And the legend of “Spike” was born: The Tarpon Rodeo, hot tuna and old school politics

Since the Times Picayune editorial board whipped out an old term we picked up from TheRiot in “deadhead” in pointing out the 7th floor of the Yenni Building was packed with political cronies of Tim Coulon and Aaron Broussard, it is only fair I point out the 10th Floor was where the Courtesans were assigned. Since we’re renaissance people … Continue reading “And the legend of “Spike” was born: The Tarpon Rodeo, hot tuna and old school politics”

“I love a parade”: While Rome was burning down Chris Roberts was angling to ride in the Saints Superbowl Victory parade

Today’s installment of documents laid on me by my gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak deals with a parade but this was no ordinary parade folks, no sir. This was a special parade indeed so to refresh everyone’s memories we need to hit the way back machine and head back to February 2010. Our own AROD was cooling his heels … Continue reading ““I love a parade”: While Rome was burning down Chris Roberts was angling to ride in the Saints Superbowl Victory parade”

File this one under they were ignorant until the very end…. (revised)

First the disclaimer. Attorney Bobby Truitt represents Slabbed in its free speech fight against Aaron Broussard’s former business associates at Trout Point Lodge. Second I contacted Mr. Truitt for comment on the following documents, which my Gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak laid on me yesterday and he declined. So folks to understand the significance of these documents and my post … Continue reading “File this one under they were ignorant until the very end…. (revised)”

Slabbed does a compare and contrast on Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center change orders: Elton Lagasse has some ‘splaining to do.

Folks this post sets the record for time spent in drafts and it was this latest Rich Rainey installment from the Jefferson Parish Council cesspool on the topic of JPAC and Parish Capital Projects Director Reda Youssef that dictated I find a way to adequately explain the construction disaster that has squandered millions in state tax money.  Adequately explain?  By … Continue reading “Slabbed does a compare and contrast on Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center change orders: Elton Lagasse has some ‘splaining to do.”

Phony Baroni: Way past time we rolled out this member of the Goatherder Nation for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation

Even better folks I did not have to do any of the work since I am goofing off this week here on the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast as the Flaming Liberal over at Your Right Hand Thief has been all over former Kenner politico and Broussardian Goatherder Nick Baroni since before Slabbed entered the Jefferson Parish Corruption cesspool. Mark Moseley aka Oyster … Continue reading “Phony Baroni: Way past time we rolled out this member of the Goatherder Nation for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation”

Fazzio seeks a stay in his straw man campaign cash case. Takes a page out of the Calhoun playbook.

The Slabbed community has been all over Team River Birch’s use of straw man political campaign contributions to exceed the statutory limits since literally since day 1 when we broke it.  Yesterday evening, Paul Rioux filed a story for the T-P updating this portion of the sprawling political corruption saga as Big D wants a … Continue reading “Fazzio seeks a stay in his straw man campaign cash case. Takes a page out of the Calhoun playbook.”

Something historic happened at the last Jefferson Parish Council meeting and Slabbed has the scoop

Slabbed has the scoop on something that happened 2 days ago? Absolutely we do as the historic event is something that would be so pedestrian elsewhere as to not merit a mention or second thought from my brother journalists on a typical government beat:  For the first time in years the Parish council split 4-3 … Continue reading “Something historic happened at the last Jefferson Parish Council meeting and Slabbed has the scoop”

All signs indicate a Ray Ray indictment is at hand

If Maurice “Hippo” Katz had lived, he would have given Team Fed both Morial and Harry Lee. I mention this because Sir James wrote a column for yesterday’s Times Picayune about the fact former HSOA CEO Frank Fradella strongly looks as if he copped a plea and is working with Greg Meffert to insure former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is … Continue reading “All signs indicate a Ray Ray indictment is at hand”

To further amplify the point ‘Gate, Steve, Patricia and I are making………

Follow the money folks.  Let’s recap and tie in two posts. South Coast Today Nova Scotia on the Broussard Arraignment: Trout Point figure pleads not guilty in New Orleans fraud scandal Canada’s third-largest bank said Tuesday it will acquire Corporacion Interfin and merge it with its existing Costa Rican subsidiary, resulting in a 13 per … Continue reading “To further amplify the point ‘Gate, Steve, Patricia and I are making………”