Das Boot: Danny Monteverde solves the mysteries surrounding W.G. Landrieu’s DWI arrest

While the young Landrieu may have been drunker than Cooter Brown that is not where he was boozing the night before last folks as our own Jr’s speculation was spot on but for those that want the official skinny on Benjamin “Waxing Gibbous” Landrieu’s DWI arrest should consult with this T-P story by Danny Monteverde.


7 thoughts on “Das Boot: Danny Monteverde solves the mysteries surrounding W.G. Landrieu’s DWI arrest”

  1. Possibly full of shit, hope he realizes what’s at stake and comes completely clean if not there’s more than an eclipse in his future. Wonder who will be the attorney for the Boot ?

  2. If “The BOOT” on Broadway is where Benjamin Landrieu was consuming his alcoholic beverages that early morning and the night before, then the owners won’t need a lawyer; they’ll need a “Miracle Worker” like Helen Keller. The only thing that might save the owners of “The BOOT” is if Benjamin Landrieu presented their employees with a sophisticated fake I.D., and I don’t know how The BOOT employees would be able to prove that unless they somehow photographed or scanned the I.D. we now know was fake. When I was a boy, The BOOT was called “Eddie Price’s” after the famous football star. I never knew Eddie Price, but I was a contemporary of his daughter, Susan Price, who married “D” Goehegan (spelled phonetically), also a contemporary. Very nice people. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. The Boot is as connected as John Gotti. You could 10 vehicular deaths next week from the Boot and it will stay open.

  4. Don’t hold your breath on the City prosecuting the Boot. The Boot hired none other than Moon Landrieu to represent them when the City filed an injunction against the Boot’s expansion of outdoor tables and live entertainment. City of New Orleans v. C. Napco, Inc., 591 So.2d 1338 (La. App. 4 Cir. 1991). Apparently, the Boot decided to would hire a politically connection attorney to represent its dubious legal claims in the 4th Circuit. Of course the Boot won.

    The City has also done NOTHING about the Boot’s more recent illegal expansion. The Boot acquired a frat house behind it, turned the yard illegal parking for its liquor store next door and the City has done absolutely NOTHING about it. Considering the connection between the Boot and Papa Landrieu, no wonder Half Moon does nothing about the Boot.

    Finally, the Boot was held liable in damages to a pedestrian who was injured by a drunk minor driver who had been served at the Boot. Berg v. Zummo, 786 So.2d 708, 2000-1699 (La. 4/25/01)

  5. To LIGHTNING K and PRES: O.K. Knew NOTHING about any of this. Never frequented the place myself (I learned long ago that there was “nothing for Ashton O’Dwyer” in a barroom. My now fully grown son was a “regular” when he was underage, but had an I.D that would’ve fooled the FBI. He was also under strict orders to NEVER drink and drive, which he adhered to. I can probably dig up the taxicab receipts if that ever became important. AROD.

  6. If you knew Eddies daughter then you most likly know my oldest sister and dad he had a biz on Maple and Adams St.

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