Fazzio seeks a stay in his straw man campaign cash case. Takes a page out of the Calhoun playbook.

The Slabbed community has been all over Team River Birch’s use of straw man political campaign contributions to exceed the statutory limits since literally since day 1 when we broke it.  Yesterday evening, Paul Rioux filed a story for the T-P updating this portion of the sprawling political corruption saga as Big D wants a … Continue reading “Fazzio seeks a stay in his straw man campaign cash case. Takes a page out of the Calhoun playbook.”

BREAKING: Louisiana Ethics Board files charges against Fred Heebe, Dominick Fazzio and a host of Heebe companies

Last Friday the Louisiana Board of Ethics filed formal ethics charges against Fred Heebe, Dominick Fazzio and a host of companies under their control.  The basis of the allegations can be found on this post beginning with this comment on Slabbed circa February 2011 and the subsequent comments by former Slabbed commenter Telemachus and the indefatigable Whitmergate Telemachus is a former … Continue reading “BREAKING: Louisiana Ethics Board files charges against Fred Heebe, Dominick Fazzio and a host of Heebe companies”

Dominick Fazzio in court this morning but all eyes were on assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone

At least that was the way WDSU TeeVee spun today’s Fazzio hearing on his motion to dismiss the charges against him. Luckily for everyone, Paul Rioux from the T-P was also there and he gave a good account of the hearing’s subject matter, Fazzio’s allegations of prosecutorial misconduct against Team Letten.  Here is a snippet: Berrigan has previously said she isn’t … Continue reading “Dominick Fazzio in court this morning but all eyes were on assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone”

BREAKING: Big D Fazzio gets new lawyers. He is digging deep folks.

Buddy Lemann does not come cheap folks and he is a top shelf criminal defense lawyer. Today River Birch’s Dominick Fazzio ditched the federal public defenders office and brought in Buddy and his son to mount his criminal defense.  To borrow some slang from the Slabbed legal team, Lemann is not the type of lawyer that is afraid to … Continue reading “BREAKING: Big D Fazzio gets new lawyers. He is digging deep folks.”

And you’re still outta here! Big D Fazzio’s lawyers remain disqualified and that’s all we’ll be hearing ’bout that for a while.

Late last week Judge Ginger made it official folks, Dominick Fazzio’s legal fee agreement with Team Heebe/Ward/River Birch Landfill made it impossible for him to get unconflicted legal representation. The good news is Big D gets federal public defender Sam Scillitani as his new lawyer, at least for the time being. The federal public defenders office did a great … Continue reading “And you’re still outta here! Big D Fazzio’s lawyers remain disqualified and that’s all we’ll be hearing ’bout that for a while.”

And you’re outta here: Judge Ginger disqualifies Fazzio’s legal team.

Well folks, back in late September I put my Carnac the Magnificent hat on and predicted Fazzio lawyer Stephen London and his sidekicks would be DQ’d from USA v Fazzio as there was only one way Judge Ginger Berrigan could rule on the government’s motion and be on solid legal ground.  According to Gordon Russell at the T-P that is … Continue reading “And you’re outta here: Judge Ginger disqualifies Fazzio’s legal team.”

Fazzio COBs on ’em: A River Birch Ball Squeeze Update.

Paul Rioux gives us the latest in USA v Titus, which by implication impacts USA v Fazzio and the ongoing investigation into the River Birch Landfill. As an aside to the whores at Entercom Communication, the mere mention of the River Birch Landfill in turn always manages to roll Garland(fill) Robinette into the discussion in story comments … Continue reading “Fazzio COBs on ’em: A River Birch Ball Squeeze Update.”

Its a brother in law deal: The noose around Fazzio’s neck draws tighter

Something tells me Stephen London will not be the last attorney to end up DQ’d at the hands of Team Letten. Judge Berrigan isn’t especially known for following the law but I hear the pressure on her to adhere to the straight and arrow on this one is intense.  And why will London not be alone … Continue reading “Its a brother in law deal: The noose around Fazzio’s neck draws tighter”

Dominick “Big D” Fazzio goes on the offensive, tries to have Team Letten disqualified. A Legal Jackassery Update (Updated 3X)

Folks Team Fazzio is pulling out all the stops to keep Dominick “Big D” Fazzio free and available for the defense at team River Birch.  In my last post on this topic I described this case as a branch of a branch of the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal while Paul Rioux at the T-P described the … Continue reading “Dominick “Big D” Fazzio goes on the offensive, tries to have Team Letten disqualified. A Legal Jackassery Update (Updated 3X)”

Here’s something for the scrapbook: Fazzio co-conspirator Mark Titus in plea talks with US Attorney Letten.

Paul Rioux gave us the latest on the defrauding of construction management firm Garner Services to the tune of $1 million and change yesterday evening (bad news Friday) and the long and short of it is that one of the co-conspirators aka the inside guy, Mark Titus is interested in cutting a deal with Jim Letten to rat-out … Continue reading “Here’s something for the scrapbook: Fazzio co-conspirator Mark Titus in plea talks with US Attorney Letten.”