8 thoughts on “265 Comments on Garland being a whore and counting. A Sunday Music Post”

  1. Robinette returns to the Think Tank, addresses some elements of the news story, ignores others, mounts a robust defense against a few straw man arguments and then conveniently decides to "retire" from WWL in a few months, because of health and/or other unrelated reasons.

  2. This one will be close. If you think about it Letten neutered Robinette and let him go. The phrase "Anything you say can and will be used against you" comes to mind in support of the counter argument that Garland goes off to hide under some rocks.

    I personally hope he runs his mouth.


  3. Where are the 265 Comments? Linkee?

    This is emotional for me, as Garland was all I had to listen to during the 1st week of the flood. He stayed on the air so long his voice gave out. Until then, I wasn't very savvy to Garland, New Orleans politics and his place in the Nola Miasma.
    For me he kept us all from feeling totally left behind for dead during the flood.

    But that's over.
    This is PR Astroturfer Bullshit, jail cell punk jockey hockey.

    1. I think Garland rolled over and let Jim Letten rub his belly. Did Heebe pay taxes on the imputed interest? Did Robinette even pay interest? This I would like to know.


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