John Young you magnificently ignorant slut……..

Sure he’s not as bad as Broussard or TheRiot but Young comes with his own set of problems including a certain character flaw that not only unnecessarily complicates his life but will end up doing him in politically.  Bottom line is I’ve seen enough folks and its time to call this one the way I see it. ~ sop

12 thoughts on “John Young you magnificently ignorant slut……..”

  1. SOP
    Does this have anything to do with his rumored “relationship” with a former TV reporter now is his “employ”….

  2. This reminds me of Animal Farm where Broussard was the Farmer and Young is Napolean (Le Deux, perhaps). Or, as Orwell put it in the pig’s mouth, “Napoleon is always right.”

    But then I am really curious: he was married to Mary Lou McCall….. and then what happened?

    “DuBos knew, or should have known, about John Young’s involvement in, not one, but two messy divorces — his own and Julie Quinn’s.”

    {Btw, Moldy City was a great NO blog (and still is, though he posts less often)}.

    Some of the sublinks are still active:

    … Some not…

    So the TP threw out hint-hint-hints about slamming Young with ugly divorce details were he to run against Broussard (though of course that’s not all that was going on) and it seemed to me then and seems to me now (especially considering the role or influence of Papa & Baby Butler at the TP) that that was the real story….. and yet when he ran for Parish President *this* time there was nary a hint of such ugliness from the TP.

    We know that Pat Quinn moved to recuse Judge Steib because of the threat of influence from the West Bank via Beevers. But that was in November, after the election, but still the TP bloodhounds (ha) couldn’t find anything worth noting in the current proceedings? Apparently now they deemed people just didn’t care about the ugly allegation. But when Young was a threat to Broussard it was deemed otherwise.

    {Side question: WHY is having Wally beevers such a plum prize in any case in JP? Apparently his very presence can swing any case. He shows up and recusal motions fly. Why the heck is that?} …Now…

    By the way, I haven’t seen it mentioned here, but there is an old rumor {note: rumor} about a Metry Connick, a secretary and a love child. Is it fact? Is it? Nah: just rumor, right? (Er, right?) Now, the TP would report on an allegation in a divorce complaint, but they won’t report on just any old rumor, isn’t that it? Because one is an allegation and the other…..

    Political ethics. Judicial ethics. Journalistic ethics. All at play here and in several instances.

    So from McCall he leaps to Quinn, parks his boots under her bed, probably picks up some very nice political influence along the way (well, whatever’s in that political bed), then Napolean`de`Broussard-like as soon as he hits the throne he gets a new squeeze, that is, a news-squeeze, or newsqueeze, who is conveniently concubined in-house.

    And when did that relationship start? When Van Vranken was still a reporter, and Napolean Le Deux (Young) was one of the subjects of her news reading? That would be a breach of journalistic ethics, wouldn’t it? Who knows. Did it play a role in JVV getting hired? Who knows but that would be a breach of political ethics (see Napolean I & Karen Parker for that).

    And the TP’s and any other news source’s willingness to report on such? Well that’s a question of journalistic ethics again.

  3. What is being implied is that from the Broussard/Wilkerson era to the John Young reign. A female professional still needs to fall to her knees to get a job in JP government.

    This is an insult to every hard working person who wishes to work and advance in their careers in JP government. I guess you can only get so far before you understand how bad your job really sucks.

    The sexual discrimination suits will be the next wave of costly lawsuits to follow in the wake of the likes of WM and RB.

    These people we elect to office should be held personally financially liable for the costly litigation they get the taxpayer involved in because of their stupidity and greed.

  4. Published: Wednesday, June 27, 2007, 3:40 PM

    By Richard Rainey
    East Jefferson bureau

    The secrecy surrounding the divorce case of Jefferson Parish Councilman John Young and former television personality Mary Lou McCall now rests on a half-dozen court documents.

    Judge Robert Pitre Jr. of the 24th District Court in Gretna said Wednesday he will rule in the next few days whether to open these records, or certain details in them, to the public. Pitre’s review puts all sealed court records connected to the case in limbo until his final ruling, although his narrow focus on only six documents out of more than 200 suggests the rest will be opened.

    Records of the divorce, which became final three days before Hurricane Katrina hit, have been kept from public scrutiny since the court honored Young’s request in 2004 to keep the proceedings private. The Times-Picayune contested that decision this month.

    The newspaper intervened after McCall filed a police report May 25 accusing state Sen. Julie Quinn, R-Metairie, of slapping the youngest son of McCall and Young. Quinn, who denies hitting the boy, has been dating Young since last fall. Her own contentious divorce from New Orleans hotelier Patrick Quinn became final in March.

    Young did not object to unsealing the court records.

    McCall’s attorney, Lee Rand, asked Pitre to keep six documents private. They include Young’s original divorce filing in October 2004, McCall’s answer to it, a motion for continuance, two contempt rulings in July 2005 and in April and a July 29, 2005, court transcript. Rand said these documents “contained graphic and inflamatory allegations” that could embarrass everyone involved.

    Jim Swanson, a lawyer for the newspaper, argued that full disclosure of the pleadings is necessary to bring proper context to stories that The Times-Picayune has published about Young and McCall. The newspaper has also written about Quinn’s relationship with Young and her ex-husband’s alleged violations of a restraining order.

    The Quinns have two sons, ages 7 and 5.

    Pitre said his greatest concern is the welfare of Young’s and McCall’s children, five boys, ranging in age from 21 to 8.

