From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex

Question: What is going on in Nova Scotia? Answer: Much of nothing good as business fell off drastically at chez girlz in 2010 when Aaron Br0ussard was forced from office in disgrace. In fact our friends over at The Jefferson Report recently profiled Aaron Broussard’s last financial disclosure and it appears he is selling out of the Canadian … Continue reading “From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex”

Tonight on Eyewitness News…..

Remember Jefferson Parish Constable Antoine “Tony” Thomassie? He was one of Aaron Broussard’s political hacks that is front and center in the payroll fraud portion of the Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal. Folks the chirpin’ birdie is telling me tonight on Channel 4 Tony is front and center in an investigative report that will feature “strippers, … Continue reading “Tonight on Eyewitness News…..”

Matt at Fix the Pumps finds woody debris in the new levees and a Fred Heebe in the woodpile.

Folks there are few more dedicated niche bloggers in Metro NOLA than Matt McBride over at Fix the Pumps.  Matt is a tireless advocate for properly constructed flood protection for New Orleans metro and in a 3 part series details the problems the Army Corps of Engineers is having with contractors delivering dirt for levee construction … Continue reading “Matt at Fix the Pumps finds woody debris in the new levees and a Fred Heebe in the woodpile.”

So here we were, just a peaceful little blog…..

And then one week and a day ago things changed with this Trout Point thing rearing its ugly head after we stumbled upon the “closed set”. To help our readers understand what happened I’ve embedded the following video that explains things. Aaron Broussard is played by the great Dom Delouise… [dailymotion id=xdwh8i] sop

Slabbed takes a look at the Trout Point business venture: Let's start at the end and work back.

I think by now even our most casual readers know our successor website, was knocked offline courtesy of the Times Picayune’s corporate parent Advance Publications and this started a chain of events that resulted in Slabbed temporarily being moved back to WordPress. I’d submit this was a miscalculation of gargantuan proportions for several reasons, which will … Continue reading “Slabbed takes a look at the Trout Point business venture: Let's start at the end and work back.”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.

(Reader Warning: Please put your hip boots on as the bullshit gets deep.) So there I was watching the morning show on WWL early one morning last week with my trusty canine companion when the poor pooch had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of my coffee spew that roughly coincided with airing of … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.”

How ironic that on the day after the drive by shooting of the M&M sisters by the Times Picayune……

Those that live in glass houses should take care when casting stones. The news cycle is a target rich environment about now but that can wait as Slabbed will take Rich Rainey’s now retracted reporting on the Aaron Broussard/Nova Scotia connections to a new level. Steve left a huge hint last night in comments. My relative silence of late is … Continue reading “How ironic that on the day after the drive by shooting of the M&M sisters by the Times Picayune……”

Boys amongst men: I promise Mommy I’ll be a good boy from now on. A Jefferson Parish Council federal grand jury corruption subpoena and Waste Management lawsuit update.

Folks I’ve been dutifully collecting links and today I’ll solve the small mystery of why I tagged Gambit man Clancy Dubos with my Sunday music dedication and hopefully provide additional fodder for the grist mill. Let’s start with this story from Paul Rioux from last Friday where Chris Roberts, likely shaken from his second appearance before the … Continue reading “Boys amongst men: I promise Mommy I’ll be a good boy from now on. A Jefferson Parish Council federal grand jury corruption subpoena and Waste Management lawsuit update.”

Capella plays “hat trick” on Grand Jury!

Capella, the council chairman, declined to discuss specifics of his nearly two hours on the witness stand. “I want to honor the secrecy of the grand jury proceedings,” he said.  “But I will say that I answered every question they had about the previous administration for me as a witness.” “Ohhhh. Ayeeye” – Sop put the … Continue reading “Capella plays “hat trick” on Grand Jury!”