I’ve been waiting for a chance to post this for a while…….

There is a method to my madness and thanks to Mr Steve Theriot and his band of thugs on Parish Council  I have a chance to properly introduce the Slabbed Nation to Angela Russell. But before I get to Angela, how about a word from our sponsor, Ed Rust’s State Farm.


Those of us that follow Angela know her best these days for being prolific on Twitter and her following is impressive. Like so many Slabbers on August 29, 2005, Angela’s life changed profoundly due to catastrophe. Just months earlier on February 24, 2005 Continue reading “I’ve been waiting for a chance to post this for a while…….”

The Jefferson Parish Council wants to keep their fingers on the public's pulse: Meeting tomorrow. Public participation encouraged.

Folks I can’t be there because I sure wish I could represent the Slabbed Nation and report the meeting. That said I’m certain the men and women on the Parish Council want to hear what the public thinks about spending over $300/hour on a lawyer(s)  filing a SLAPP suit against anonymous bloggers. I do know this, the most famous blogger in this great nation’s history is certainly rolling over in his grave.

The meeting is at 10:00 AM tomorrow. We’ll see if we can scare up some commentary from attendees then. The meeting agenda is courtesy of Scribd: Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Council wants to keep their fingers on the public's pulse: Meeting tomorrow. Public participation encouraged.”

Indeed Mr CLS, Margaret Mead knew her stuff.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Slabbed began with insurance and it remains, as Chuck Berry would say, our “Alma Mater”. I don’t want to speak too soon but every chance I get, I watch some of the 6 hours of Nellie Williams depo footage that was shared with us a while back. I understand that Mrs Williams buckled under the pressure of her questioning before the federal grand jury.

And boy howdy does Nowdy got some great stuff coming from the ol’ Video Depo Bank.  🙂

And then there is the stuff we just can’t talk about yet. Damn!

There is little rest for the weary or the Slabbed. Thanks for the link friend.


Steve Theriot's lawsuit against bloggers ripples across the blogosphere and media. UPDATED 3X

Fox 8 WVUE New Orleans

Folks we’re very gratified by the outpouring of support we’ve received in the comments here on Slabbed, on Twitter, from other journalists and the NOLA Blogosphere. We have a few stops to make this morning and we’ll begin with Val Bracy’s story which aired last night on Fox 8:

Jefferson Parish and Interim Parish President Steve Theriot filed suit Friday in order to get the identities of people who have written critical comments on two blogs. “I think the goal is to silence people that have been publishing very insightful commentary on the internet regarding the workings of parish government,” said Doug Handshoe, co-creator of the blog spot Slabbed. Handshoe and his partner started Slabbed in 2007 as an informational outlet for voters, mostly in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Thankfully the video report and “mug shot” did not make the WVUE website but Fox 8’s legal analyst Joe Raspanti was no doubt scratching his head (as were many others) as we continue:

Fox 8 legal analyst Joe Raspanti says Theriot and the parish will have a tough time on two fronts: Nola.com and Slabbed are not likely to give up their commenters’ information easily and proving the case may not be easy either. Continue reading “Steve Theriot's lawsuit against bloggers ripples across the blogosphere and media. UPDATED 3X”

From the "this post got bumped due to breaking news" files Slabbed presents this open invitation to Parish employees from Anne Marie Vandenweghe

I received this yesterday morning and it was bumped due to the recent street fight invitation we received.

I would like to extend an invitation to anyone interested to attend the Yenni Building Bible Study on Mondays at 12:30 in the Conference room off the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor. We meet for one hour and are studying Matthew right now. No preparation needed just come and enjoy fellowship with others who confessed, repented and are forgiven. And who confess, repent and are forgiven daily. Not perfect, just forgiven.

We are hoping to offer Bible Study every day at lunch time to reach as many as possible. And again no prep needed as we read the selection out loud and then discuss.

Anne Marie made it clear to me that the invitation was extended to everyone in Parish government and that weapons are checked at the door as the only goal of this devotion was “to learn the only important truth in life.”

I’ll add there is ample historical precedent for such fraternization.


From the dangers of drinking too much of the koolaid files (Part 2): Heckuva of job Brownie! Jarvis DeBerry sets the record straight for Sid Salter

The real story in Nashville is not the federal government, it’s the people stepping up to help their neighbors, which is fitting for the “Volunteer State”.

This is where the Big Easy fell short after Katrina! Instead of help thy neighbor, it was every tv for themselves.

Folks this is the end result of an out of area talking head that listens too much to Glenn Beck pretending to be an expert on Hurricane Katrina and the botched federal response. Trust me when I say that educating that bunch of knot heads from upstate Mississippi is no easy task since they prefer to keep their own company (some folks call that inbreeding), remain ideologically pure and thus ignorant. Times Picayune columnist Jarvis DeBerry, like our own Editilla, is an upstate escapee that also wells knows the score since they happened to be around on August 29, 2005. DeBerry sets the record right in case ol’ Sid is interested in learning a few things:

If you’re tired of the gushing fount of oil under the Gulf being referred to as “Obama’s Katrina,” you should know that you’re in very good company. Continue reading “From the dangers of drinking too much of the koolaid files (Part 2): Heckuva of job Brownie! Jarvis DeBerry sets the record straight for Sid Salter”