    Young did not attend Wednesday’s hearing. McCall, accompanied by her new husband, Noel Allen, arrived at the courthouse after the hearing concluded.

    “Just be kind, for the children,” she said, after a reporter relayed the outcome to her.

  5. What about the other nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine people who have their divorce records reviewed by prospective employers and others seeking background checks? Why are these two sluts treated differently? What about the children of others who have divorced? Why don’t they need similar protection? Throw mud and you get dirty. A Fing two bit DUI prosecutor from Parish Court in JP goes big in politics thanks to his connections only and he is treated like some sort of special person? The laws that apply to the rest of us do not apply to him.

    Why are all the people who had illegal sex at the Canal Street brothel been protected? Fing bull shit!

    Make it all public. It is a public record or am I mistaken?

    I am still confused, if true, how Young can give his girlfriend(s) a high paying job in his administration and avoid public outcry. Young is the SOS I am sorry to say.

    Oh yea, give a public job to your girlfriend/boyfriend so the taxpayers can pay for your ________. Just not right!

  6. Would that be the ‘child’ , their son John Young, who qualified against his father with his mother’s blessings?

    Or am I imagining things again?

    Who needs Reality Television when you have the Jefferson Parish clowns!

  7. So far the nepotism and outright sexual hustling for jobs ( and I have to imagine to keep jobs) is still under the radar IMHO.

    The ‘rumors’ about Tim Coulon and his ‘harlots’ throughout his Administration are well documented and known by many if not all of his cabinet of criminals…in fact one ‘friend of Tim’ Director recently dismissed by John Young may well be setting up for a sexual harrassment lawsuit.

    And as far as District Attorney Paul Connick: forgetaboutit. Very strong rumors have always abounded that he has always been a sex addict and like any addict he has tried to ‘hook’ as many of his friends and collegues so they 1. don’t rat him out and 2. make it look like it is ok to be a sex addict because everyone is doing it and 3. so he can sexmail them when he needs their ‘cooperation’.

    Big rumor during Mike Yenni’s Parish Presidency is that the Connicks facilitated Yenni’s ‘Creole friend’ in the Bunche Village area, with the friend’s neighbors watching the big black parish vehicle deposit Yenni at the house he bought for her prior to his death and/or pick her up to bring her to Yenni. Her family and friends apparently knew all about it and it was the best worst kept secret at the time.

    IMHO that explains the acrimony between Susan Yenni ( Mike’s wife) and the Connick brothers and pere. Pere Connick is rumored to have his own demons…the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, as the saying goes. But don’t take my word for it…go ask some of the ladies in Bunche Village…they’re retired from their government jobs now and don’t need to cover for the Man anymore.

    It is no wonder that the Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo is de riguer for the JP Administrative crowd and cronies…anything goes and has gone on there for decades. Not a family affair ever and especially now that the whole Grand Isle Pedophile Haven scandal has broken wide open.

    Rut roh. Nowhere to hide now.

  8. It is so screwed up it makes me ill, but we pay taxes for this kinda shit that goes on under our noses daily.

    No one would believe the Tarpon Rodeo things I have seen and heard.

    Interesting this Yenni stuff, but nothing surprises me anymore.

    I am still pissed off about this news person hired by Young and the allegations about their relationship.

    The public display of his new administration was nauseating. Johnny F’s wife? Was this hire a favor? You bet it was! This crap needs to stop. Political whores, male and female on public display for all to see. On television at that!

    If I see Chris Roberts in the St. Patrick’s Day parade tomorrow on his $200,000 plus float I will PUKE. However, being in attendance at a friends house close to the Connick law office is sicking enough.

    Eddie Price went to jail for a fraction of what Roberts spent on hot dogs and throws much less all of the other campaign contributions (bribes) he pissed away on personal bullshit.

    Did Roberts really testify before the Grand Jury without thking the 5th? If he does not get indicted for abusing his campaign funds I will be surprised, well not maybe not.

    Letton please continue to rest and get well. We pray for you. Things seem to have moved along quite well since you left for medical reasons. Really, good luck, but stay home for about another month so others can do what you cannot.

  9. Did Chrissy the Sissy really testify before the Grand Jury for 2+ hours as I was recently informed?

    That is an awfully long time to testify without benefit of counsel, with all the skeletons in his ( and his low friends in high places) closets ( perhaps literally he came out?).

    And why has he suddenly gone mute? No longer the VOICE OF THE JEFFERSON PARISH COUNCIL perhaps he is now the VOICE SQUEALING LOUD AND LONG to the Federales.

    Note to Friends of Chrissy: You might want to rethink any long term plans for leaving the country.
    You might also want to rethink any one-on-one chats with the Chatty One. Or maybe insist on being naked in a sauna with music playing loudly.

    And yes Lettenemgo, take your time, don’t rush your recovery and relapse, things are under control back at the farm and you should rest.

  10. Young testified for about that same amount of time, did he not? Are you suggesting both got immunity or that Sissy is just a yak?

  11. Nowdy, unless Sissy is sharing a cabin with Letten on Brokeback Mountain, there is absolutely NO REASON to give this “One Man Mardi Gras Krewe of PorkuS” a break with immunity.

    What I hope happened was that the US Atty got on the record his other-worldly explanation of how such things as a $16,000 THOUSAND DOLLAR Custom Golf Cart is in any way a legitimate campaign expense, even when compared to such ludicrous costume spending that Broussard made legendary over the years.

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