And Renee Gill Pratt is toast! Brought to you by Mike Fawer.

Folks I’ve never been shy sharing my opinion that Mike Fawer is wayyyyy overrated as a criminal defense lawyer.  I’m not a lawyer but man o’ man did Fawer just f*ck his own client over writing courtroom checks his overstuffed ego can’t cash? Hey Mikey here is a clue for ya’ bubbie. Accentuate the positive and if … Continue reading “And Renee Gill Pratt is toast! Brought to you by Mike Fawer.”

This just in from Team Gill-Pratt….

By rights I shouldn’t know this given my previous cyber assault on Sandpaper Mike Fawer, lawyer for Renee Gill Pratt but his people have been talking to our people and this is what I can say for sure. I can readily think of three bigger SOBs than your truly, Mike Fawer being one of them.  He … Continue reading “This just in from Team Gill-Pratt….”

Some people say we’re in the dog days of summer as the Times Picayune wanders off Half Moon’s reservation around 2 weeks too late

Folks it didn’t take long for my email in box to start buzzing with this Michelle Krupa story on Diana Bajoie, a Dollar Bill Jefferson political hack with an extensive background in conprofit earmarking. The buzz of course relates entirely to the fact that none of what Krupa reported save comments from Team Bajoie is … Continue reading “Some people say we’re in the dog days of summer as the Times Picayune wanders off Half Moon’s reservation around 2 weeks too late”

Prisoner’s Dilemma back in the news….

Stephanie Grace and James Gill tacked the topic of the 7 year sentence given Rene Gill Pratt for her role in the Jefferson clan scheme to loot out bogus charities funded in part by state/federal earmarks.   We saw the outrage at the sentencing disparity between Betty Jefferson and Rene Gill Pratt on these pages late last week … Continue reading “Prisoner’s Dilemma back in the news….”

Today's rapid fire segment is sponsored by Bellesouth and Blue Moon….

A couple of days ago we welcomed a new commenter on an older post that brought word of a Jimmy Gates story in the Jackson Clarion Ledger that is related to our and Bellesouth’s  coverage of the arrest of Oxford lawyer/blogger Tom Freeland. Hatfield later was kind enough to share the hyperlink to Jimmy’s story. The short version is Team … Continue reading “Today's rapid fire segment is sponsored by Bellesouth and Blue Moon….”

Rotten to the core: A few stories I am following today.

Folks each of these news stories deserve their own post and in time most will be featured but for now here are some links that interested me this morning. Please feel free to add your own in comments that fit the theme: ~ sop Police say they have a confession in the murder of a Dominican priest … Continue reading “Rotten to the core: A few stories I am following today.”

Change some of the names and you got Jefferson Parish…..

You know folks maybe I was being a bit hard on Mike Fawer for bringing the Renee Gill Pratt portion of the Dollar Bill Jefferson saga to trial.  Make no mistake, Fawer abrasive style will insure Gill Pratt gets the book thrown at her but the testimony this past week gives the public another good peek into the … Continue reading “Change some of the names and you got Jefferson Parish…..”

Slabbed news miscellany: The news gods smile upon us.

So I got the music post up and was headed out the door to Buzzard’s Roost for a late Friday afternoon appointment when the phone rang and my appointment cancelled. Then Sock emailed me the link to a breaking story involving newly elected 24th Judicial District Judge Ray Steib, by all accounts a conservative guy, who … Continue reading “Slabbed news miscellany: The news gods smile upon us.”

In This Episode of the Jeffersons is Another Indictment: Keeping it All in the Family (Updated)

According to the Times Picayune this time it is Betty Jefferson, sister to the Congressman. She joins her two brothers who are also under federal indictment. Here is the Times Picayune story: U.S. Attorney Jim Letten is expected to announce this afternoon that 4th District Assessor Betty Jefferson, an elder sister of U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, … Continue reading “In This Episode of the Jeffersons is Another Indictment: Keeping it All in the Family (Updated)”