So here I am, sitting at a major crossroads in Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish…..

And guys I’m agonizing because I’ve had a comprehensive post in drafts since August detailing the retaliation against anyone who has covered or spoken out on the massive political corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish by Aaron Broussard and his band of Goatherders.  The original plan, based upon the advice of my lawyer Bobby Truitt was to roll … Continue reading “So here I am, sitting at a major crossroads in Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish…..”

DMR Scandal Day 80: This is too rich…….:-)

There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don’t know. ~ Ambrose Bierce Folks we all gotta take off our hats to the DMR Beat Team at the Sun Herald because the gang is doing a great job, especially in today’s day and age of the local newsroom … Continue reading “DMR Scandal Day 80: This is too rich…….:-)”

The American Zombie Unmasks Randall Cajun of Real Malice: “U AN OVIOUS”

Some would call Randall Cajun at the new Real Malice Blog an anonymous coward and be well within their rights to do so. I certainly could because I post using my real name here on Slabbed and it was no secret my early handle Sop81_1 was me.  I won’t though because people sometimes need to be anonymous … Continue reading “The American Zombie Unmasks Randall Cajun of Real Malice: “U AN OVIOUS””

Slabbed Investigates: Continued bad times at the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview

Are we noticing a trend with the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway and the media yet folks? It is all here on these pages: Luncheons with Ashton Phelps after which the Times Picayune stopped covering major aspects of the corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish. Public records requests from Val Bracy at Fox … Continue reading “Slabbed Investigates: Continued bad times at the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview”

Hard times at the Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview…….

If this doesn’t sum up Goatherdian legal jackassery in 2 short sentences nothing does…. On appeal defendant does not specifically allege that any of the requirements for entry of default judgment were not met. Rather the defendant alleges that ASAP misled the court by suggesting that there was no communication between the parties and providing … Continue reading “Hard times at the Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview…….”

While we wait for Judge Guirola to rule: An act of cowardice

Those of you that have been regular Slabbed readers understand that earlier this year Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret, Aaron Broussard’s business agents based in Nova Scotia used a Canadian court order to shut down the Slabbed website.  I got the site back up and going with a new web host with the old site left at … Continue reading “While we wait for Judge Guirola to rule: An act of cowardice”

At today’s Jefferson Parish Council meeting……..

I’m getting word the gang spent 90 minutes or so behind closed-doors discussing the Vandenweghe v Parish of Jefferson. For those of you catching up Anne Marie Vandenweghe was harassed and ultimately fired from her job in the Parish Attorney’s office because she was seen as cooperating too vigorously with federal prosecutors investigating Broussard era corruption. To the extent … Continue reading “At today’s Jefferson Parish Council meeting……..”