Its a brother in law deal: The noose around Fazzio’s neck draws tighter

Something tells me Stephen London will not be the last attorney to end up DQ’d at the hands of Team Letten. Judge Berrigan isn’t especially known for following the law but I hear the pressure on her to adhere to the straight and arrow on this one is intense.  And why will London not be alone … Continue reading “Its a brother in law deal: The noose around Fazzio’s neck draws tighter”

Professor Bernofsky would like a word with the House Judiciary Committee…..

Late last week the T-P’s Bruce Alpert had a story on 2 local US Court nominees that described a virtual love-in for Stephen Higginson and Jane Triche-Milazzo for open spots on the 5th Circuit and LAED respectively. As fate would have it I met Jane Triche-Milazzo many years ago and was impressed by her and her family. To … Continue reading “Professor Bernofsky would like a word with the House Judiciary Committee…..”

Never met a murderer or an insurance company he failed to like…..

I wrote something along those lines long ago to describe Judge Helen “Ginger” Berrigan, a lady who has love in her heart for murderers and insurance companies that sometimes has a recusal problem. Overall she is a crappy judge because she evidently fails to understand that the concept of justice extends equally to civil torts and not … Continue reading “Never met a murderer or an insurance company he failed to like…..”

Lets connect a few dots as we feature James Gill’s last column on Fred Heebe.

I have a small confession to make.  After I wrote yesterday’s posts

Gone fishing – River Birch Plaintiffs’ opposition to Court’s ex parte, in camera review of search warrant affidavit

Catch of the day from yesterday’s docket entries in Heebe-Ward-River Birch  v USA  was the Plaintiffs’ opposition brief filed after the evidentiary hearing.  As noted in the Minute Entry for the hearing, the Government asked the Court to conduct an ex parte, in camera review of the sealed affidavit to the search warrant. In their … Continue reading “Gone fishing – River Birch Plaintiffs’ opposition to Court’s ex parte, in camera review of search warrant affidavit”

Tick-tock it’s almost 12 o’clock

“The thirtieth edition of the U.S. Government Style Manual (2008) sections 9.54 and 12.9b recommends the use of “12 a.m.” for midnight and “12 p.m.” for noon”…soooooo After reviewing the Government’s inventory Plaintiffs shall submit a memorandum regarding what seized items they believe should be returned pursuant to this Court’s previous Order by Wednesday, February … Continue reading “Tick-tock it’s almost 12 o’clock”

Roll the dice for another round of CLUE – the River Birch version

Although some are still playing CLUE – the River Birch Version,  we need to roll the dice and start another round to make room for all the new clues filed today. Let’s start with why the Government brought a “clean team” along when the FBI searched the third floor offices of River Birch: (Government’s Response) … Continue reading “Roll the dice for another round of CLUE – the River Birch version”

If “the best place to hide a needle is in a haystack of needles” then…

The best place to hide a file is in a pile of files! As you may recall, Judge Berrigan’s Order required the Government to “provide a detailed inventory of what it seized from the premises of 2000 Belle Chasse Highway”: That inventory shall indicate what was seized, from where it was seized, and on what … Continue reading “If “the best place to hide a needle is in a haystack of needles” then…”

“CLUE” – the River Birch version

It was NAAS, and not Colonel Mustard, who launched the River Birch version of CLUE® with this question posted to  Judge Berrigan orders River Birch to file a floor plan with the Court: Which “team” is it that reviews seized documents and records to cull out the truly privileged, confidential or unrelated documents not covered … Continue reading ““CLUE” – the River Birch version”