Friday Open letter day: A satisfied client endorses Bobby Truitt

I’m a satisfied client as well hence the banner hanging on the right sidebar. The following is from Anne Marie Vandenweghe which I publish for no promotional consideration: I would point out to any detractors that Bobby Truitt was the only one to man-up in my defense. And I am eternally grateful. No one ( … Continue reading “Friday Open letter day: A satisfied client endorses Bobby Truitt”

Slabbed New Media seeks permission to sue Loyola University, Stuart Smith Law Clinic Assistant Director Ramona Fernandez and Law Student Janey Lamar

Slabbed New Media today filed a Motion for Leave to Amend its copyright abuse lawsuit against suspended lawyer Daniel Abel to include Abel’s close associate Chris Yount, along with Loyola University via its Stuart Smith Law Clinic adding counts of malicious prosecution and abuse of process. The new counts are related to a defamation lawsuit … Continue reading “Slabbed New Media seeks permission to sue Loyola University, Stuart Smith Law Clinic Assistant Director Ramona Fernandez and Law Student Janey Lamar”

Whistleblower Guest Post | Anne Vandenweghe: “Darkness allows evil to flourish”

February 2, 2015 Harahan, Louisiana Darkness allows evil to flourish. Whistleblowers are the flashlights that show the spotlights where to shine. In a perfect world once the evil is spotlighted it is eradicated. In a perfect world whistleblowers are celebrated. We do not live in a perfect world. Hence the importance of protecting whistleblowers’ anonymity … Continue reading “Whistleblower Guest Post | Anne Vandenweghe: “Darkness allows evil to flourish””

Looks like I was in the wrong courtroom yesterday…..

The business world always slows down in advance of the Christmas holiday so yesterday I took advantage and headed to US District Court in New Orleans and a major pretrial hearing in the Heather Hilliard civil suit against Jefferson Parish. The hearing was attended by all the finest people but before I get to that … Continue reading “Looks like I was in the wrong courtroom yesterday…..”

Heather Hilliard litigation reveals the many sides of Parish Prez John Young….

And it is only right that Slabbed reveal those sides given that I broke the coverage of management team turmoil in the Young Administration back in January, 2012 which was joined almost immediately by the big media outlets in NOLA.  The story went straight down into the gutter with tales of workplace sexual harassment that used terms … Continue reading “Heather Hilliard litigation reveals the many sides of Parish Prez John Young….”

Meantime this Jacobus guy from San Fran will evidently put his name on anything…….

Looks like to me that on PDF page 16 Mssrs Abel and Jacobus, counsel for Trout Point Lodge, have breached a seal that Abel obtained on an ex parte basis from Judge Glenn Ansardi.   How quickly people forget Copeland v Copeland and Operation Wrinkled Robe. Goatherder Motion on Truitt Intervention

If you entered the New Year in good health….

Today’s Public Service Announcement is sponsored by Truitt Law: Karl Wiedemann, a local lawyer in New Orleans, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This will create quite a financial burden for his family. He and his wife, Stefanie, and their children will need prayers, support, and financial resources. At this time of the year, please … Continue reading “If you entered the New Year in good health….”

Animal House: New Jefferson Parish Whistleblower suit plus the Hospitals back in the news

Never a shortage of hijinks and hallabaloo in Jefferson Parish no siree folks. First up is Veterinarian John Edwards courtesy of Courthouse News.  Like Slabbed before him Edwards is using the services of a man that has a proven track record of hanging skins on the wall in Slabbed’s own Bobby Truitt. Click the pic … Continue reading “Animal House: New Jefferson Parish Whistleblower suit plus the Hospitals back in the news”

I hear Heather Hilliard has a new lawyer: Jefferson Parish Omnibus

Folks don’t get mad, get Slabbed.  I’m not certain why Ms. Hilliard changed counsel midstream but I certainly think she nabbed a fine lawyer. Newbies can find vital background here and here plus generally here. It is another example of a Slabbed scoop on the Jefferson Parish beat. I’ve had a few things in my inbox on … Continue reading “I hear Heather Hilliard has a new lawyer: Jefferson Parish Omnibus”