Jim Hudson: Iberia Bank supports its local crony felons

For true they do.  Allow me to present some documents in reverse order:

USA v Whitmer Doc 35 Page 9

Next up an exhibit of why the mutual affection from Tim Whitmer’s November 2009 email inbox as originally published on Slabbed back in January 2011: Continue reading “Jim Hudson: Iberia Bank supports its local crony felons”

Tim Whitmer ain’t the only corrupt former Jefferson Parish political nabob still in the insurance biz no siree

It’s just that Tim Coulon had the sense to high tail it to Jim Letten’s office to spill his guts according to Gambitman.  How many sleazy former politicians went to work for Adams and Reese or still have progeny there slopping at the taxpayer trough?  I can think of 5 without trying hard. Click the pic to get the 14 page PDF.

It’s a Slabbed Wednesday Drill Down: A Pacaccio by another name……

Let’s first review:

A perusal of Jeff Net indicates Ms Pacaccio’s star witness is none other than disgraced former Parish Prez turned government informant Tim Coulon, who I am certain can well illuminate Ms Pacaccio’s tenure on the 10th floor of the Yenni Building.

I decided not to wait for Tiny Tim to illuminate. Click the pic to get the entire two page pdf. Add a Dave Sherman to the woodpile as the name of the LLC sez it all folks.

Team Wilkinson files motions to dismiss the bulk of his indictment

Drew Broach is on the PACER beat for the Broussard/Wilkinson prosecution and he filed a story this afternoon that quotes extensively from the legal filing, which can be found here.

Remembering that I am not a legal expert these motions struck me as a somewhat routine pretrial procedural attack on the Government case but there was something that stuck out to me, actually more what was not said in fact and for this I’m going to quote a small part of the pleading:

First, the indictment alleges that Mr. Broussard, Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Whitmer, the alleged conspirators, hired Karen Parker for the position of Paralegal Supervisor despite her lack of qualifications for the job. It further alleges that the conspirators arranged to transfer Ms. Parker from the Parish Attorney’s Office to ID Management, but allowed her to retain the same position and salary even though she did not perform the essential functions of that position.

I want to make clear it is not the defense lawyers job to make the government case but the argument that is being made in the filings is a tad disingenuous.  That said you find names like Broussard, Parker, Whitmer and Wilkinson scattered throughout the 23 page filing.  But there is one name that is central to this story that simply does not appear: Continue reading “Team Wilkinson files motions to dismiss the bulk of his indictment”

Slabb O’Leak sez, lest we forget what got us here….(Updated)

Slabb O’Leak sends this:

and this: Continue reading “Slabb O’Leak sez, lest we forget what got us here….(Updated)”

Welp, it looks like Anne Marie isn’t the only former employee suing Jefferson Parish….

Well folks all I can say is I read Ms Pacaccio’s petition and she comes across to me like a woman scorned.  A perusal of Jeff Net indicates Ms Pacaccio’s star witness is none other than disgraced former Parish Prez turned government informant Tim Coulon, who I am certain can well illuminate Ms Pacaccio’s tenure on the 10th floor of the Yenni Building.

Pacaccio is represented by Goatherder lawyer Carl Finley, who evidently found time to draft the Pacaccio complaint around making a threatening phone call to Anne Marie Vandenweghe in April 2011 on behalf of Aaron Broussard, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary complaining about “her brother’s” work exposing corruption on Slabbed.

Frankly folks I do not see this suit going anywhere but the gutter but what do I know?  😉 ~ sop

I understand the FBI has been visiting Nan and the gang over at West Jefferson Medical center again….

I personally enjoy visiting with the good folks at the FBI but something tells me poor Nan and Baby Butler do not share that warm fuzzy feeling with the latest FBI site visits just last week. Remember folks Gambitman said Tim Coulon was squealing so we may well see the insurance portion of the scandal break wide open with this tentacle of the investigation.

Can someone help me remember what infamous Canadian Eco Lodge Butler, among other Broussard cronies, claimed to own a small slice in?


Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: Payola and the Broussard/Wilkinson Superseding Indictment

Jimmy aka one of the goat herders inquired in comments about the lack of a Nova Scotia connection in the superseding indictment released last week against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson. The 28 page court filing can be found via the Times Picayune here and is well worth the read. Rich Rainey’s accompanying story is also very good.  Here is a snippet:

Whitmer’s attorney, Pat Fanning, said he wasn’t privy to prosecutors’ strategy. But he speculated that his client’s mention in the superseding indictment suggests Whitmer’s continued cooperation could have something to do with the new charges.

The indictment doesn’t identify the school or Broussard’s relative. But Wilkinson used to be chairman of Christian Brothers School in New Orleans. He resigned the post in March, about the time prosecutors shared draft indictments with Broussard, Wilkinson and Parker.

This is also the answer to the Goat Herder’s question. I’ll add that I’ve heard rumors about a superseding indictment since early January and those intensified after Slabbed broke Tim Whitmer was cooperating with Team Fed.  Karen Parker is a relative Johnny-come-lately to the squealathon at DoJ.  As I recall Team Letten announced Parker’s info would be going before the reconvened grand jury.  After all there is no telling which of the people involved in the alleged pay to play at the Trout Point development scooted down to Mr. Letten’s office as suggested by T-P columnist Stephanie Grace. These allegations have to be investigated and the money trail traced before anything goes to the grand jury.  I’m purely guessing here but I bet Slabbed is no longer the only people besides Fox 8 that is interested in that case record up Yarmouth way. Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: Payola and the Broussard/Wilkinson Superseding Indictment”

Worth repeating take note: Let’s talk Paul Connick Sr. and his son Dutchie Connick

From my comment on Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal

Paying people as Paralegals that did not report to work has been a time-honored practice dating back to the Tim Coulon days as Parish Prez. Of course we all know Tom Wilkinson was Coulon’s guy for Parish attorney.

Slabbed of course was on this topic “first with the most” way back in February 2010 courtesy of Telemachus when the name Paul Connick Sr entered the lexicon of the Slabbed.

To their credit Channel 6, working quietly in the background on this matter in July of last year checked in with this:

But Parker Broussard isn’t the only one on the list with political ties in Jefferson Parish. Also listed as a paralegal is Paul Connick Sr. Continue reading “Worth repeating take note: Let’s talk Paul Connick Sr. and his son Dutchie Connick”