
From: BBoudreaux [[email protected]]
Sent: 11/13/2009 11:04 AM
To: TCapella
REMINDER: I have a RUSH contract for you to sign.

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ down the river……

By the middle of December 2009, Anne Marie Vandenweghe, APA in charge of Public Records, and in performance of her duty, is now in possession of FOUR separate JP/River Birch contracts as a result of PRRs requested by WM, the New Orleans metro media, the FBI and the US Attorney; contracts that Wilkinson specifically pointed out, were his business, and his alone! Four contracts, all different dates: one blank, one signed only by Councilman Capella, one hand written by Wilkinson (?), and one signed by Jim (Albert) Ward. So I ask, what alleged contract is the Council and the Administration referring to when passing resolutions to have the “contract” reviewed?

‘Gate stole my thunder but I previously confirmed this allegation with Ms. Vandenweghe. I could be wrong but I do not think the folks at Postlewaite and Netterville ever interviewed Ms Vandenweghe when they were evaluating the River Birch contract.

Do wop do do do do do do…..


7 thoughts on “Coincidence?”

  1. sop: Did ANYONE ( Legislative Auditors, Councilmembers, CPAs etc) ever interview AMV after she was placed on paid administrative leave by theRiot? How about after she was reinstated 5 weeks later? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. I’ll add the only people that I know who interviewed AMV was the FBI, Val Bracy and me.


    Update: Just heard from AMV. She tells me the Parish still has not conducted an exit interview with her despite the fact she’s been gone since early November.

  3. You got that right Ricardo. I’ve been confident about my viewpoint on this subject for the past 8 months for good reason. Whitmer and Wilkinson didn’t trust AMV because they knew she bust their balls if she got a chance IMHO. The ball busting has just begun.

    If John Young had a brain, he’d be inviting Ms Vandenweghe in for an exit interview based on the info we’re revealing. If he has the same idiots advising him that Theriot did, don’t hold your breath.


  4. >>>From: AHeaton [[email protected]]
    Sent: 10/28/2009 8:45 AM
    To: TCapella
    Subject: Contract
    Page 1 of 1
    Tommy I have a rush contract here that you missed a signature yesterday.
    Thanks, A.
    Adrienne Heaton<<<

    —- Wait, is that like Alex Heaton's daughter or something?

  5. Also:

    >>>From: BBoudreaux [[email protected]]
    Sent: 10/06/2009 11:25 AM
    To: TCapella
    Page 1 of 1
    Lawrence Chehardy is looking for you.<<>>> And that “Canadian Pavillion” project sounds pretty…. interesting.

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