Well Lee, you weren’t the only guy who couldn’t get ol’ Harry on the line…..

Feds investigate former St. Charles DA ~ Lee Zurik, January 24, 2013

The FBI has requested records from the Clerk of Court’s office, and our sources say the probe involves DWI’s and alleged sexual favors.

If I was a newspaper reporter I’d ask Jim Letten why St Charles Parish DA Harry Morel Jr decided to call it quits ~ Doug Handshoe, September 9, 2011

Gee Lee, what source would that be?

Trading leniency for sexual favors perhaps? Maybe instead of being allowed to resign the man should be prosecuted. JMHO

I’d like to remind our local media friends of the creative commons license Slabbed displays on the right side bar.  I’m not asking for money, nor am I looking for a share of a Peabody award.  Attribution is all I require.

Is this a sign the Virginian is undoing some of the more curious Team Letten decisions, as previously documented on these pages?  An apology to AROD would be certainly be in order IMHO.

Gee, did anything happen while I was away?

Whewwwww doggie were things happening! I’m not sure where to start and that does not count a new development here on Slabbed.  Both chapters of the Slabbed Nation are lumped into one post for the sake of expediency so we gotta start with Former Goatherder in Chief Aaron Broussard’s REJECTION by Judge Head:

Aaron Broussard won’t get hearing to explore alleged prosecutorial misconduct, judge rules ~ Manuel Torres

Even worse for the others trying to make hay outta Sal, Jan and allegedly others playing on the Internet:

Aaron Broussard’s failed try for new hearing is a bad sign for others alleging prosecutorial misconduct. ~ Manuel Torres

We gotta get Manuel a nickname. Lest I digress as Judge Head, on loan from Corpus Christi Texas is known as a seasoned jurist that does not tolerate fools or tomfoolery as these Robing Room reviews illustrates:

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 1852
Brilliant but ill-tempered. Equal opportunity ass chewer though-no one is exempt from his wrath.

and this one which nails it: Continue reading “Gee, did anything happen while I was away?”