Slabb-a-leaks: How about a Chris Roberts Sampler. From Nunny to Anne Marie Vandenweghe.

Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts

This post is dedicated to the Jefferson Parish Citizens for Good Government.  Dealing with Chris Roberts certainly stinks but the JP Cleanup Krewe is on the job.

Did Anne Marie Vandenweghe say she wanted her emails a while back? Well Slabb-a-leaks has some.

In this sneak peek of Chris Robert’s inbox we have 3 pages of emails and 37 pages of attachments.

Stay tuned for Capella Part 3. Enjoy.


6 thoughts on “Slabb-a-leaks: How about a Chris Roberts Sampler. From Nunny to Anne Marie Vandenweghe.”

  1. I bet you dollars to donuts (and plenty of them) that Chris Roberts’ nude physique (Ewww!) does not resemble that photo at all.

  2. Question – where are the “From” emails?

    Looking at these and Tommy Capo’s missives, I am called to mind of the scene from the movie classic Office Space in which the two auditors ask one of the engineers:


    Well, what would you say

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