I’d like to make a general announcement about George Peterson and the s1civicgroup

Folks I’ve received several contacts recently regarding the attacks by Peterson and his organization on the Citizens for Good Government.  Peterson himself stopped in with us to accuse Slabbed guest poster Lockenuptight of being one of the M&M sisters in a diatribe that did nothing to dispel the questions about Peterson and the curious stances his civic group took in the recent landfill contract process.

We are working to get a video up on YouTube from the last Jefferson Parish Council meeting and hopefully that will happen so that people can make up their own minds. Meantime next up is another post from Lockemuptight who saw the meeting replay on Cox and was outraged enough at what he saw to author another guest post on Peterson and his S1civic Group.

I say this because Mr Peterson and I exchanged emails yesterday. The long and short of it is I offered him the opportunity to present his viewpoints on Slabbed via guest post.  He declined my offer.


36 thoughts on “I’d like to make a general announcement about George Peterson and the s1civicgroup”

  1. Please make sure to include the M&M sisters attack on me that preceded my coming to the podium. While I was out of the council chambers helping another citizen with a code enforcement issue, the M&M sisters continued their slanderous attacks on myself and the other civic leaders of Waggaman.

    I had no intent to speak st the end of the council meeting, but I will not allow these ladies to continue with their malicious lies that undo the good work of the citizens of Waggaman.

    1. Beggars can't be choosy George. In fact I wish I could embed the entire meeting as I'm told by sources in Parish Government the meeting was historic in its nastiness from start to finish.


  2. What we are witnessing in real time is the unraveling of yet another JP ‘garbage’ conspiracy, with the attack dog Peterson (soon to be lap dog I promise you) running interference; all action directed by mini-me with the assistance of Largeass (really Barry Bordelon)…

    I hope the lawyers for Waste Management get a wiff of what’s going to transpire here on Slabbed as it concerns the IESI contract and the machinations behind the scenes, including Peterson’s delusional role as a candidate for District 3 … maybe he’s color blind, who knows …

    Peterson’s crass and unwarranted, and yes slanderous, remarks concerning the character and integrity of the ‘Divine M&M Sisters' is beyond common decency … I suggest that these attacks are mini-me’s way of getting revenge for some imagined schizophrenic slight or insult he perceived was directed at him by these Ladies…and also an act attempting to misdirect those of us who know what is at issue here: another questionable, if not illegal, contract concerning Jefferson Parish’s landfill…

    River Birch all over again … an IESI sequel that will continue to cost the taxpayers HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in outside legal fees and damages …

    Allez putain Petersen !!!

    1. I have faith the readers can make up thier own minds after considering all available info here and elsewhere. This is also why I offered you the opportunity to present your side of thngs here on Slabbed George. That offer is still good by the way.


  3. I appreciate that sop, but as I have looked through your blog posts, it seems to me that your readers are more interested in conspiracy theories and drama then my side of the story.

    It was evidenced by the replies that followed my response the other day. Some of the replies were so out of context that it looked like the respondent just wanted to make stuff up.

    The fact is the M&M sisters are no angels and they launched the first salvo in this war. Everything that I have done os on defense of their malicious lies against myself and my fellow citizens of Waggaman.

    And for the record, there is no big conspiracy over the landfill.

    1. George thank you for the promotion of Slabbed to 'conspiracy theorist'. For the longest time we were known in the Council's chambers as the alter ego of Anne Marie Vandenweghe.

      I see that River Birch paid for your playground equipment. Well played sir.


  4. Yes, River Birch continues to send funds to the Waggaman community as it was supposed to be from the beginning when Donald Jones and Byron Lee started sending the money to their illicit non-profits instead.

    So it is your purpose to persecute the people who first fought to keep River Birch from existing but had it forced upon them by Tim Coulon and John Alario. And then had two corrupt councilmen take the settlement of the lawsuit and filter to their so-called non-profits.

    So the fact that Byron Lee and the parish was never going to do anything to replace the playground equipment means that we should just sit idly by and deny the children of the community the pleasure that we could provide them?

    Like I have said before, you should walk a mile in a man's shoes to know his convictions.

