, prosecutors, the Sheriff along with court employees and Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell can move forward. Judge Duvall explained why this has to be a few weeks back via a six page opinion:

Gates v Swartz Doc 61

For those interested in finding out what happens to lawyers that sue other lawyers to conflict them out, judges to conflict them out, court employees and others in acts of retaliation via litigation terrorism, click here for a milder, albeit fairly recent example.

Slabbed registers yet another legal victory…..

And you know what is screwed up folks is I still can’t fill my readers in on the details because Attorney Daniel Abel, on an ex parte basis with Judge Glenn Ansardi, had the case sealed when Abel filed it. This is something I am very committed to seeing remedied. 24th JDC Judge Scott Schlegel, now presiding over the case granted Slabbed’s Special Motion to Strike the Complaint under Louisiana’s Anti SLAPP statute and awarded reasonable Attorney Fees. Slabbed New Media LLC was very capably represented by Connie Montgomery in the matter.

Due to the abuses that were perpetrated by Attorney Abel in this matter, in April of this year on behalf of Slabbed New Media I filed suit in United States District Court against Abel for willful violations of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act related to the DMCA takedown notices he sent to Slabbed’s current web host, Host Gator LLC related to publicly available court documents that he claimed infringed on a copyright. Slabbed New Media will show that Abel’s DMCA takedown notice, which he swore under perjury was true, was confected from whole cloth. United States District Court Judge Keith Starrett is presiding over this case.

Finally, Slabbed New Media will be asserting similar DMCA abuse torts against Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary related to their multi-year campaign of abuses of the United States Digital Millenium Copyright Act including their assertion of ownership of parodies created and owned by third parties such as Patrica Fournet and Frank Magazine. Under the DMCA, a party issuing a takedown request swears under penalty of perjury they own the creative works in question. I look forward to having my day in court in defense of the First Amendment and Journalism in the Public Interest.

Freedom is not free folks. If you value your first amendment rights and forums like Slabbed where the free exchange of ideas and opinions are encouraged, please take a few minutes and donate to the cause. While I am certainly appreciative of larger donations, there are several people like Cindy, Beverly, Debra and Patricia that donate as little as $10.00 a month. If 10% of my daily readers aka the unique visitor did this, funding things like lawyers or the hardware that I purchased to self host Slabbed here in Mississippi would not be an issue. Thank you.

Goatherder Legal: Another crash and burn on display in the local media

St. Tammany DA ramps up charge against legal adversary ~ Sara Pagones

Vincent Wynne, who represents GDH and Riecke, points to the fact that the federal lawsuit was dismissed and that his clients won their civil suit against Sharp. Wynne said that attorney Danny Abel, who initially represented Sharp and filed the federal suit, had “left a mess” and “put up so many smokescreens,” costing his clients money.

Vance, the federal judge, ordered Abel to pay the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office attorney’s fees of $22,382 in a separate but similar case, in which Abel had accused the office of violating a St. Tammany woman’s rights by seizing certain items in a search.

Abel has also been admonished by Rothschild for making irresponsible claims of fraud against the District Attorney’s Office in yet another, also unrelated case.

Sources tell Slabbed Mr. Sharp has since obtained professional legal representation. Stay tuned.

Randall Cajun of Trout Point Lodge gets nuttier and nuttier, files suit against Jones Walker and coast attorney Henry Laird

I could be wrong folks but it looks like the Goatherders are attempting to retry their resounding SPEECH Act loss to me in Federal Court in the New Orleans CDC.  This suit is ill advised on so many levels to the point where I am giddy with anticipation. Alan Jacobus of San Francisco California and Danny Abel of the Super 8 Motel Legal Department for Team Goatherder:

TPL v Jones Walker and Laird TPL v Jones Walker and Laird

Ready, Willing and unAbel: A Super 8 Motel Legal Department Update

Folks its appears that the legal department at the Super 8 Motel is very good at filing suits and promoting them in the media but not so good at doing anything constructive with them. With the day of reckoning approaching in Gates v Swartz Danny Abel filed this:

Gates v Swartz Doc 34

Gates v Swartz Doc 34

It appears Abel is having a hard time finding another lawyer to take the Swartz suit, which is to be expected given I feel safe in saying that Abel is the only lawyer in Louisiana that would style a suit like Swartz against a sitting State court judge alleging Treason. By all accounts Swartz is considered a straight shooter as a judge, his transgression against Abel client/son Shane Gates being is he was assigned the criminal case State of Louisiana v Gates. Continue reading “Ready, Willing and unAbel: A Super 8 Motel Legal Department Update”

Deadbeat Judgment Debtors: They still owe me for the first try.

I hear Team Goatherder is trying, via listserv, to solicit representation for a redo of the SPEECH Act case Trout Point Lodge, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret recently lost to me in a precedent setting decision.  I guess it is time I solve a mystery for all the national law bloggers that wrote about the case.

The court ruled the way it did on the default because we agreed to try the case on cross motion for summary judgment, which you lawyers know means there could be no dispute of material facts.  So I took a mulligan and stipulated to all the crazy stuff Trout Point Lodge, Leary and Perret said in their nonsensical complaint, including being the sole author of all the posts and comments made to the blog, something they absolutely knew to be untrue when they plead it since they had been previously conducting a witch hunt against Slabbed for Aaron Broussard in their Louisiana Media SLAPP suit for 5 months previous. That is the tip of the iceberg.

A plain read of the SPEECH Act indicates I am entitled to have their defamation allegations heard right here on the Gulf Coast, in full and this time there won’t be any stipulations on a cross MSJ. Continue reading “Deadbeat Judgment Debtors: They still owe me for the first try.”