The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

And what is ‘quid pro quo’ corruption ? A regular commenter on Slabbed, ‘lockemuptight’ recently shared this rather pointed insight: “…Despite the fact that the parish is still on the hook for a $55 million loan from FEMA the Council will spend the very last penny of public taxpayers money to protect their political thief-doms … Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

If this were a stock chart the pattern would certainly be considered bullish

It’s not the number of readers that is important, it is the quality of reader….. ~ (Sop, December 2007) Quality naturally brings quantity. In a very busy news week we are also very busy behind the scenes accomplishing the tasks necessary to form our business entity and move the blog to We’re not certain … Continue reading “If this were a stock chart the pattern would certainly be considered bullish”

Guilt by association: John Young fires Jefferson Parish purchasing director Patti Lasalle

My sources in Parish government indicate Lasalle actually did a very good job for the Parish running the purchasing department.  The problem is that she is sister to Charlotte Burnell. Ms Burnell may well be a bad actor in the Redflex portion of the political corruption scandal but this termination due to relations is not … Continue reading “Guilt by association: John Young fires Jefferson Parish purchasing director Patti Lasalle”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Magnum’s Magnanimous Ministrant for Murphy the Mooch.

The connection to Magnum would be the fax number folks. You’d think with all the loot Murphy’s wife Julie got in secret commissions from Redflex, Murphy would not need to mooch from anyone.  This bunch in Jefferson Parish takes the word brazen to an entirely new level. [scribd id=47660368 key=key-1usg1kd15s9hp7tqyj7w mode=slideshow] sop

James Gill again takes soon to be former Judge Tom Porteous to the woodshed.

Folks once again James Gill shows why he is one of the best opinion columnist in the south. Here is a snippet from today’s piece on the continuing Porteous saga: With a convicted felon on one hand, and Jefferson Parish judges on the other, there’s no way of figuring out who is telling the truth. … Continue reading “James Gill again takes soon to be former Judge Tom Porteous to the woodshed.”

The truth emerges. Steve Theriot's lawsuit against the Blogosphere is continued retaliation against Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Slabbed was there from the beginning and now can tell the story. (Corrected)

What has become known here on slabbed as the Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal is a multi-faceted affair that would take several posts to recap. In my opinion the big Kahuna is the River Birch landfill but we also have the petty corruption in the Redflex Contract along with some garden variety payroll fraud, and of course the … Continue reading “The truth emerges. Steve Theriot's lawsuit against the Blogosphere is continued retaliation against Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Slabbed was there from the beginning and now can tell the story. (Corrected)”

How about some live blogging from the Parish Council meeting (UPDATED 2X)

We’re getting some text messages from folks in attendance. The early snippets do not look encouraging folks and the gang evidently continues to visit the lemonaide spring over at Big Rock Candy Mountain: Waxing nonsensical to beging the meeting. OMG. He (Theriot) just said he encourages transparency and input. He whined about ‘anonymous’ comments and … Continue reading “How about some live blogging from the Parish Council meeting (UPDATED 2X)”

Ann Marie Vandenweghe speaks out. So the Times Picayune wants some answers and the truth. What an ugly truth it is.

Folks, while this is not all of the story, a few of the events leading to the Tuesday Night Massacre have finally made it to the public domain as Ann Marie Vandenweghe has spoken out to Fox 8’s investigative reporter Val Bracy.  To make certain the Slabbed Nation is clear on this I am not discriminating in favor of Channel … Continue reading “Ann Marie Vandenweghe speaks out. So the Times Picayune wants some answers and the truth. What an ugly truth it is.”

Lights Camera Action!: A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption update

OK folks time is short today but we had additional coverage of yesterday’s resignation of disgraced former Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson that included a new revelation by Fox 8 reporter Val Bracy that I want to make certain is not overlooked. Before we get to that lets begin with the WWL TV story on Wilkinson’s resignation: … Continue reading “Lights Camera Action!: A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption update”