Leon Cannizzaro: Yep I did it too but the rest of ’em need prosecution

All I can tell you folks is the backstabbing involved with NOLA DA Leon Cannizzaro and the NOLA Criminal District Court judges is stunning as John Simerman reports today for the T-P.  I’ve been hearing rumors about discord in both the NOLA civil and criminal district courts for well over a year and that does not count the expense … Continue reading “Leon Cannizzaro: Yep I did it too but the rest of ’em need prosecution”

Deano looks like he’ll remain in the pokey for a very long time

About all you can do with this saga is shake your head: Ex-model charged in plot to kill Leon Cannizzaro, other officials ~ Kim Chatelain Inmate accused of plot to kill Orleans Parish officials ~ Mary Staes Former model Dean Kelly accused of seeking hits on Orleans DA, judge, attorney ~ John Simerman and Jim … Continue reading “Deano looks like he’ll remain in the pokey for a very long time”

All the best dirt comes out during the election cycle

It’s as American as Apple Pie folks. So, with St Patricks day celebration weekend upon us, I doubt voter turnout in NOLA is very high for today’s City runoff elections. That said the political operatives and astroturfers have been busy in advance of the runoff as Slabbed again illustrates why the comments to a news … Continue reading “All the best dirt comes out during the election cycle”

OP Criminal District Clerk’s race drilldown: Old line political hack v newcomer

Over the past several weeks I’ve taken an interest in the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court election which pits old line political hack Arthur Morrell against Robbie Keen, an Alabama transplant that ran the National Institute of Justice’s Orleans Parish Post-Conviction DNA Testing and Evidence Project which was tasked of organizing the disaster otherwise known … Continue reading “OP Criminal District Clerk’s race drilldown: Old line political hack v newcomer”

United States District Judge Susie Morgan’s law clerk charged with attempted rape and solicitation of sex from a child

The arrest of Thomas J. Jackson IV aka T. Haller Jackson IV on charges of attempted rape and computer-aided solicitation of a minor (an 11 year old boy) has electrified the legal community in New Orleans due to inherent implications of having a predatory pedophile pass Federal background checks and the like. I’ve received a … Continue reading “United States District Judge Susie Morgan’s law clerk charged with attempted rape and solicitation of sex from a child”

Jim Letten resignation fallout: “Hold on to your wallets. The crime families are back in business”

“Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness!” ~ C. JoyBell C. “Arrogance diminishes wisdom” ~ Arabian proverb OK folks I know some of y’all must be scratching your heads at the post title … Continue reading “Jim Letten resignation fallout: “Hold on to your wallets. The crime families are back in business””

Miss Dixie covers the topic of denial and the Sherry murders as Slabbed explores the evolution of the vice trade on the coast.

Yesterday, Sun Herald reporter Anita Lee did a “subsequent event” update of those still living that were involved in the murder conspiracy involving Circuit Court Judge Vincent Sherry and his wife Margaret way back in 1987.  The echos of this Dixie Mafia inspired hit still reverberate across the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans to … Continue reading “Miss Dixie covers the topic of denial and the Sherry murders as Slabbed explores the evolution of the vice trade on the coast.”

Criminal District Court Judge Calvin Johnson would like a word….

For those that read us from afar there has been a spat ongoing between the criminal district court judges in New Orleans and NOLA DA/former criminal district court Judge Leon Cannizzaro over the use of the judicial expense fund (JEF) at the court.  The judges were receiving employment bennies not authorized under the Louisiana Code paid for by JEF.  … Continue reading “Criminal District Court Judge Calvin Johnson would like a word….”

Tuesday Links

God bless him an AP reporter managed to make a story out of yesterday’s legislative audit report on the sand berms. Folks, a reader was kind enough to alert me about the 12 page report yesterday, I read it and found it marginally interesting but not enough to make a post out of it.  In … Continue reading “Tuesday Links”

The original title for this post was "The grass is always greener" but then I saw today's T-P editorial and can't stop laughing…

NMC tackled the latest Connick v Thompson related case in a post that ended up placing wet kisses on NOLA DA Leon Cannizzaro in comments as Cannizzaro was evidently able to bullshit an out of town lawyer/commenter on his blog and I was amused to the point where I had the post title concepetualized in a … Continue reading “The original title for this post was "The grass is always greener" but then I saw today's T-P editorial and can't stop laughing…”