  5. Oh and by the way George…my theory that there is/was a criminal conspiracy by River Birch and it's principals (Heebe/Wards) together with the Public Officials of Jefferson Parish, elected or appointed (Whitmer, Wilkinson, Broussard, Barton, Gandolfi, Fos et al) to award River Birch a illegal landfill monopoly is a FACT !!!

    Have you been that far up mini-me Roberts ass all this time to remain ignorant of the Federal Investigation of these very same matters ???

  6. Mr. Peterson: I think if River Birch wants to build a playground to soothe their ego, that's great. Many people, besides you, have criticized issues regarding Donald Jones and Byron Lee and their movement of funds from Waggaman to their fake non-profits. It's great that River Birch is continuing to give money to Waggaman. I think people object to it being laundered through 2 Civic Groups and some could question some of the projects (money for a church sign? etc.). While they may be worthy projects, they are still questionable. Some also question the timing of the playground build coinciding (???) with your campaign. They also question your continued parade to the microphone at the Jefferson Parish Council meetings when you are a candidate and also your subjects (supporting IESI, criticizing CFGG, etc). Now, EVERYONE is questioning your judgement and your thin skin. Perhaps politics is not the right field for you and you should go back to being a "Community Leader" as you so ofter refer to yourself. I guess the voters will decide in a month.

  7. I have always lived by the creed that "a good name is much preferred over great riches"

    So maybe that is why I have allowed myself to be drawn out here in your crazy little blogosphere world at slabbed.com but as with Byron Lee and the malicious lies that have been spread by the ladies from CFGG, I will not back down from my beliefs and my values.

    I am confident that what the civic leaders of Waggaman have done for the community is a far cry better than to allow that community to continue without any representation at all.

  8. Thank you Mr. Peterson for continuing to respond on Slabbed.

    Your continued slanderous comments directed toward Margie, Margaret and the CFGG is most helpful for our legal team.

    The way I see it is that you now realize the jig is up. The help you gave setting up the IESI deal is transparent. Of course you know by now, Roberts had an ulterior motive in promising to give you a lawnmower; and that was for you to cut grass so people like yourself will not escape to St. Tammany Parish you fool.

    You complained that the Parish dump smelled (Waste Management). Where is your quantitative FACT analysis study to prove that River Birch, the dump next door, did not contribute to this alleged problem ? You have chosen to attribute this odor to the JP landfill. WHY ? Could it be that River Birch is 100% responsible ? Do you have these facts Mr. Peterson ? NO ? I didn’t think so.

    Quite frankly, your puedo strawman arguments failed, and you are simply not up to the task at hand.

  9. Oh puleez! I invite anyone to come to Waggaman for a first-hand tour of the landfills to see for yourself the difference between how Waste Management does their cover and how River Birch does theirs.

    And for whatever the rest of your rant is about. Okay time for your meds!

  10. I will you ask again…


    Maybe you should quit SMELLING your meds, MR PETERSON ?

  11. Oh Patricia, I am glad you chimed back in. You quoted me then asked where was I on those issues. Um, that was me you were quoting. So that's where I am on those issues. ROFL!

  12. Ask Michele BRANIGAN how effective this CRAZY LITTLE BLOGOSPHERE is?
    You are asking the WRONG PEOPLE for ANSWERS that are OBVIOUS.
    Byron Lee's shenanigans are a direct result of the corrupt people who SERVED & PRESENTLY comprise the JP council.
    THEY voted to allow these things & THEY are RESPONSIBLE.
    How dare you begrudge Margie Seeman for doing the job that these MISCREANTS are paid TENS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS to do!

  13. But your question was "Where the F*** was I on these items?" And clearly if that is a quote from what I said or wrote then it is quite clear where I stand on those issues.

  14. AND….
    Your assertion that lockemuptight is Margie Seeman….Is…well, it's simply stupid.

    Ms Seeman posts on this forum using her real name & the notion that she is using a pseudonym to post on slabbed is LUDICROUS….


  15. George, I have never doubted your sincerity to make things right for Waggaman… and particularly your efforts to expose the abuses of the Councilmen who have mis-represented that District all these years. For that we should all be grateful.

    However I feel that your myopic view of Waggaman’s parochial plight has become your ‘Achilles Heel’ … I believe that there are evil forces at play, Roberts et al, who have as ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’, led you astray.

