Aaron Broussard due in U.S. District court this morning

Drew Broach has the skinny on today’s festivities scheduled in Judge Head’s courtroom including new business with the newly flipped former Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson.  Also on tap are change of venue and Broussard’s earlier motion to have the  bulk of his indictment tossed. That said I want to talk 404 and not the internet … Continue reading “Aaron Broussard due in U.S. District court this morning”

In light of the Broussard Era bribery schemes coming to light this email blast from CFGG is timely.

Supporters of Good Government: At the September 19th Jefferson Parish Council meeting, Citizens for Good Government again spoke about the reforms to service contracting recommended by the Bureau of Governmental Research, which we intend to continue speaking about until the Jefferson Parish Council gives serious consideration to these recommendations which are, after all, based on best … Continue reading “In light of the Broussard Era bribery schemes coming to light this email blast from CFGG is timely.”

Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb

Yesterday I posted the text of a letter written to Aaron Broussard in June, 2007, a letter I obtained via Public Records Request to Jefferson Parish.  You see folks Aaron Broussard the Parish Prez and Aaron Broussard, Inc are indeed a distinction without a difference as he commingled his personal affairs with his official duties as Parish President.  … Continue reading “Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb”

Echos from a not so distant past: Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s involvement with Cerro Coyote SA, another company owned by Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel. Part 1: The Letter

June 7, 2007 Dear Bro Aaron, I seem to be recovering from my cancer treatments quite well and am sure with God’s Help will be back to normal in the near future. Thanks to the many prayers and especially for yours. Betty and I are planning a trip to Copenhagen and Russia this month to … Continue reading “Echos from a not so distant past: Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s involvement with Cerro Coyote SA, another company owned by Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel. Part 1: The Letter”

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Slabbed explores the genesis of the Trout Point Development and certain land sales to Aaron Broussard and his cronies.

July 22, 2001 Sunday Nova Scotia Nirvana; Trout Point Lodge is rich in Louisiana roots, an hour from the Evangeline Trail, co-owned by New Orleanians who used to make cheese at the north shore’s Chicory Farm. But it’s decidedly Canadian, an unparalleled wilderness experience in the lap of luxury.BYLINE: By Millie Ball; Travel editor SECTION: … Continue reading “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Slabbed explores the genesis of the Trout Point Development and certain land sales to Aaron Broussard and his cronies.”

Let’s examine Aaron Broussard’s planned defense to the bribery and fraud charges he faces

Pres has opined on these pages Aaron Broussard is planning to use the insanity defense in his upcoming corruption trial. After reading the following Public Records Request sent to Jefferson Parish by Broussard attorney Robert Jenkins I’d say there is a kernel of truth to the insane part since there is no such thing as a suicide … Continue reading “Let’s examine Aaron Broussard’s planned defense to the bribery and fraud charges he faces”

Let’s talk a bit more about Aaron Broussard’s “evidence of other crimes” involving the resort at Trout Point Nova Scotia and the use of SLAPP suits by his business associates in Canada.

After reading Drew Broach’s piece and the latest filing by the federal prosecutors in the bribery case involving disgraced former Parish President Aaron Broussard I came away with the distinct feeling I had seen the name of his original Louisiana based LLC set up to accept bribes from Parish contractors that went to buy real … Continue reading “Let’s talk a bit more about Aaron Broussard’s “evidence of other crimes” involving the resort at Trout Point Nova Scotia and the use of SLAPP suits by his business associates in Canada.”

Aaron Broussard’s connection to the resort at Trout Point, Nova Scotia Canada revealed by Federal Prosecutors

And yes folks there is more to come because I won’t stop until every bit of the evidence behind the allegations involving Broussard’s business interests in Nova Scotia sees the light of day.  Meantime back on August 31 Team Letten laid down this bombshell in a filing in USA v Broussard: I seem to remember … Continue reading “Aaron Broussard’s connection to the resort at Trout Point, Nova Scotia Canada revealed by Federal Prosecutors”

Aaron Broussard is “getting nuttier and nuttier”, files a defamation suit against NOLA.com commenter CampStBlue

Slabbed has said all sorts of uncomplimentary things about the disgraced former Parish Prez yet we do not get sued by the Goatherder in Chief….well actually we did through his property managers at the Trout Point Development near East Kempt Nova Scotia, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary. What can I say folks except someone writing Aaron Broussard … Continue reading “Aaron Broussard is “getting nuttier and nuttier”, files a defamation suit against NOLA.com commenter CampStBlue”