All this Aaron Broussard nostalgia brings me the warm fuzzies

First Bill Hubbard returns to society and now Tim Whitmer is a completely free man per Andrea Shaw last night over at as we remember the Aaron Broussard implosion plus five. A quick pointer for everyone that is new here, the calendar on the top of the left sidebar is an excellent tool for … Continue reading “All this Aaron Broussard nostalgia brings me the warm fuzzies”

Slabbed joins | The Times Picayune in remembering the fall of Aaron Broussard plus five

I have so many nuggets that never went down into the memory hole like the following and boy howdy does the gang get themselves in trouble telling all sorts of whoppers! Threatened with a foreign defamation lawsuit in a noted area for libel tourism before the passage of the SPEECH Act the Times Picayune ran … Continue reading “Slabbed joins | The Times Picayune in remembering the fall of Aaron Broussard plus five”

It took days to seat a jury in the Broussard Katrina pump flood case…..

Shazam! Team Nagin managed to do the same task in a higher profile case in a day and then off we zoom to opening arguments. Here is the takeaway the lawyers are talking about from’s live coverage: 3:27 p.m.: Jenkins’ presentation is scattershot. It doesn’t even sound like he made an outline. Prosecuors on … Continue reading “It took days to seat a jury in the Broussard Katrina pump flood case…..”

Broussard Katrina Flood Trial: Week 2 Concludes with Parish Prez John Young on the Stand

And Paul Purpura has been there covering the trial for NOLA Media Group. Here is a snippet from his story on John Young taking the stand: Jefferson Parish President John Young spent an hour on the witness stand Friday in the Hurricane Katrina flood trial, distancing himself from his predecessor, Aaron Broussard, and vowing that … Continue reading “Broussard Katrina Flood Trial: Week 2 Concludes with Parish Prez John Young on the Stand”

Rope n throw n brand ’em: Tim Whitmer contradicts Aaron Broussard’s sworn testimony in the Broussard Flood suit.

Yes he did and that pesky ol’ Mount Hermon Louisiana keeps coming up time and again! Ol’ Aaron is making quite the convenient whipping boy there in his Granville County North Carolina prison cell.  Hows about some links folks: Former top aide contradicts Broussard on pump operators’ evacuation ~ Chad Calder Aaron Broussard knew of … Continue reading “Rope n throw n brand ’em: Tim Whitmer contradicts Aaron Broussard’s sworn testimony in the Broussard Flood suit.”

SPEECH Act in the news as word spreads of my historic victory over Broussard’s boys (Updated)

For those of you not following Slabbed on twitter I have a couple of links. First up is the story from LexisNexis’ (subscription required) that I think told it best. Here is a snippet: “The Nova Scotia Court’s oral decision does not contain specific findings of fact with respect to the falsity of Handshoe’s … Continue reading “SPEECH Act in the news as word spreads of my historic victory over Broussard’s boys (Updated)”

To understand the SLAPP suits filed by Aaron Broussard’s former business associates one must understand what the posts reveal……

This post is one Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and gang at Trout Point Lodge took particular umbrage. In that post, I linked a Tripadvisor review on River Bend Lodge, one of several cottages and outbuildings Leary and Perret managed for Aaron Broussard in a way that was indistinguishable from the Lodge itself. Later the pair … Continue reading “To understand the SLAPP suits filed by Aaron Broussard’s former business associates one must understand what the posts reveal……”

Slabbed puts the cherry on top: Broussard, Senator John Alario and his stake in the River Birch Landfill

The landfill fix was in from way far back folks, and in going through the last massive PDF file I snagged last Fall on the terrible reign of corruption and filth that was the administration of former Parish President Aaron Broussard, I forgot the true extent of the historical goodies that I nabbed. To catch … Continue reading “Slabbed puts the cherry on top: Broussard, Senator John Alario and his stake in the River Birch Landfill”

Batter up! Broussard document dump Part Deux

July 25, 2012 was the day I made my first official visit to the Yenni Building and the assistant Parish Attorney that was initially assigned to handle public records for Team Young/Foshee was singing her swan song as she had to leave due to the no longer meeting the residency requirements in the Parish Charter … Continue reading “Batter up! Broussard document dump Part Deux”