Mark Titus on my mind…….

It has been close to a month since Mark Titus stopped in with us to tell his side of things in USA v Titus and since then he has reported to prison at the Oakdale Federal Correctional Complex, likely at the Detention Center facility there.  I mention this because Mark and I continued communicating, albeit off the record, … Continue reading “Mark Titus on my mind…….”

The best way to learn a subject is from the inside.

And thus today I was on assignment.  The discriminating reader that pinpoints my where abouts today gets to pick tomorrow’s music On tap is the long promised post on that OIG preliminary report on the land transaction shenanigans at DMR. Also this General Petraeus hub bub – you know, his special guest appearance on Real Housewives from the … Continue reading “The best way to learn a subject is from the inside.”

Wednesday Afternoon Musical News Update

Mark Titus says government gave assurances for cooperation in River Birch case ~ Manuel Torres NOLA Media Group River Birch exec, brother-in-law ask to have federal indictments dismissed ~ WWL TeeVee But when cross-examined by federal prosecutors, Titus admitted no one ever made specific promise. River Birch exec plays secretly recorded tape in gambit to … Continue reading “Wednesday Afternoon Musical News Update”

Gotta give both Fred Heebe and the Wino their due….

I’m certain the Wino would tell you I give her too much credit but folks Slabbed’s deep throat source on all things Jefferson Parish has hung some skins on the wall and then some.  I mention this because back in March when Fred Heebe filed a defamation suit against Assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone the Wino … Continue reading “Gotta give both Fred Heebe and the Wino their due….”

She’s an enigma wrapped in a riddle: Judge Ginger

Few federal Judges in the Louisiana Eastern District captivate the Slabbed Nation moreso than Judge Helen “Ginger” Berrigan. We’d discuss Judge Ginger internally back during our insurance litigation blogging days and Nowdy would always default to lawyers with ACLU pedigrees being “a different breed of cat”. Whatever it was we thought Judge Ginger was the … Continue reading “She’s an enigma wrapped in a riddle: Judge Ginger”

Wednesday afternoon quick hits

Many of you folks know yesterday’s post on Tim Whitmer trying to get the ol’ Felony Waiver from the Louisiana DOI made yesterday evening.  I thought the link was nice. Along those lines we’ve picked up a fan at Firedoglake and were linked in yesterday’s news roundup.  I thought that was nice too. Judge Ginger … Continue reading “Wednesday afternoon quick hits”

The crushing of Big D continues as Hendrikus “Hank” Ton cops a plea and agrees to squeal

So now that Dominick “Big D” Fazzio’s brother in law Mark Titus has gone down in flames left to prepare for his upcoming trial with Big D from the pokey the newest defendant in the various alleged Fazzio criminal schemes, Hendrikus “Hank” Ton has copped a plea and agreed to testify against Fazzio, whose legal plight … Continue reading “The crushing of Big D continues as Hendrikus “Hank” Ton cops a plea and agrees to squeal”

Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: The crushing of Mark Titus begins with “Big D” on deck. Henry Mouton gets a cookie

Manuel Torres at NOLA Media Group has the latest on Titus: Aiming to stay on the offensive in the River Birch probe, federal prosecutors are preparing a new indictment to pile on additional charges – and perhaps add new defendants – as early as Thursday, according to court testimony and sources close to the probe. … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: The crushing of Mark Titus begins with “Big D” on deck. Henry Mouton gets a cookie”

Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay

The latest development in the Mark Titus saga could greatly hinder the prosecution of his brother-in-law Dominick “Big D” Fazzio, whom Titus supposedly dropped the dime on.  Per the T-P’s Gordon Russell, Titus continued breaking the law, which in turn violated his plea deal.  One wonders if Titus has simply fallen on his sword but … Continue reading “Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay”

Getting “there first with the most”: Self Admitted Felon Frank Fradella gives mucho bundled campaign cash to Mayor Half Moon.

For true folks he did as Hammerman points out today for the T-P.  He joins the River Birch Landfill people financially supporting Half Moon, who were bundlers from way far back as we reported back in February 2011.  Another serial bundler, prominent uptown class action lawyer Calvin Fayard was not mentioned today but no doubt will … Continue reading “Getting “there first with the most”: Self Admitted Felon Frank Fradella gives mucho bundled campaign cash to Mayor Half Moon.”