6 thoughts on “Turn out the lights, the honeymoon’s over”

  1. Lies. Nothing but lies. The Council loves me. Always has, always will. They've got my back. Least that's what I hear.

  2. I agree Sock … and it is the lack of reporting the statistical data of the election returns relating to these people getting elected by a "landslide" that I find disappointing …

    The landslide is the 89% of registered voters who did show up to vote !

  3. Patricia … simmah dahn nan … remember Mr. Rainey and Mr. Rioux are jounalists for the T-P … they are not at liberty to tell what they know, only to report what has been confirmed as told to them; and even that has the possibility of being edited … that’s the downside of being any reporter trying to do the balancing act of maintaining access to these political Clowns while having an employer who is part of the Circus…

    What is confirmed by Mr. Rainey and Mr. Rioux is that the riff between Young and the Council is very real … and that the the recent assault on Young by his former colleagues is part and parcel of an on going mutual pissing contest amongst them for some time now…

    Young did what he was elected Parish President to do … and as CEO of Jefferson Parish, it is he, and not the Coulon faction of the Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso that is the properly delegated authority to meet with FEMA. PERIOD.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … FUCK those father and son WB gagas, Tim and Chris Coulon … and the Adams and Reese horse they rode in on !!!

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