    This is what I’m talking about:

    1) Why would you, of all people, attack the CFGG ? … up until your qualifying to run for office, one would have assumed that there was ample common ground to concur … reform as a goal for a better and more transparent Jefferson Parish government…

    2) Why would you take sides, at this most critical juncture, about which ‘trash’ company would rule the dump … were you not aware of the close political ties between IESI and certain Council members, Roberts and Lagasse in particular … that Waste Management will continue to protect their reputation and legal rights in court … that the IESI contract is a ‘River Birch blueprint’ for another possible Federal Investigation ?

    3) Why as a white man in a totally rigged Black District would you qualify to run…the Vegas line is that you won’t even make it to a second primary…and you wonder why people are suspect of your motives, especially since you have chosen to ‘cock’ strut around at Council meetings these last few meetings as though you are already one of them.

    The fact is, your not the George Peterson that I expected to become so public these last few months.

  16. Finally dome civil dialogue. Thank you! Nut I am afraid that I am just getting home from working all evening and I would like to answer your questions in the morning.

  17. No problemo buddy…just please post a copy of the study you relied on to make your assertions…

    Thanx, Whitmergate

  18. Mr. Peterson is running in a district that is minority and low to moderate income. If he wants to win this election, he needs to focus on more than just the landfill issue. Does anyone know his position on unemployment crime, blight and environmental justice?

    Have you ever asked yourself why Waggaman is the garbage hub for the metropolitan region? Don't you think every jurisdiction in the metropolitan area should be responsible for managing and reducing its own municipal solid waste stream so that it does not end up in landfills that are in the back yards of minorities and low to moderate income folks who lack political clout and cant afford to live anywhere else?

    Clearly, there are social, as well as environmental problems in this district that transcend the issue of which garbage company can better manage a landfill. IMHO, the residents of this district have not been offered the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work. That is the real issue at play here.

  19. Mr. Peterson,

    I believe that you are and have been trying to do your best for Waggaman. No one spends that amount of time uncompensated unless they are dedicated. I also agree that Waggaman has gotten screwed time and again. First you have the dumps. Then the councilmen steal the money from the dump intended to help the community.

    I just think you have now lost your way. You seem to be gravitating towards Chris Roberts. This is the same man you sat idly and voted to allow Lee and Jones to steal from your community. He is not your ally and never will be your ally. He intends to use you to strike back at the M&M sisters who are a thorn in his side. He is using you to front a smear campaign against these ladies who a exposing his rotten dealings. If, by chance, you win he will be there to remind you who got you there.

    In short, Chris Roberts is using you as a pawn. Now, maybe you can justify this by saying at least my shilling for him is getting something done for Waggaman. But, remember how much he cared about Waggaman when he voted to allow Lee and Jones to rob you blind. When the election is over, if you don't win, do you think he will still care about you?

    Be careful, sir, as it is your integrity on the line here. Selling out may work in the short term, but never in the long run. In your heart, I think you know that the M&M sisters are just like you when you first got started. Looking to make a difference against the machine politics. Stop and think, what side am I on, now?

  20. JPgoodfella – Mr. Peterson's integrity is already gone as is his credibility. He is just like Al Morella, getting in front of the tv cameras at every opportunity. When Mr. Peterson rode in Chris Roberts' float during Mardi Gras, I knew he was finished. He may win the Republican endorsement because he's the only Republican in the race but all the endorsements aren't going to help him and, when push comes to shove, the machine can't force Black Democrats to vote for a White Republican. His only shot is that the 3 other candidates split the vote and he slips into a runoff with 25% of the vote. Then, he will get crushed in the runoff. It's pointless arguing with Mr. Petrerson because he always needs to have the last word and justifies it as "defending himself". Palling up to Chris Roberts, IESI, criticizing CFGG, this week siding with Mike Thomas' idiotic argument that price shouldn't be part of the RFP scoring process, this pattern shows that good government is not in Mr. Peterson's future.

  21. G'morning people! Let's get started with a little history of the Waggaman area and the landfill question first. Senator George Augustus Waggaman built Avondale Plantation along the Mississippi in 1839. Around the turn on the 20th century, west of the Avondale Plantation a railroad station, called Waggaman Station and a post office were among the beginnings of a small community later known as Waggaman. While Jefferson Parish had begun to grow by the 1930's, the Avondale and Waggaman communities grew steadily in the 1960's. Today Avondale and Waggaman have approx 15,000 residents whose median income is $46,161 in Avondale and $44,291 in Waggaman.

