Dirty Laundry: Just a bit more color

First we had hints of multiple hat wearing at Singing River Hospital here but the narrative moved along including my subsequent disclosure that I thought I had resolved the riddle that was Mississippi Laundry Holding and Mississippi Laundry Services. Then in January Spice Girl spiced things up with a loaded comment: Mr. Slabbed, can you … Continue reading “Dirty Laundry: Just a bit more color”

Analysis: Rumors of sweetheart insider contracts swirling around Singing River Hospital (Updated)

UPDATE: Since this post was published Slabbed was contacted by Singing River Hospital Spokesman Richard Lucas. This snippet tells the tale: Our laundry contract, as it has been for many years, is with Crown Health Care Laundry Services out of Pensacola, Florida. We do not have nor have we ever had a contract with Mississippi … Continue reading “Analysis: Rumors of sweetheart insider contracts swirling around Singing River Hospital (Updated)”

In case you’ve been wondering where your Supervisor has been……

He, along with Scott Walker signed up over 10,000 people from across the gulf south for a pair of Houston Texas lawyers to sue BP. Now he, along with Scott Walker and Kirk Ladner are suing the lawyers: I’ve read the suit and the exhibits. What I know about the law is exceeded only by … Continue reading “In case you’ve been wondering where your Supervisor has been……”

DMR Timesheets raise troubling questions regarding contract worker payment and supervision (Updated)

Slabbed has obtained timesheets related to contract work performed by Samantha Hebert at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.  Before I show you folks what I have we need to back up in time, first to December of 2012 when the DMR Scandal was still young when Anita Lee and Karen Nelson detailed the DMR … Continue reading “DMR Timesheets raise troubling questions regarding contract worker payment and supervision (Updated)”

No booze cruises for Thad???

Cochran: ‘I didn’t party’ on DMR boat ~ Anita Lee I know a few folks up in Stone County that think highly of Myrtis and her hubby. To me the problem isn’t the drinking. Anyone that has been on a private plane like a King Air 90 knows the wealthy owners often provide nice amenities … Continue reading “No booze cruises for Thad???”

Today was a good day for Public Interest Journalism in South Mississippi

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Anita Lee for trailblazing this issue. After Scott Walker was sentenced, Anita along with other interested members of the media, including myself, huddled with Team Walker, the US Attorney and Judge Starrett. Subject to certain conditions Judge Starrett granted us access to the Scott Walker sentencing letters. … Continue reading “Today was a good day for Public Interest Journalism in South Mississippi”

A few thoughts on the Bill Walker sentencing

I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing! ~ Galatians 2:21 Give ‘em a show that’s so splendiferous, row after row will grow vociferous.. ~ Fictional lawyer Bill Flynn Both of those quotes come to mind to explain what I saw … Continue reading “A few thoughts on the Bill Walker sentencing”

Obviously we have some catching up to do

First up is the Whistleblower and the copious amount of comments left yesterday evening about Scott Walker and Hancock County Supervisor Steve Seymour. I’m not clearing them through the moderation que because it will save a lawsuit or two (or three). That said there is someone that made contact with me, as luck would have … Continue reading “Obviously we have some catching up to do”

JIm Brown: The Puzzling Rise and Fall of Bobby Jindal

Thursday, March 13th, 2014 Baton Rouge, Louisiana THE PUZZLING RISE AND FALL OF BOBBY JINDAL Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal threw a hissy fit in front of the White House earlier this month. He joined other governors in having a non-partisan luncheon with the president, then walked out on the lawn and began blasting away at … Continue reading “JIm Brown: The Puzzling Rise and Fall of Bobby Jindal”

Exactly one thought on the Bill Walker plea

More precisely one thought on the information contained in Anita Lee’s story on same. Shumate allegedly approached the Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain about buying the property. The Land Trust and Scott Walker signed a sales contract in April 2011. Shumate’s attorney, Tim Holleman of Gulfport, who attended the plea hearing, said afterward … Continue reading “Exactly one thought on the Bill Walker plea”