First there was Me, then there was Mini-Me. Lets add a teletubby shall we: Haley Barbour joins Steve Theriot and Tom Corbett in trampling the bill of rights

To be clear folks Haley Barbour and his goon squad aren’t in the same zip code as Theriot and Corbett but it’s very possible he is cut from the same cloth. Mary Perez wrote the Sun Herald story:

A Sun Herald photographer was asked to leave the courtyard of Mary Mahoney’s restaurant in Biloxi on Friday during the filming of a commercial and later was threatened with arrest.

Gov. Haley Barbour’s press secretary, Dan Turner, asked photographer John Fitzhugh to leave during the filming of a commercial by the governor and his wife, Marsha. Turner said he wanted the set to be as quiet as possible and he asked security to remove Fitzhugh from the courtyard.

Fitzhugh then went to get exterior shots of the building and was standing on a public sidewalk west of the restaurant. A uniformed Highway Patrol officer came onto the sidewalk and told Fitzhugh he would be arrested and taken to the Harrison County jail if he shot one more photo of the building. Continue reading “First there was Me, then there was Mini-Me. Lets add a teletubby shall we: Haley Barbour joins Steve Theriot and Tom Corbett in trampling the bill of rights”

No Phil those are not lawn mower parts washing ashore in Biloxi

Amanda McCoy / The Sun Herald

“Oil, what oil? No oil here on the Mississippi Coast. What you are seeing is debris from the Willy Wonka chocolate syrup freighter that sank.”  ~ Phil Bryant when asked about the latest developments when we caught up with him at the lemonade spring.

Catch your fish while you still can folks. Karen Nelsen at the Sun Herald has the skinny:

The U.S. Coast Guard hauled large white and yellowish pieces of Styrofoam from the Biloxi and Pass Christian beaches Friday and turned them over to the drilling company that owned Deepwater Horizon. Continue reading “No Phil those are not lawn mower parts washing ashore in Biloxi”

From the Wingnuts gone wild file I offer Rand Paul

The fool’s remarks aren’t playing very well in ol’ Kentucky either according to my peeps there. Of course what should we expect from a myopic, paranoid crypto-corporate boot licker that yearns for a return to the days of a segregated lunch counter? Here is a news flash for you Rand, BP opening their checkbook in no way shape or form absolves them from culpability nor does it act as a magic shield against criticising them. Only one word fits this guy folks: Dipshit.

I’d recommend the Daniel Boone Parkway as part of a scenic driving vacation in the mountains, (especially for bluegrass lovers) but another dipshit changed the name of the road to honor a sitting politician. If they try to rename Jenny Wiley State Park after Jim Dumb Bunning there will be an armed revolt.

Pass the Pappy ’cause the silly season is just beginning.
