5 thoughts on “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: The Rock Tsar dances to the pale Half Moonlight”

  1. Wait, I thought GHW was a law firm, not a political fundraising entity. Oh, wait, I forgot, they run every judicial campaign in the metro area. Just disgusting. Their conduct just does not pass the smell test, yet nobody, not the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, the Judiciary Commission, nor the Supreme Court does anything about this. I give up!

    1. You give up !?!? … Well so do I … but that doesn’t mean we can’t fuck with them here on Slabbed, does it ?

  2. Whit:

    As I said, this just does not pass the smell test. I can’t imagine why lawyers or ODC are not up in arms about the fact that GHW runs almost all judicial campaigns in the metro NOLA area. Does someone really think they are going to get a fair shake in front of a judge elected due to the fund-raising arm of GHW? I say probably not.

  3. IMA: ” Does someone really think they are going to get a fair shake in front of a judge elected due to the fund-raising arm of GHW ?”

    I say definitely YES!

    However, its more than a fair shake but more of a silent “Shake Down” and forced homecooked settlement after you meet in the judge’s chambers and he shows you the menu he intends to serve.

  4. It irritates me to no end for Members of “The SLABBED Nation” to speak of “the ODC”, which is REALLY Chief “Injustice” Kimball of the Louseyanna Supreme Court, and her PIMPS, Charles Plattsmier and Gregory Tweed. This triumvirate should be impeached, prosecuted criminally and put in prison. But the Louisiana Bar, who gave control of their destinies to these degenerate PIECES OF SHIT in the 90’s, are “too scared” to open their puney little mouths and call a “spade a spade”. I have “the goods” on these motherfucking cocksuckers, and I’ve had it for some time. But I’m not getting ANY “help” from former Brothers at the Bar. And if you think that “Titty” Kimball or her PIMPS Plattsmier and Tweed will EVER do anything about GHW, think again, And think about what you may be bringing down on yourself just for suggesting that the CORRUPT ODC do something. Ain’t life grand? Ashton O’Dwyer.

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