Thursday Music: It occured to me I never properly welcomed the girls to the Warren Suite here at the Do Slabb Inn….

I bet the girls didn’t know Slabbed had its own 5 star cyber hotel affectionately known as the Do Slabb Inn. And at the Inn we have a special suite named the Warren after Warren Buffet who was the first occupant.  One difference between our Warren and Trout Point Lodge is at the Do Slabb Inn there are no hidden charges and free speech is welcome, in fact it is encouraged.  Few that check in ever check out…………. 🙂


10 thoughts on “Thursday Music: It occured to me I never properly welcomed the girls to the Warren Suite here at the Do Slabb Inn….”

  1. The Do Slabb Inn is similar to the roach motel with its sticky floors in that it also attracts roachy clientele except the Warren Suite offers the rare amenities of slick,slabbed floors with tricky trap doors that unknowingly drop arrogant visitors into the Truth Pit where they are eternally tormented by big sleazy,Canadian lies.

    Now girls don't get your faint hearts beating too fast, just relax and enjoy as it's all just a parody.

  2. I don't know these guys, but your interest in them seems perverse. Don't ou have anyting better to do?

  3. Who visits a blog to tell them their interest in a subject matter is perverse? Is this the one friend in the whole entire world they have sticking up for them? Sad.

  4. Andrew Leblanc: Glad to read your comment and welcome to Slabbed.

    Well lets see now – we could blog about the LSU Tigers' controversy with Jefferson, the tropical depression and oh, maybe the lousy way the Saints backups played last night.

    But when you read about how a small group of attorneys running a motel in Canada attempted and succeeded in silencing the Times-Picayune, are attempting to silence the opinions of the very people who stay at their motel and now have sued a blog site, Slabbed,; seems to me those who appreciate the freedom of speech in this country would be interested in deterring such an attempt to extinguish our very FIRST AMENDMENT !

    Have you ever had the privilege to stay at a motel/hotel which before you checked in attempted to remove your right to speak out about any valid complaints or concerns while you were staying there? I haven't but I would think in a totalitarian country such policy is common and you could lose your head in complaining.

    That's when I get motivated in opposing any such group who try to deprive you or me of such basic rights and for what, for their personal agendas?

    Evidently Mr. Le Blanc such arrogance and abuse of the judicial system to deprive our right to free speech doesn't bother you until someone physically tapes your mouth shut or worse incarcerates you until you decide not to speak out anymore. Maybe it is your responsibility to this blog to give valid reasons why as an American such activity by attorneys doesn't bother you.

    However, you will always have the guaranteed right to free speech on Slabbed paid in full by the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have DIED defending this country's freedoms. Additionally, I believe the theme of this blog is not only to safeguard such basic freedoms but to invite differing opinions as long as they are based on sound truths and honest agendas.

    1. Yep. And I first broke that connection last December. This is great stuff.

      Andrew I've debated how to answer your question and please take my answer in the spirit in which it is intended. FUCK OFF.


  5. ps. The latest on Garland Robinette and the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal that Target linked above means things only get worser for the girls.

    You see when I spoke with Andrew Speller and Kirk Cheyfitz both asked why I didn't get more support from the media down here. Since I can't lie I told both the local media was almost completely sold out to entrenched corrupt interests, a point I echoed to a NY Times reporter who inquired about Magnum's BP contract. (The reporter giggled as we agreed the local media would never touch such topics.)

    Channel 4 broke their link on the Trout Point connection a week or so back immediately after I used it to tease Charles Leary on Twitter. Don't know if it was Paulsen or if the guy on duty is a pussy but it was so predictable. Luckily I nabbed a pdf before sharing the link with Chuckie and it will make a good post. :mrgreen:


  6. Uh Andrew: Don't you have anything better to do than criticize free speech? You seem perversely interested in the bitchslapping being delivered to the Canadian Queens. You a little light in your loafers too? Oh and just in case you are an Officer of the Court attorney type let me lighten up with a lawyer joke: Why did the sharks not eat the lawyer who fell off his boat? Professional courtesy. Hee hee hee.

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