Lots of Garland chatter in the area blogs…..

Clay over at NOLA-dishu is linking some of the new media coverage of the Garland Robinette payola scandal.  Each post lends greater insight into the thinking of the peeps on the state of the media in metro New Orleans.  I’ll chime in and say I agree that Bob Delgorno really stinks so I tune to MPB or slip in a CD when I’m … Continue reading “Lots of Garland chatter in the area blogs…..”

Kirk Cheyfitz, CEO of Story Worldwide writes a review of Trout Point Lodge for Post Advertising

Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge Nova Scotia Folks my mind is open to the possibility that this will be more fun than skewering Oxpatch insurance whores Scot Spragins and his sidekick Lucky Tucker thus the new pic to illustrate the gay free speech nazis Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge. … Continue reading “Kirk Cheyfitz, CEO of Story Worldwide writes a review of Trout Point Lodge for Post Advertising”

About the chances that Trout Point Lodge will be bankrupt within a year…..

Obviously the girls at Trout Point Lodge do not have a stellar business record folks from their failed Washington Parish Exotic Cheese Farm to the defunct Nova Scotia Dairy farm to the ill fated Cerro Coyote Hotel project, all of which were at least partially paid for with other people’s money.  After Aaron Broussard’s fall from grace and … Continue reading “About the chances that Trout Point Lodge will be bankrupt within a year…..”

The problem with lying is keeping all of them straight. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption / Trout Point Lodge Scandal Update Part 3

There is no doubt the timing of Rich Rainey’s series of articles on Trout Point Lodge and Aaron Broussard’s connections thereto could not have come at a more inopportune time for the three owners of the lodge, Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret.  While Rainey focuses his articles on the curious Nova Scotia connection involving Broussard and the complaint … Continue reading “The problem with lying is keeping all of them straight. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption / Trout Point Lodge Scandal Update Part 3”

Laissez les bons temps rouler! Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 2.

To repeat part of the lead from Part 1, rarely am I presented with a topic that neatly ties in so many concepts previously presented on Slabbed, such as cognative bias.  For purposes of this post cognative bias involving the media as we again visit with Matt Labash at the hard line GOP media resource The Weekly Standard. We profiled Matt’s 1998 profile … Continue reading “Laissez les bons temps rouler! Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 2.”

Actually Matt, you had this one called right to begin with. Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 1.

Rarely am I presented with a topic that neatly ties in so many legal concepts we’ve advocated here on Slabbed such as ordinary citizens losing their basic constitutional rights under the ruse of  Tort Reform and as luck would have it, this area was used as the poster child for the need to strip ordinary citizens across … Continue reading “Actually Matt, you had this one called right to begin with. Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 1.”

A few quick random thoughts

If there is one idea that I’ve tried to carry with me every day since Katrina it is the notion of the true extent of the transitory nature of our existence. Now this notion could indeed be viewed as a bummer because everything is destined to end the only question is when. My reaction is … Continue reading “A few quick random thoughts”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past. And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge … Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

Modular News generated on demand: Waste Management and the Parish are still holding hands…..

Folks monitoring a PACER docket is sometimes an interesting exercise in compare and contrast. For example earlier this week Paul Rioux at the T-P wrote a PACER based story on the latest newsworthy developments on the Parish’s suit against Waste Management. The long and short of it is both parties want the July 11 trial postponed as … Continue reading “Modular News generated on demand: Waste Management and the Parish are still holding hands…..”

Henry Mouton cops a plea. Agrees to help Feds in the case against Team Heebe/Ward/River Birch

This is old news by now folks. In reality nothing much happened today except that the marriage between Teams Letten and Mouton was made official today by Judge Martin Feldman. If Mr Mouton delivers the goods as expected he will get off very light. Game theory has a very good explanation of what lead us to … Continue reading “Henry Mouton cops a plea. Agrees to help Feds in the case against Team Heebe/Ward/River Birch”