    Being in the remote corner of the parish, parish planners saw the Hwy 90 area as a good spot that was out of the way and that would not interfere with the growth and development of the main part of Jefferson Parish, which is known as Metairie. I have been told that there has always been a problem of the "Tale of Two Parishes, Eastbank vs Westbank".

    So actually, looking a the historic record, the residential communities were developed long before the landfills

    Historical data was taken from "Jefferson History Notebook Avondale-Waggaman The Legacy of a Family and Its Land" by Frank J. Borne, Jr. published by the Jefferson Historical Society

  22. So now to address whitmergate's previous questions. Let me take them in reverse order so that you can have a better understanding of 1) why I decided to run for office 2)how the citizens of Waggaman came to chose IESI over BFI and Waste Management and 3) the how and why behind the war with CFGG

    First of all, I never had any intention to ever run for office. The loss of privacy as a private citizen, the public scrutiny and the constant criticism from people who do not know your true convictions. However, after many years dealing with Byron Lee's self-serving corrupt misrepresentation of the 3rd District, coupled with the requests from my friends and neighbors that have looked to me to be their common voice for the good of the community, along with people from the parish gov't who stated that if I am as passionate in my beliefs that I should run for office and finally the people in approach me after mass asking me to please run, because we really need somebody who can give fair and equal representation in this district, I made the decision to run an uphill race for the good of the community and the parish. I am not a political insider, so I DO NOT HAVE THE SUPPORT of any of the parish politicians. One thing that I have found out since running for office is the powers in the parish and the battles, who are allies and who are at odds with the other. My opponent, Mark Spears Jr. was not that interested in running, but he had to be pushed by DA Connick and Parish President John Young. It seems that they believe that in spite of the failure of the past twenty years of this segregated district and the African-American Council seat that they still want to support the affirmative action cause to keep this district seat held by a minority. As a resident of the 3rd District, that has had to live the nightmare of this failed policy I cannot fathom the continued practice of "doing the same thing and expecting different results". Spears comes from the Marrero Political Mob that has given us the likes of Derrick Sheppard, Girod Jackson,Alan Greene, Kyle Greene. Byron Lee and their close association to 'Dollar' Bill Jefferson. As for the "Vegas Line", my message is resonating across both racial and party lines. As a civic leader, I know what it means to stand up for the Quality of Life of the people that I represent. I believe in 'Fair and Equal' representation for all the people of the 3rd District (not just the 63% majority). In my office I will have a diverse staff to assure good constituency service for the diverse community of the 3rd District. And as for your observation of my interaction around the council chambers, I have always believed that if you want to succeed at something then you need to "act as if". Besides, as a community leader, our civic association has focused on water and drainage issues in our community, so I have always had interactions with Kazaam of Public Works and Randy Shuler formerly of the Water Dept. and Royce Blanchard and Terry Talamo who were John Young's council aids. Speaking of the relationship with the At-Large council members, since we had Byron Lee as a councilman, we always had to rely on a better relationship with the At-Large members, hence the appearance that I am "sucking up" to Councilman Roberts.

    I am sorry, but I have to cut the grass and get ready for church so I will try to get back later today to finish answering whitmergate's other questions.

    Again, I appreciate the opportunity to have civil dialogue, so I hope that you understand that I will not answer to harassing attack on my character.

    "You need to walk a mile in a man's shoes in order to know his true convictions"

  23. George … we will have to simply agree to disagree …

    I am, of course, disappointed that you failed to post any study that attempts to factually quantitate exactly whose odor it is that you smell…

    However I am happy to learn that you have chosen to remain a responsible citizen of JP by cutting your grass (it's a joke George) !

  24. With regard to your questions about the comprehensive study that was conducted, do you have anyway that I can upload photographs? We have photographs of the parish landfill when the cover was not placed overnight as well as photographic evidence of the River Birch Landfill with the neutralizing agent that is mixed in their clay couple with the spray-on cover that they used and comparing that to the lumpy shoddy clay cover with the 'flagging' of trash that Waste Management does at the parish landfill.

    It is like night and day to actually see the difference between a privately run landfill and a public dump.


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