Palazzo pummeling continues as the Sun Herald profiles the competitive field for our fluffer congressman.

Folks today Geoff Pender at the Sun Herald checks in with an extensive profile of the competitors lining up to unseat our bumbling fluffer Congressman Steven Palazzo that is far from the type of “namby-pamby tripe” that is normally found in political stories. It is so damn good I gotta excerpt it as the Sun Herald is a long way from the bad old days when they were reprinting Palazzo’s press releases as news without questioning the contents. Here are a few snippets:

He was swept into office last year by TEA Party–fueled anti-incumbency fervor, but now freshman U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo has some of the same forces lining up against him for his first re-election bid.

And one misstep after another producing headlines in Washington and at home isn’t helping him.

Pender goes on to identify Gene Taylor, Michael Watson and Brian Sanderson, names that have frequently popped up in the political blogs, as those challengers.  The fact Gene appears to be open to the possibility of another run is what makes today’s article as it would represent a shift for Team Taylor.  It is my hope Gene makes that run as he was in fact an excellent representative for this area as the list of folks the Boss Hogg hand-picked Palazzo has alienated in his own party is impressive as Pender catalogues all the Palazzo missteps less than one year in his term of office including using his taxpayer-funded staff as babysitters for his kids among other things: Continue reading “Palazzo pummeling continues as the Sun Herald profiles the competitive field for our fluffer congressman.”

Karen Parker gets a wet kiss from the T-P. Hump a sleazy politician and end up f*cked?

Folks I read Bob Ross’ profile of Karen Parker Broussard for today’s T-P and had a post worded in my head that was not kind to Ms Parker but I decided to go in another direction as the subject of Aaron Broussard’s love life has come up a time or two on Slabbed before.  The bottom line for Parker is it looks as if she has made a career of dating political types and was having an office affair with her then boss Aaron Broussard well before they were married.  Aside from Debbie Villio and Tom Wilkinson doings we’ve stayed away from the subject of sexual hijinks at the Yenni Building but that doers not mean I haven’t heard some stories including one involving Jennifer Sneed -Heebe that I hope surfaces in the federal courthouse when the time comes.

One thing the story did confirm is that Broussard still has some fans out there but we already knew that folks.  In fact I’d like to extend a special invitation to those folks to let them know I’d love to hear from them here on Slabbed.

The bottom line for me is Parker knew exactly what she was doing when she spread her legs for AB and I do not feel sorry for her that the best she could do was get to $66K on the parish pay scale via fraudulent means in exchange for her relationship with AB.  If there is a travesty here folks, it is that Parker is not joined by indictment with her other partners in crime such as Kenny Trahan who was being paid by the Parish’s taxpayers as a paralegal while working at the Saints Museum.


Drew Broach continues slogging through the Wrinkled Robe papers, examines the infamous fight between Al Copeland and Bobby Guidry.

The posts I’ve done that contained the names Al Copeland and Bobby Guidry generally end up as excellent “muckreads” here on Slabbed as the Fried Chicken King was ass deep with several wrinkled robes and Guidry with the Edwin Edwards prosecution and surfacing on Slabbed in the Perdigao saga. So along those lines Drew Broach checks in again with another installment of his FOIA based examination of the FBI files in the wrinkled robe investigation into courthouse corruption in Jefferson Parish that profiles the fist fight between Guidry and Copeland inside Morton’s steakhouse.  Broach makes a bit of a leap in his identifying Bryan White as Copeland’s “Consigliere” that contacted Team Letten to have Guidry’s probation revoked after the fight.  Guidry sure did get a sweet deal in the EWE prosecution folks.


Slabbed checks another politician into the drunk tank: This time it is Jindy’s Commish of Administration Paul “Can’tholdhisfirewater” Rainwater

The subject of drunk driving is one that comes up here on Slabbed from time to time. This time it is Bobby Jindal’s Commish of Administration Paul Rainwater, a man apparently in need of a 12 recovery step type program. Then again if I worked for Bobby Jindal I’d have a strong urge to drink too.

Seriously folks, here we are in another holiday season and our leaders are setting a very poor example for the public to follow.  Drunk drivers extract a terrible personal toll on their victims.  Someone needs to strap Rainwater into a chair and make him watch the following until it sinks in. Next time call a cab!
