Behold the terrible price to the taxpayers for electing crooks and buffoons to the Parish Council…

Allow me to summarize the latest Waste Management lawsuit against Jefferson Parish:

1. From 2007-early 2010 Jefferson Parish was run by self admitted felons

2. Even after those self admitted felons resigned in disgrace TheRiot continued their dirty work during his interim reign of terror.

3. Now the cat is out of the bag so Mini-me is gonna have to write another check with other people’s money, about the only thing the guy is good at. That is, of course if him and Elton LaGasse don’t burn another $500,000 defending the indefensible paying the hollow suits at Phelps Dunbar before they write that check to Waste Management.

Click the pic to get the pdf.

Waste Management of Louisiana v Parish of Jefferson Doc 1

A quick review – Cockroaches:
1. Operate in the shadows and under the cover of darkness.
2. Operate as a group.
3. Scatter when light or sun shine is applied.

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Immigration reform – principal or politics?

Thursday, February 7th, 2013
New York, New York


Immigration reform is back on the front burner as a major issue in Washington, and the Republicans are taking the lead. When Senator John McCain was asked why Republicans were actively joining Democrats in a bipartisan effort to legalize millions of illegal immigrants, McCain forthrightly replied: “Simple. Elections — the Republican Party is losing the support of Hispanics.” In other words, principal has gone by the wayside, and politics is the driving force to survive and succeed in the nations’ capitol.

What happened to the laws on the books concerning illegal immigration? When you break into my home, you are committing a crime. But when you break into my country, it has become, to our leaders in Washington, merely an embarrassing inconvenience. Republicans are now throwing in the towel, and giving up on seeing that current law is enforced. Has it become OK to set aside the law and ignore its violation for political purposes? It would appear so.

And what’s all this stuff about “undocumented workers?” The lead Republican in this effort to legalize those who have illegally entered the United States is Florida’s Senator Marco Rubio. He conveniently refers to these illegals as “individuals who are living in the United States without proper immigration documents.” That’s like saying that your local drug dealer is in possession of large amounts of cocaine, but just forgot to get a doctor’s prescription. Continue reading…….

Thursday links: Henry Shane’s public records suit delayed, Ethics charges delayed, Housing Authority delaying……

Or in the parlance of the insurance litigation: Delay, Deny, Defend.  Here are three links along those lines:

Hearing on political email through Jefferson Parish agency pushed back ~ Paul Purpura

Ethics case against River Birch takes back seat to criminal probe again ~ Manuel Torres

Jefferson Housing Authority members moving parish suit to federal court ~ Manuel Torres

Now regarding this legal war between the Parish council and the Housing Authority Board. In it simplest, most boiled down terms the fight is about the financial interests of one man in Gary Lala as it intersects with the desire in the Gretna political set to keep subsidized housing out of that City.  Everything else is smoke and mirrors except the stealing and looting, which is very real.

Vital background on Lala can be found here and here.

Why Harold Holmes had to go from the Land Trust Board……(Updated)

A Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain board member has resigned, saying he wants to spend more time with his family in Texas and eventually plans to move there.

Harold L. Holmes of Carriere said his resignation, announced in a Feb. 4 letter, was not related to a controversy over the nonprofit agency’s purchase of property from a state agency head’s son.

But alas I have an email where far different words were used by Mr Holmes. Lightweight and thin skinned would be two terms that appropriately describe this situation.  Where do you think Anita got your cell phone number from Harold?  It is no wonder these people on the Land Trust Board voted to help Billy Walker engage in what strongly appears to be criminal activity because clueless does not begin to describe them.

There are some people that tell me Doug, a blogger has no basis to  deal with a McClatchy paper to warn me off linking the paper or working with select reporters.  Oh Contrary. :mrgreen:


The McClatchy remark above was not directed at the Sun Herald and I did not expect a link as I would have put something like “I’d like to remind my media friends of the creative commons license on the right sidebar” because certain NOLA TeeVee stations rip off Slabbed without thinking twice. That said the gang at the Sun Herald was kind enough to link my coverage of this and I do appreciate that.