Sunday Open


Critics take complaints over city clerk’s raise to Waveland aldermen ~ Geoff Belcher

Bay harbor commissioner resigns ~ Dwayne Bremer


Rita Benson Leblanc???

Tom Benson has long harbored doubts about heir apparent Rita, friends say ~ Ramon Antonio Vargas


Chiquita-Charlotte divorce may cost up to $40 million ~ Jen Wilson

Bitcoin and the Digital-Currency Revolution ~ Michael Casey & Paul Vigna (Subscription required)

Heckuva job Barackie!

Greek election: Anti-austerity Syriza battles New Democracy ~ BBC

A stock basher could have some fun with this:

UPS Prepared Too Well for Holiday Rush and Paid the Price ~ Mary Schlangenstein and Michael Sasso

Special Report: Scarred Memories ~ Wall Street Journal (Subscription Required)


7 thoughts on “Sunday Open”

  1. I can appreciate the concerns of the citizens about pay raises when they feel there are other areas of the city that need funding, but I wonder where these folks were 3 years ago when the Superintendent of Education received a $20,000 a year increase in her salary for each of the 3 years of her contract. $60,000 in one fell swoop!! How many taxpayers in Waveland could boast of an increase in income like that 3 years ago?
    No matter how you feel about the City Clerk’s raise, what happened to the taxpayers 3 years ago made the Clerk’s raise look like peanuts.

    1. Some of the outspoken critics mentioned in the Echo were Robinette Lawler supporters based on what I saw at the Alliance Candidate forum last year. Makes you wonder whose Ox is being gored here.

  2. Hadn’t thought about that angle, but you are right. Lawler did vote for that whopping raise for the Super.
    So, they didn’t fuss about it because they and their School Board candidate agreed with it. Voo doo economics!!!

  3. Back to SRHS and the compliance department.

    Stephanie Barnes Taylor was the Chief of Legal Services and the Compliance Officer for SRHS until 2014.

    In 2010 SBT founded The Fruition Group LLC.

    The Fruition Group reportedly offered a 12 week leadership development course offered internally to SRHS employees. “The Fruition Group is offering a 12 week leadership development course aimed at helping people find and develop the leader within them. The class was offered internally to Singing River Health System employees and has graduated 3 successful classes since 2010. Many of the graduates have since then attained promotions or otherwise expanded their performance excellence. this awesome learning experience will be offered to the public beginning January 14, 2013.” [ref 1]

    The Fruition Group website features endorsements from a “Lena Crain, HR Director”: “The class material is excellent and Stephanie does a great job presenting it passionately. I think the impact of the training will be in how much the learner actually implements the information and knowledge into his/her daily life.” Another endorser is a “Celeste Oglesby”: “The class reenergized me and emphasized to the participants the commitment we must make to excellence for the benefit to self, family, community, and work.” A number of the other names endorsing are apparently SRHS employees. [ref 2]

    Is this an example of typical world class practice? Is it typical for a compliance officer to establish a side business, author a book, and then apparently have the side business train employees of the business? Does the apparent use of endorsements from employees to further market the program add to the awesomeness and complete the compliant feedback loop?

    Curious to hear what others think about this. Perhaps I misunderstand and this is really a world class health system compliance practice. I’m certainly not a Harvard trained expert.

    [ref 1]


    Additional reference

    1. I find myself asking how much of the complaint can be taken seriously and how much is thin air bullshit. Larry Holder wrote a column today for that was hysterical in respects. I’m not gonna skewer Larry but I do have a post coming. How can I resist with so much institutional knowledge at Slabbed disposal. :mrgreen:

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