The Sun Herald issues an AMBER ALERT for South Mississippi’s missing congressman

What can I say folks that I already haven’t said. Palazzo is a legacy political hack from a family that made a fortune off the backs of the taxpayers in a shady real estate deal.  Should it surprise anyone given all the bad publicity this idiot has attracted nationally that he has not conducted a single town hall meeting in his district save for a lone scripted one in BF Egypt.  And worse his constituents that need the help dealing with the Federal government have no access to their congressman.  The people who voted for this idiot 2 years ago out of spite messed in their nest mightily for turning out of office an honest man who put the people of Mississippi 4 first.

Geoff Pender has the must read article for the Sun Herald, which while lengthy, could not document all the jackassery associated with Steven Palazzo in the space allotted for a Sunday feature article. That alone speaks volumes.
