Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following press statement (Updated)

It was with disbelief that I read the details of my Settlement splashed across the page of the local paper ( online and hard copy). I was doubly shocked to discover that the Parish Attorney, Ms. Foshee, was quoted in the article and had allegedly emailed information to the reporter. It was in fact Foshee … Continue reading “Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following press statement (Updated)”

Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following statement

Apparently I have been sued in federal court by Danny Abel. While I have not been personally served it appears they ‘dropped’ service at my residence and are claiming that was sufficient notice to me. Once I have obtained a copy of the petition I will be taking all appropriate legal action available to me. … Continue reading “Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following statement”

Welp, it looks like Anne Marie isn’t the only former employee suing Jefferson Parish….

Well folks all I can say is I read Ms Pacaccio’s petition and she comes across to me like a woman scorned.  A perusal of Jeff Net indicates Ms Pacaccio’s star witness is none other than disgraced former Parish Prez turned government informant Tim Coulon, who I am certain can well illuminate Ms Pacaccio’s tenure on the 10th floor … Continue reading “Welp, it looks like Anne Marie isn’t the only former employee suing Jefferson Parish….”

Remember that post on Slabbed early this week regarding Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records suit against Jefferson Parish?

Rich Rainey picked up the trail folks as he filed a report yesterday for the Times Picayune on AMV getting a copy of her work hard drive back in partial settlement of her public records suit against the Parish. Let’s pick up a snippet of Rich’s report: Vandenweghe landed in hot water when interim Parish President Steve Theriot … Continue reading “Remember that post on Slabbed early this week regarding Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records suit against Jefferson Parish?”

From Slabbed New Media’s Jefferson Parish Bureau: Anne Marie Vandenweghe settles public records lawsuit with the Parish (Updated)

Terms of the settlement have not been disclosed but everyone seems happy. Update:  I have been contacted by one of the parties to the litgation who cautioned that the case was not settled. The confusion appears to stem from the fact that AMV’s hard drive was returned to her legal team, but there are other … Continue reading “From Slabbed New Media’s Jefferson Parish Bureau: Anne Marie Vandenweghe settles public records lawsuit with the Parish (Updated)”

Anne Marie Vandenweghe wins again in her quest to gain access to public records: A Judge Ross LaDart is so fucked update.

Old ways die hard folks but Friday I received word that the Louisiana Supreme Court denied writs in the matter of the Parish’s appeal of the bitch slap given crooked 24th JDC Judge in Ross LaDart in the matter involving whistleblower Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records request for her own emails.  This means the case comes back to LaDart, who was pretty … Continue reading “Anne Marie Vandenweghe wins again in her quest to gain access to public records: A Judge Ross LaDart is so fucked update.”

BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe sues Jefferson Parish and TheRiot!

Folks the suit filed today by Team Vandenwegh against Jefferson Parish and TheRiot encapsulates literally 18 months worth of Slabbed posts on what we now know as the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal. It is simply well worth the read for all and our newer readers will find the allegations a good starting point to catch up on … Continue reading “BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe sues Jefferson Parish and TheRiot!”

BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe appeals Ross LaDart’s legal brain fart, files writs with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Folks, Anne Marie was home cooked by Ross LaDart IMHO on her public records request case. Now we get to see what the 5th Circuit does with LaDart’s legal fart.  Frankly with such legal luminaries like Susan Chehardy populating the joint, I’d be lying if I didn’t add I also wonder whether ol’ Nann with Phelphs Dumbar will be getting an advance copy … Continue reading “BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe appeals Ross LaDart’s legal brain fart, files writs with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals”